In the game of Mathematical Hangman
one player makes up an arithmetic
problem which the other player tries
to solve by asking whether certain
digits occur in the various rows and
columns. If the digit does not
appear in the announced row or
column, a part of the body is placed
on the gallows. In a particular
game one player made up a
multiplication problem which fit
into a 6x6 square; i.e., at least
one digit touched each side of the
square. Inspired guessing has
elicited the information that in
column F, 2 and 7 occur but 4 does
not; in column E, 3 and 4 occur but
9 does not; in column D, 6 and 9
occur but 3 does not; in row J, 1
and 6 occur but not 8; in row K, 4
and 8 occur, but not 1; in row L, 1
and 2 occur, but not 7. The
guessing participant is just one
step away from being hanged. Can
you save him by constructiong the
problem with no more guesses?
G x x x x x x
H x x x
I x x x x x x
J x x x x x x
K x x x x x x
L x x x x x x
Row H has 3 digits without a
leading zero. At least one of the
lines G, I, J, K, and L has no
leading zeros.