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Everything posted by peace*out

  1. peace*out

    I got this now!! - I think...
  2. peace*out

    oh....... thanks!!!
  3. peace*out

    I heard 2 stories... ...the first about a woman who had coffie, and spilled it on herself (it was mcdonalds coffee or something like that), and she sued the resterant/fast food place because the cup didn't say 'contents are hot', or something like that... ...the second one (i dont know if this is true, or not) was about a burgular who went into a home, and he was climbing up the stairs, and his foot went through the second stair. He sewed the homeowners for the injury he sustained.... Crazy...
  4. peace*out

    a blind man? not that he was stupid, he just couldn't see... Probobly the MickyD's employees (nooo offence) (thats what i call McDonalds)
  5. yes and yes So....What is the second line....?
  6. How did you get 128? It is different from what everyone else got...I'm just trying to figure out how to do this. By the way - I'm a 7th grader....
  7. peace*out

    I know!! Smart Lisa!! "Feet....killing....we need to go save Bart!" ok..... Let me adjust to the new rules...
  8. spooky month a hard shell protecting skin 'e' what we are, along with a lizard not yes
  9. peace*out

    red orange yellow
  10. peace*out

    Then i will play - just be prepared for some idiot who gives everything away....
  11. peace*out

    I'll try - wait! when does it start??
  12. peace*out

    um...no similarities??
  13. peace*out

    I would sign up, but i might need help - I dont watch fox, and have never played mafia before...
  14. peace*out

    What is a portal anyways...??
  15. peace*out

    The updated list: earthquake extracurricular apostrophe Superiority pleasing wonderous environment ludicrous miscelanneous earthworm stratosphere prejudice correcting righteous pillowcase wonderful incubator predominate powerful collander grateful -underfoot -exuberant -microwave -extraordinary -reaymond
  16. peace*out

    I passed it on, along wiht the roster and a copy to AAA.
  17. peace*out

    main underfoot star_tiger
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