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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Oooh...very good, partner! You're very close...
  2. Gaaah....no clues, except to secrets in the storyline! Y-S4N didn't clean up the scene for the same reason it turned off the alarms for Zero to enter the Genevron building...it knew what would happen and it wanted to let it happen! This should be interesting, mused Y-S4N...
  3. No, there was no mini-recorder, like I said, nothing in the room that wasn't stated in the problem...(besides, like, air, of course)
  4. Yoruichi-san

    Haha...I love it!
  5. Lol...actually I had a building like that in my college...;P
  6. I think that about covers it. Nope, there was nothing in the room that I didn't write about...
  7. After his mysterious disappearance from Affinion 7 in M4F14, Y-san and PG decided to pay a visit to Bb to make sure he was alright. PG had also conceded to bake some of her famous vote winning brownies to bring along. Bb lived in an all-male house, and when two cute girls bearing brownies arrived, they were immediately swarmed by his house-mates. After a few minutes the girls somehow managed to extract themselves. "Where is Bb?" asked PG, holding what remained of the brownies high over her head. Bb's roommate replied "Oh, he's upstairs, studying in the library room." the roommate frowned. "Actually, he's been in there for awhile...I wonder if somethings wrong?" The roommate led the way up the stairs and down the hall to the library room. The door was closed and the roommate knocked and then turned the doorknob. Suddenly, they heard a shout from inside. "Don't come in!" With an alarmed look on his face, the roommate flung over the door. There was a crash in the dark room followed by choking sounds. The roommate stumbled and fell on the ground. Y-san felt along the side of the room until she found the light switch. Turning on the lights, she saw Bb's body dangling from a rope in the middle of the room. She yelled for help as she hurried towards him. Immediately some of the other housemates came to help cut him down, but they were too late, he was dead. The floor was strewn with books. At one the side of the room, there was a desk. On the other side of the room there were two bookshelves. In the middle of the room, there was a stool by where the body had hung. One of it's legs had broken off. "Wow," commented PG, "I guess he was really depressed about getting killed off in M4F14..." "No," Y-san interrupted. "This wasn't suicide, it was murder." Later on, the law which Bb had devoted himself to convicted his murderer.
  8. No, the buildings are around a square, and there's a pond in the middle and PG and I can't run across water ;P
  9. ******SIGH****** Read post #714!!!
  10. Lol...I think the "lump lying" was less of a clue than the "long hairy black legs" which shot out from the body...
  11. *SIGH* Okay, before ppl start jumping at nonexistent clues, let me say this: The female is a NPC, its part of the storyline! Seven targeted Bb, that is why he died. There are no clues to the game, like I've said many times before. But there may be clues to secrets in the storyline...;P
  12. Uhh...not really, there were different buildings that were connected...but it shouldn't matter...
  13. Lol...that's totally not what I was talking about...;P
  14. I'm exhausted...I hope I didn't miss anything... And the links: Rules and Intro: The Storm Arrives Night One: Phaze Phases Out Day One: 2B or not 2B Night Two: Overcooked Chicken Day Two: The End of the Beginning Night Three: Flowers for the Dead
  15. NIGHT THREE Bug Spray After a hard day's work, Ben Law tidied up his desk and turned off the holoscreen of his computer. He stood up and pushed in his chair before walking away from his cubicle. On his way out of the office, he passed by the doorway to the main room of the nanotech manufacturing plant. He stopped and waved to the technician, who was putting away the day's finished products. "I'm heading out!" he called to the technician. "Yeah, I'm heading out too in a few minutes!" the technician called back. He waved as Ben Law turned to leave. The technician waved his hand over the sensor to close the cabinet that stored the products and filled out the appropriate blanks on his holo-clipboard. Then he pressed the button to turn off the projection of the holo-clipboard, leaving a small black cube in his hand. He walked into a side room and placed the cube next to several other identical cubes. Finally he turned off all machines and all the lights using the hand sensors and exited the plant. Meanwhile, Ben Law was walking along his usual route home when he came upon a large smattering of glass shards on the sidewalk. He paused and looked up to see a large jagged hole in one of the apartment units on the fourth floor. Strange, he thought, I wonder what happened here? Oh well, Y-S4N or L1S will probably send maintenance bots over to clean it up soon. He shrugged and continued on his way. As he turned the corner, his eye fell on another strange sight. There was a large lump lying in the middle of the street. As he approached, he recognized the lump as a humanoid form. "Hey, you alright?" he asked loudly. There was no response. He bent down and scrutinized the body. The limbs were limp like those "rag-dolls" he had read about in the history files. The neck was twisted in an impossible position and the features of the face were contorted. Ben Law carefully reached out a hand to shake the man's shoulder. The body didn't move. Ben Law breathed in and was about to stand up when suddenly the man's eyes opened wide. This startled Ben Law and he fell backwards onto his behind. A long, hairy black leg shot out of the body. Then another, and another and another. Ben Law's eyes widened in fear as the alien creature loomed over him. The ferocious creature folded out the flaps of its mouth, displaying concentric circular rows of razor sharp fangs. It lowered what must have been its head towards Ben Law until its colored teeth were directly in front of Ben Law's eyes. He cringed as the pungent smell of its breath reached his nose. Ben Law closed his eyes. Would this be the end? As he waited for his demise, Ben Law began to notice that another smell was mixing in with the rancid smell of the creature's breath. The new smell was herbal and refreshing, and it was getting stronger. He opened his eyes to see...a bouquet of flowers in between him and the creature? The creature shrank back, letting out a high pitched whine. The fragrance of the herbs tortured its sensitive olfactory glands. The creature thrashed its long legs about wildly in the air. For a moment, Ben Law thought he would be crushed, but instead the creature turned and scurried away. Ben Law breathed in a deep sigh of relief and turned to thank his savior. But the person was gone. All that was left in the street was a spray of herbs and pink flowers. Sitting Down on the Job As GC headed home after a successful night, he began humming to himself. Thank the AIs, he thought cheerfully, I've been having good fortune! As he passed by the nanotech manufacturing plant, he noticed that the lights were on and he heard the hum of machinery working. That's odd. He pondered it for a second, then shrugged and continued on his way. Well, I guess someone must be burning the midnight oil! GC walked by a watch bot patrolling the streets. He nodded to it and it passed him without incident. A moment later, he saw Taliesin heading in the opposite direction on the other side of the street. GC smiled and waved. Taliesin waved back and hurried along. Next, GC passed by the Neon-7 sign of the Pizza Pi Palace. He realized he was a little hungry, but unfortunately, it was several hours past closing. GC began to think about what he would eat. He was something of a gourmand, and soon he was lost in his ruminations. "Oof!" GC cried as he tripped over an object in his path. Rubbing his shin, he looked at what he had fallen over. It was a chair. Who would leave a chair in the middle of the sidewalk? GC wondered. Since his leg was hurting and he was somewhat tired from walking, GC decided to take a seat in the chair. He lifted his pant leg to inspect the damage. There was no blood, but he knew there would be one h3ll of a bruise in the morning. Well, he'd better get up and head home so that he could put some 01ntm3nt on it. GC pulled his pant leg back into place and stood up...or at least, he tried to. But instead, he fell over, since there were now bands constraining his legs to the legs of the chair. Where did those come from? he wondered, bewildered. Unfortunately for him, all his questions were answered in the next moment as the form of the chair shimmered and morphed...into a M4F14. The M4F14 shadow chair stretched to cover and trap GC by the neck. Then it elongated vertically and finally solidified to reveal something GC vaguely remembered reading about in the history files. If his memory was correct, it was called...a guillotine. As Taliesin walked into his apartment building unit, he though he heard what sounded like a blade whirling through air and a slicing sound. He shook his head. It had to be his imagination. He rode the elevator up to the fourteenth floor where his apartment unit was. As he got out of the elevator, he noticed the sliding electronic door of his apartment unit opening and closing rythmetically. By the wires sticking out, he could see that someone had broken the sensor panel. Taking advantage of when the door was in the open state, Taliesin slid into his apartment unit. He groaned at what he saw there. It had been ransacked by the Acrobot. Resignedly, Taliesin moved over to the window to pull the curtains closed manually, and glanced out onto the city. His apartment overlooked the nanobot manufacturing plant and a movement caught his eye. He thought he had seen a figure walking out of the facility. A few moments later all the lights in the facility went dark. Chronic Indigestion Brandonb stumbled down the dimly lit street, clutching his middle. He had been having pains in his stomach for two days and the situation was getting to be unbearable. I should be more careful what I eat, he thought regretfully. Suddenly, he was aware of someone or something following him. He spun around and studied the shadows carefully. He could barely make out a figure standing a few meters away from him. "Who's there?" he called out to it. The figure stepped forward into the (artificial) moonlight. It was Seven. Oh, cr4p! Thought Bb. But he managed to stay composed in his usual demeanor. "Come on," he said in a friendly tone, "you don't want to kill me, not really. I can be so useful to you!" Bb walked up to Seven confidently and put his arm around the man's shoulder. He gave the super-soldier his most winning grin. "What you say we make a deal? I have lots to offer..." Seven's features did not change. The super-soldier simply turned his head to cast his gaze upon Bb. Then (you guessed it!), Seven grabbed Bb's neck and began to squeeze. Bb struggled, trying to loosen Seven's death grip, to no avail. Then Bb changed strategies and kicked the super-soldier as hard as he could in the gut. Seven doubled over in response to the electrical signals of self-preservation being sent through his nerves, although he felt no pain. Taking advantage of this distraction, Bb managed to throw off Seven's hold and turned and ran. A few seconds later, Seven recovered and bounded after him. Bb was fast, but he was hampered by the pain in his stomach. Seven's muscular genetically engineered legs were able to catch up with Bb within three colony blocks, just after passing the nanotech manufacturing plant. Seven tackled Bb to the ground and they rolled around (but didn't get dirty due to the meticulous maintenance of Affnion 7's streets by Y-S4N and L1S). With Bb's disadvantage and Seven's genetically engineered strength, the super-soldier had the upper hand. He overpowered and pinned Bb to the ground, then smashed his fist into the side of Bb's head, crushing Bb's cheekbone. Bb's howl of pain reverberated through the (perfectly monitored) night air. Seven lifted his arm again to deliver the final blow. Suddenly, the super-soldier was thrown off Bb by a powerful force. Bb's blurred vision could make out a form in the (artificial) moonlight. It was a humanoid female form. The super-soldier stood up from where he had been tossed, shaking his head. The female stalked up to Seven. Seven threw a punch at her with all his strength. The female effortlessly caught the super-soldier's fist and twisted it, forcefully, breaking Seven's wrist. The electrical signals for the pain Seven could not feel raced through his arm, and he crouched over. The female let go of Seven's arm. She spun around and landed a hard kick on Seven's side, sending him flying to several meters away. As Seven stood up, the self-preservation protocol that had been conditioned into him took effect. With the BioEngineer dead, there was no one left with the expertise to fix him if his body passed a certain threshold of damage. He was at that threshold, and since Genevron could not afford to lose their investment, the protocol commanded him to make his retreat. Having no will of his own, Seven did so, escaping into an alley. The female figure watched motionlessly as the super-soldier disappeared. Then she turned and stoically walked over to where Bb was. Bb had propped himself up to a sitting position. As the female approached, Bb could see that she had long flowing hair which exhibited a bluish glow in the (artificial) moonlight. But he could not make out her features, since the (holographic) moon was behind her, hiding her face in shadow. When she reached him, she extended her arm towards him. "Well, I knew someone would come to their senses and save me," Bb muttered as he lifted his own arm to take hers. But her hand passed by his without grabbing it. Her intent had never been to help him up. The female thrust her fist into his stomach. A flash of light flooded the street they were on. After the light subsided, the street was empty. They were gone. Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S Roster: 1) Frozen 2) Mekal 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 5) Ocular-Enso 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter 8) GC - DEAD [?] (killed by M4F14) 9) Nayana 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty 12) Dawh - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin 15) woon 16) Ben Law 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb - DEAD??? [?] (killed by Seven) 20) Joe's Student
  16. Yeah, that's a great idea. And I was totally thinking of making it so that if a person claimed a roll, then any saves would have a 50% chance to fail...
  17. Haha...I like sympathetic villains...or else I wouldn't watch Anime ;P Its just that I personally think that what motivates people to live normal upstanding lives isn't as interesting to write about as what motivates people to do extreme things...like murder a poor lonely Mutant... Plus, remember how I say in the rules that this is just a game...being an Innocent doesn't make a person a good person and being a Baddie doesn't make a person a bad person... Anyways, yes, this is mostly a nonsense post in response to a nonsense post. No more! Night post coming soon.
  18. Yeah, I like the idea of adding more randomness...I was actually thinking about that, so that strategies would have to be based on probabilities instead of set logical steps...like quantum physics tells us: the future is probabilistic, not deterministic...;P
  19. Yeah, I agree with Dawh about the QAs...and personally I thought he did an amazing job under the circumstances ;P But it seems the Pareto optimal strategy is for the QA target to get him/her/itself killed as soon as possible, which pretty much eliminates the QAs from the game... I do like having different baddie factions though, it makes it interesting...but maybe they should have more complex goals than just trying to kill a particular person or faction...hmmm...
  20. No, actually Dawh was Aria ...(hence the "We've found another one!") And I can't your question, sorry. Actually, the rules were changed for Mafia VI, I'm just following the same ones... Yeah, and in past games Mafia have killed off QAs as well, and they've killed off the GR (hehe)...plus to fulfill the Mimic's win condition, it has to kill off an Innocent...(or at least get one air-locked) Night Post will come later...I'm really busy today (a large part due to my slacking off the rest of this week ;P), so I won't be able to right it until this evening. I hope Aria's ending was poetic enough for you
  21. And the links: Rules and Intro: The Storm Arrives Night One: Phaze Phases Out Day One: 2B or not 2B Night Two: Overcooked Chicken Day Two: The End of the Beginning Start those PMs, ppls!
  22. DAY TWO The End of the Beginning The air of Affinion 7, which was meticulously maintained to have the optimal levels of humidity, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and trace gases, was filled with anticipation. The citizens had been denied their air-locking yesterday, and today their blood-lust was bursting forth from their veins (biological and electrical). They were taking no chances of letting the prisoner escape this time. As the guard bots led the QA down the path to the air-lock, the crowd closed in behind them. "Wait!" someone shouted. Everyone spun around, glaring at the person who had called out. Taliesin shrunk back, and meekly continued "wait, we've just found another one..." Two more guard bots dragged another figure out onto the path. They tossed this QA on the ground, next to where her compatriot was standing. The male QA offered her a hand, which she took. As he helped her up, their eyes met and he froze for a moment, staring at her face. She brushed herself off and then looked at him curiously. He shook his head. "I'm sorry," he said, shrugging, "it's just that you look so much like someone I know..." And now he did know. He now knew why his parents had known exactly what to do when the Mutant Revolution began. He now knew why they had had the secret laboratory hidden in their basement. He now knew how they had had the technology ready. He now understood how they could give him instructions to the exact point in the time-line he needed to go to. He now understood what they had meant when they had murmured to each other "I guess we didn't stop it after all, we just delayed it...". And he now understood why they had hugged him so tightly before they had sent him on his way, as if his very existence was in danger, and told him "We believe in you, son. The future is in your hands now, and we know you will do us proud." The female QA gave him a confused smile. Then she tilted her head and inspected his face more carefully. "Actually," she said slowly, "you kind of look like someone I know as well...you have the same nose and the same chin...but your eyes are completely different..." Guess you haven't looked in a mirror lately, the male QA wanted to reply. But he didn't. Instead, he offered his arm to her. Behind them, the crowd was becoming more and more impatient. They could contain their thirst for blood no longer and had begun to throng forward. The guard bots tried to keep them back, but it was a losing battle. Someone in the crowd threw a P3P51 bottle at them. The male QA moved his body forward to shield the female QA. The bottle hit him on the cheek, leaving a long scratch. "Are you alright?" asked the female QA, wiping off the blood with her sleeve. The warm (artificial) rays of the setting (holographic) sun bathed the pair in a golden glow. Their outlines shimmered in the beautiful orange light. The male QA nodded. The Mutant was dead, and everything would be alright...at least for now. And if the time-line were somehow screwed up again, well... The male QA took a deep breath of resolved and smiled slightly. The female QA smiled back in the same way. She took his arm, and they began walking together towards the air-lock. As they passed through the inner doors, the crowd cheered leeringly. As the inner doors were closed, the crowd erupted in gleeful cries. The Quantum Accelerators locked eyes with one another. Well, thought the male QA, if the time-line needs fixing again, we'll be back to do it. The cheering grew louder as CP raised her hand to push the red [OPEN] button for the outer doors. She slammed her fist down. The outer doors of the air-lock opened. As the two figures floated up into space, the sounds of the citizens of Affinion 7 faded from their ears. The two were holding each other's arms. The male QA gave the female QA a smile. It was a sad, loving smile, a smile that was familiar to the female QA. She had hoped she would be able to see that smile one last time, and her hopes had been fulfilled. The same farewell smile that prefaced her entrance into Affinion 7 also preluded her exit. The lifeless bodies of Onetruth and Dawh drifted up, up, up, and into oblivion. Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S Roster: 1) Frozen 2) Mekal 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 5) Ocular-Enso 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter 8) GC 9) Nayana 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty 12) Dawh - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin 15) woon 16) Ben Law 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb 20) Joe's Student
  23. Okay, Ocular-Enso is in for Twoaday...Day Post coming...
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