Okay, since Sylar is dead, Peter's main purpose is discovery, since his interactions in the Night Post are all described by their role. So Itachi-san should visit one of these ppl tonight: PG, Kat, or CP, as they're the silent ones. PM's slowness in responding makes me think he is plotting...Molly should be able to answer my questions easily. I think we should inject him...hopefully we'll get Candice or the Haitian ;P. Or Itachi can choose to go for PM tonight and we can inject one of the other three. Itachi-san, please let us know who you're going after ahead of time.
Anyways, Nathan protect Itachi-san, DL and Claire protect me unless Candice or the Haitian gets injected.
Edit: Unless Parkman wants to give us a little hint so we can protect him .