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So while I'm waiting for Microsoft to fix my friend's 360, there's still the small chance that it won't work. Even if it does, my friend took the harddrive for his new one.

Here's my dilemma. Assuming it doesn't work (the thing's been modded and we're way out of warranty, lol), I kind of want an Xbox now. Either way, it looks like I'm going to be dropping $300.

The 360 is $200 + $100 for a 120gb harddrive. The Elite, which is prettier ( :wub:) is $300 but comes with the hard drive.

I heard that the Elite can't be modded to play burned games? Anyone know if this is true?

I'm by no means a gamer, I'm still using my PS2 from when I was like 8. But nowadays I have massive amounts of time to kill, and all my friends who live far away do this, so.. yeah.

Help teh poor gamer noob?

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Yes, it is, but that kind of a venture requires thousands of dollars worth of sprite animation technology, tens of thousands of man-hours for R&D, and hundreds of people for testing in order to get it to work right, plus in order to avoid copyright infringement, you have to buy a license to publish it with Microsoft, which could run upwards of fifty thousand dollars. So yes, it's possible that you're on the up-and-up. But not likely.

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It's unlikely, however not impossible, that I have friends/family members in charge of Xbox game design. Technically irrelevant, but I actually know two people who work for EA and create actual games. There's tons of game design schools out there, and amateur game making isn't impossible. It's not copyright infringement if I design an entirely new game which just happens to work on my console. You can play DVDs on it (er, does Xbox do that? PS2/3 does) without getting sued.

More likely, however, is that I back up my games on burned copies in case the original copy ever gets scratched/stolen/lost. If that's illegal, that's stupid.

Legal issues aside (I really don't care if I void my warranty), can the Elite be modded?

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It's unlikely, however not impossible, that I have friends/family members in charge of Xbox game design. Technically irrelevant, but I actually know two people who work for EA and create actual games. There's tons of game design schools out there, and amateur game making isn't impossible. It's not copyright infringement if I design an entirely new game which just happens to work on my console. You can play DVDs on it (er, does Xbox do that? PS2/3 does) without getting sued.

More likely, however, is that I back up my games on burned copies in case the original copy ever gets scratched/stolen/lost. If that's illegal, that's stupid.

Legal issues aside (I really don't care if I void my warranty), can the Elite be modded?

My friends are taking a game design class and the games they made in 6 months aren't exactly up to par with the 360. I still wouldn't mod your console, if you need any repair or maintenance, your screwed :P

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I enjoy playing my super crappy games, thanks. ;P Easy to beat, haha.

Eh, if I can mod it, I can unmod it. Craigslist has a bunch of console fixing ads in my area.

Regardless of it I mod it, I can't do so without a console, so, point of thread: What should I buy? lol

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Okay, after an extensive conversation with a guy in GameStop, I learned not to mod my console if I want to play online. Since that's the entire reason I'm buying it.. I'm probably going to go with the Modern Warefare 250gb hard drive. It comes with an extra controller and a game I'd actually play and over double the hard drive of the Elite that comes with the Lego Batman and some ATV game.

It's kind of pretty.


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It's unlikely, however not impossible, that I have friends/family members in charge of Xbox game design. Technically irrelevant, but I actually know two people who work for EA and create actual games. There's tons of game design schools out there, and amateur game making isn't impossible. It's not copyright infringement if I design an entirely new game which just happens to work on my console. You can play DVDs on it (er, does Xbox do that? PS2/3 does) without getting sued.

Microsoft is a fan of proprietary software, and the XBox includes it. Because of that, no game will run unless specifically licensed...or unless you steal the code that allows them to run.

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Yeah, learned that yesterday. Pretty much, if they find out your system has been modded, they'll turn it into one large and expensive paperweight. I still think it's possible to create burned games that run, instead of changing the entire system (which has a way larger room for error!), but I haven't figured it out yet.

Apple > Microsoft. Forever and always. :P

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In the computer world...

Linux > Apple > Microsoft

So HA!

I own a PS2, and a 360. I do not have any of the answers to your questions. =/ I think the best consoles on the market are now the PS2 and PS3 (but at the time I bought the 360, the PS3 was way more expensive and fewer games... and Gears of War 2 had just come out).

Also, my 360 has no hard drive, because I saw no good reason to get a 360 with a hard drive if all I wanted to do was play games. (To anyone who has a memory card: try to avoid the New Xbox Update if you can!)

I have a friend or two who have modded the PS2 before, but I've never heard of Xbox modding... =/

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PS2's can be modded no problem. Mainly because I'm not interested in online play for them. :P

Yeah, my cousin and dad are trying to convince me to buy a PS3 instead.. But I want to get it to talk to friends, and more of my friends have Xbox than PS3.

The reason I'm going for 250mg instead of 120mg is because I'm waiting for the update where games go full body. It senses where you are/what you do, and it's supposed to be awesome. The Xbox version of the Wii (and the only thing keeping me from getting a Wii).

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And another beautiful fact is that the PS3 has free online play, which means if you get a PS3 instead of 360, you're pockets won't be as emptied AND you won't have to feed the evil beast that is Microsoft a monthly or annual fee


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Yeah, Projects Natal (thanks P4P) definitely makes Xbox > PS3 for me. Live is only $50 a year. I'll just ask my mom to cover it. "...Hey mom, remember I when played Runescape? ...And then I stopped playing for two years and you were still paying for membership? It's like that, you won't even notice it. :D" That *should* work.

I'll just have to buy myself a few more Apple Products (eek, still need Snow Leopard and want that cool new mouse) to even things out. ..Sort of want a job. ...Sort of way too lazy. >_>

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Heard of Project Natal, and I'm not the slightest bit interested, but to each their own. I just gotta give one last attempt at swaying your mind:


Uncharted 2!

God of War 3!

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Halo! Gears of Wars! Talking to my friends! You have a 360... We could be gamer buddies! =o

Orr, I buy a 360 *now*, and in a few years, I buy the PS4 if/when it comes out. Man, I feel old. I remember Segas and N64s.. And gameboys! Those were the days..

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Dude, I remember Super Mario and Donkey Kong. Best games ever, but I was so little I sucked at both, haha. My cousin and I never even got Donkey Kong on two player mode.. you had to go around taking pictures of fairies for it to work and we couldn't find any =/.

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Heard of Project Natal, and I'm not the slightest bit interested, but to each their own. I just gotta give one last attempt at swaying your mind:


Uncharted 2!

God of War 3!

Little big planet is to short, and often has unresponsive controls. I have constantly asked myself, why did he do that?

Uncharted isn't my type of game, it could be appealing to some people.

God of war three is a bad version of DMC :P

Plus xbox has gears of war,halo, fable, saints row and many more.

Finaly, the xbox live is $50 a year but, you get a lot more for your money. I have seen PSN and it is average at best.

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Fable looks kind of stupid. Assassin's Creed!

Meh, buying the regular Xbox Elite (120gb) tomorrow. Looked around today, and can't find the 250gb version ANYWHERE.

Lego Batman and that ATV game any good? :dry:

*edit* You can get DMC for PS2 and PS3 too.

Edited by Izzy
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God of war three is a bad version of DMC :P

You did NOT just saw that.

And I don't think there's a point to Saints Row if you have GTA (though Crackdown looks definitely worth it, but I don't remember if it's an exclusive)

But yeah, you have a point about Gears and Halo and Fable

As for being gamer buddies... I have no Live. Which is one reason I'm getting a PS3 before long, lol

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