Consider the following two-player
game: Each player secretly chooses
a positive integer. The integers
are revealed simultaneously. The
object of the game is to choose an
integer which is either exactly one
larger than your opponent's integer
(in which case, your opponent pays
you $2) or which is at least two
smaller than your opponent's integer
(in which case, your opponent pays
you $1). If you both choose the
same number, the game is a draw and
no money changes hands. So, for
example, if A picks 6 and B picks 5,
B gives A $2; if A picks 6 and B
picks 2, A gives B $1; if A picks 6
and B picks 7, A gives B $2; if A
picks 6 and B picks 8, B gives A $1.
What is the optimal stratagy for
playing this game? Why?