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I’m the rarest of my kind

Don’t you know,

To have both parts

Is to be like a god

Everyone says bad thing of me

But why should I care

Maybe they’re jealous,

But I don’t care.

My father is my grandfather

And I am his daughter and granddaughter.

I can make my own children

Even if that would be different,

But that’s what I want,

For them to be free of sin.

For they were not conceived through intercourse.

I am their father and their mother.

Bonus point for the one who gets the title of the book i got this out of!!!

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redneck siamese twins??

:mellow::lol: HAHAHA that is a good one, but not it.... this is a single person, not someone who is attached to another one... but still, funny (but not funny at the same time) answer:excl: :lol: ha-hum.. i mean :ph34r::mellow::lol:

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No need to say no. I already know that it is wrong. Just something that has been stuck in my head all day.



No Offense to anyone.



in my opinion anyway. Bad humor, I know. :duh:

No clue as to the riddle as I have never read that author's books.

hey the name to that book was the vision. it's pretty short, so it shouldn't take to long to read. if you read it... i hope you like it.

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ok ok, i guess we need a hint to get this one flowing... i already said the closest answer so far, and i can tell you the book name, but no one get's the extra point,.... hmm


hope that helps you guys... and i think this is a obvious answer, but you guys may not. just keep trying, and next page i will give a new clue as to what the answer is.

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Chris...i googled the books title. I looked over 4-5 reviews from the book.

I can only find the "over view" The only thing it tells..........

about anything related to you riddle is a quasi-vampire.

No terms are named in the reviews that I can find. Sry

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Chris...i googled the books title. I looked over 4-5 reviews from the book.

I can only find the "over view" The only thing it tells..........

about anything related to you riddle is a quasi-vampire.

No terms are named in the reviews that I can find. Sry

hmm... i never said that searching the book would help with the riddle, because you have to read the book to get the answer... it's almost at the very end... well.. maybe i should add some lines... but i can't think of anything.... hmm... maybe...

i'm a boy,

and i'm a girl,

but when you look at me,

i am only one of them.

most people think of me,

and they think,

that i am horrible,

probably just because i am different,

not because of who i am,

but of what i am.

sorry if that doesn't help, but i think it should help...

i guess this could be considered a common subject, or at least where i come from, people make fun of this almost everyday... it is horrible, because they don't even care if the person they talk about has feelings or not... well that was a little bit :offtopic: but it might have helped you guys get the answer.

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1. hermaphrodite- born with "both" male and female parts

2. transvestite- is one sex but chooses to dress as the other.

3. morphodite- "comic" pronunciation, of hermaphrodite.

Chris, from both the riddle and the additional verses

you have given there is only one thing it can be....

Edited by Juskiknback
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1. hermaphrodite- born with "both" male and female parts

2. transvestite- is one sex but chooses to dress as the other.

3. morphodite- "comic" pronunciation, of hermaphrodite.

Chris, from both the riddle and the additional verses

you have given there is only one thing it can be....

omg i was being mislead... i feel so ashamed right now. without the small grin :blush: that is what i was doing... you just flushed me.... i guess it would be hermaphrodite... in the book, i could have swore they said transvestite.... omg i just have to go check, and when i get back, i will tell you what they said in the book... but for now, you are the winner, inless someone wants to go searching for the first person who said hermaphrodite... omg i am so so sorry...

Edited by chrispen
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thanks... *sniff* i am just frustrated that i could have read that book wrong... and it was a good book too... ohh well... as someone said before me "live life to it's fullest, even if there are mistakes along the way!"

Edited by chrispen
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WooHoo!!! Thought I was losing my edge for a minute there.... B))

Nice riddle Chris, now I don't feel quite as silly about the whole M&M mix-up... Just shake it off and move on to the next one :D

:o how could you!!!??? i was sadly mistaken about that answer.... ok!!!??? jk jk i was really surprised to learn i did that....:duh: and i was really blushing on this side, and some people asked me what for... :blush: of course i told them nothing, but it was still uber embarrassing.... :lol::lol: and your riddle wasn't that bad, i mean, i was so close to getting the answer, but nooo... -_- some stranger had to go and answer it for me... ^_^:rolleyes: lol.. all of this on here, besides the blush and uber part, are meant to be sarcastic. no offense to anyone.

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:lol: HA HA HA!!!!!! :lol: what a crazy ride to a riddle!!!

good one :thumbsup:

thanks.. but someone doesn't like me... they keep giving me negative points... :( like on this one, comment number 35, someone gave me a negative rep... well :thanks: for saying it's a good one. ^_^

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Chris...........I did not mean to give you the IMPRESSION that I didnt like you.

I try never to pass judgement on anyone here at the DEN...I was just merely

stating the obvious, and giving the three options in the answers that it could

of been. Chris I am an "older" lady. I have NO reason to try to make anyone

look..anyway. And if someway...my answering your riddle with the answers

I gave................cause you hurt then I appologize.

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Chris...........I did not mean to give you the IMPRESSION that I didn't like you.

I try never to pass judgment on anyone here at the DEN...I was just merely

stating the obvious, and giving the three options in the answers that it could

of been. Chris I am an "older" lady. I have NO reason to try to make anyone

look..anyway. And if someway...my answering your riddle with the answers

I gave................cause you hurt then I apologize.

ooh no... can't even think right now.... umm.. you didn't do anything to hurt me, you helped me. i didn't want to give out the impression that i was hurt, i was just on shock, because my memory of books is usually absolute. sorry if i made it seem like that, but i was just super embarrassed at myself... :ph34r: your answers were great, by the way, and if it weren't for you, this wouldn't be solved yet. i :thanks: you for that...

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thanks.. but someone doesn't like me... they keep giving me negative points... sad.gif like on this one, comment number 35, someone gave me a negative rep... well thanks.gif for saying it's a good one. happy.gif

I thought I should say "sorry" since my comment was "number 35".blush.gif

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I thought I should say "sorry" since my comment was "number 35".blush.gif

huh.gif you were #34, chris was #35 biggrin.gif apparently he was mad at himself for the mix up laugh.gif

Edit: it is very easy to accidentally hit the negative rep button when you are trying to click the multiquote or reply button if you aren't paying attention.... probably all that happened rolleyes.gif

Edited by dyalDragon
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huh.gif you were #34, chris was #35 biggrin.gif apparently he was mad at himself for the mix up laugh.gif

Edit: it is very easy to accidentally hit the negative rep button when you are trying to click the multiquote or reply button if you aren't paying attention.... probably all that happened rolleyes.gif

yeah i was trying to see why someone would think that my reply was bad, and then i was like "ohh maybe someone did it on accident... oops! :rolleyes: no need to get sad (or mad) at an accident."

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