Having given a shamefully incorrect knee-jerk answer to howardl1963's great little puzzle, "Guessing Coins", I would like to offer a
slight modification which, I think, points out the richness of this little gem. I hope howardl1963 doesn't mind that I have taken
his statement very nearly verbatim:
Bob offers Jim and Jack a gamble. Jim and Jack are allowed to discuss a strategy before hand, but won't be able to communicate in any way afterwards.
Jim and Jack will be put in separate rooms, with 1 fair coin each. Bob will go into one room, and ask Jim to flip his coin. He will then ask Jim to predict the result of the upcoming flip by Jack.
Bob will then go into Jack's room. He will ask Jack to flip his coin. He will then ask Jack to guess what Jim flipped. If BOTH of them guessed right, they each have to give Bob 10 dollars. If EITHER
of them are wrong, Bob will give them 1 dollar each. Should they accept the gamble?