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Prof. Templeton

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Everything posted by Prof. Templeton

  1. tell me if you want an explanation...... In this scenario the Gods would answer thus: H - N to Question 1, N to Question 2 S - Y to Question 1, Y to Question 2 R - Y to Question 1, Y to Question 2 Possible responses to the three questions would then be: H&S - NNY H&R - NNY S&H - YYN S&R - YYY R&H - YYN R&S - YYY So besides the randomcant and the swindlecant having the same responses to the questions, because the words for "yes" and "no" are unknown we cannot distinguish between NNY and YYN.
  2. Prof. Templeton

    Do you have an answer to my above question, jsai3334?
  3. That's it! Well done! That's why there's no Zero needed on the keypad. Pretty simple once you know it. Edit: Slight change in wording.
  4. If he says no to the F.P.'s plan the ghost will offer him the same thing that she just did, so where's his incentive to agree. I'd give him 2 pieces instead of 1.
  5. I'm sure this has been posted in some form or another, but in the spirit of Halloween here goes... A Fairy princess, a Ghost, a Goblin, a Mummy, and a Vampire all sat down to split up their accumulated wealth a Halloween candy. It was agreed that they would proceed alphabetically and make a proposal on how to divide the candy. If the proposal received a majority vote in favor, it was accepted and put into action. If the proposal failed to get a majority of votes the person making the suggestion would lose their voting privilege and the next person alphabetically on the list would get a turn. All persons are completely greedy and completely logical. How does the Fairy princess’ propose the candy be split?
  6. No. Nothing like that. You wouldn't be able to figure out the last code if this were the case. Any hints would be greatly appreciated O.K. It actually is pretty simple once you know how the words are translated. Nope. There is more then one step involved. The burglar knew the arch bishop converted the words to numbers. Somehow. Then using what he knew about the acrch bishop (the same as what we know) the burglar supposed that the arch bishop may have further complicated the codes, but the final step still eluded him until he wrote out what he suspected the arch bishop would have done and compared that with the codes he knew. Pride => {a number} => {same number expressed in a new way} => 2112
  7. Prof. Templeton

    I've got a list of numbers created with 4 fours that goes from 1 to 40,000 with only 5 missing entrys. I downloaded it last year when this same question was posted if anyones interested. FYI.
  8. One of those is correct ;P Yep. Nope. That is meaningful. Good catch.
  9. ...The list of sins changed...I can only assume the list you the Arch Bishop uses is the modern one since he is a computer whiz, but it is worth clarification...
  10. Prof. Templeton

    I can think of two scenarios
  11. Well done. You guys have got them all.
  12. Nope. Just a translation of the seven sins into numbers.
  13. The cat burglar had been patiently staking out the arch bishop’s extravagant residence when his fortitude finally paid off. His planted microphones had overheard the arch bishop tell his wife that the code to the safe was still based on the seven deadly sins. The burglar’s previous intelligence had told him the code changed every day of the week so the seven sins made sense. His job wasn’t going to be easy. The arch bishop was a computer nut as well as a religious one who had inherited vast wealth before reaching his high status in the church, so his security was top-notch. He used his wealth to acquire rare religious artifacts that the burglar had been commissioned to relieve him of. And he only had one week left to get the job done. After finding out about the code based on the seven deadly sins the burglar had planted an electronic recorder near the safe’s access panel that would relay back to him the entered code for that day. The panel had nine buttons numbered from 1 to 9. On the seventh day he should know what the final code would be by process of elimination. That was the day he would have to strike because the arch bishop made sure all his staff attended mass and the house would be empty, protected only by the security system. But he wasn’t worried about electronics. Day one: Coded entered: 123 "How did this relate itself to one of the seven sins?" He would have to think about it. Day two: Code entered: 1213 "This was getting interesting." Day three: Code entered: 1411 Day four: Code entered: 1421 "What the heck was going on here?" Day five: Code entered: 1321 Day six: Code entered: 2112 The time to act came on day seven, but the burglar was still no closer to cracking the code. He pondered on all he knew about the arch bishop and the previous codes. Finally, “Ah-ha!” and he sprung into action. What is the final code?
  14. An acquaintance of mine once invented an instrument that can detect the presence of containers for burning incense. The man from Georgetown claimed he was given divine inspiration to predict the future excess revenues over a company’s outlay. As Alex and Aaron arrived at the Heights to settle their quarrel with a prearranged fight, they found another pair was also there for the same reason. The farmer wasn’t sure, but he felt his cereal grass was mocking him with its sarcasm. This time of year, some places will lay out intricate patterns of pathways through their fields of large eared kernel bearing stalks. The truth was, Peter was good at his job as an ore extractor, but all the other employees had more time in. My neighbor’s propane furnace developed a gas leak and exploded causing the metal chimney to be ejected through the roof and become airborne. The actor didn’t have a very good memory so he would visualize a list of prompts in order to know when to say the appropriate lines. It may have been impressive looking, but for a object of worship it sure didn’t do much but sit there.
  15. Prof. Templeton

    I'm not sure I understand about the hyphen. Are you saying the two characters on either side, plus the hyphen in between them, would represent one letter?
  16. Prof. Templeton

    That answer does give an integer, I can't get excel to cooperate to give me all answers leading up to that and I'm losing my patience with it. Did you guys use a different approach or program?
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