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Everything posted by unreality

  1. High Pain Tolerance means you get an extra hit point on one of the following of your choosing: HEAD, TORSO, or ALL LIMBS if gotten multiple times (there will be opportunities later to add new skills to your repertoire, and you could always double up immediately too, but I wouldn't recommend that) you can select a different option each time or the same option and just add another 1hp In more general, subjective sense, it just means your character has exactly that: a high resistance to physical pain, torture, extreme environs, etc. no: [1] Choose a race from: Tanna, Gromule, Sarzava [2] If you are Tanna, choose a Lifestyle; if you are Gromule, choose a Caste; if you are Sarzava, you are special (PM me about how to fit in your backstory) [3] Choose three Skills Sarzava are like a class in of themselves. They can fly and are very proficient with their natural weaponry, but are rare. We shouldn't have more than 1 or maybe 2 i'd say. Definitely no more than 2
  2. [it'll have to wait til tomorrow actually]
  3. framm 18 asked about some skills.... Array Archery - fire multiple arrows at most. Later we will be able to gain new skills and each time you add this skill, you get a new arrow per strike. Normally everyone fires 1 arrow at a time, so with the first attainment of this skill you can fire 2 at once and thus double your APS Climbing, Vaulting and Acrobatic Skillset - unusual for a Gromule to get, but this would make up for the slightly lesser physical prowess of the Gromules as compared to the other races, and also give you basically the ability to climb and jump around on anything. Anyone can jump a 3 ft gap but with this skill you could become a gymnast god and could climb on the mast of an airship in a whirlpool during a lightning storm Stealthy Strike - sneak up from behind and perform a powerful - and often deadly - blow that ignores the enemy's evasion abilities (but armor and stuff is still taken into account). To pull this off, circumstances must permit that the enemy is totally unaware of your existence. If they live through the sneak attack they will be very much aware of your existence after that (and any friends they may have, not to mention). This is useful for Thieves and other sneaky types Trapsetting/Disarming - a very useful skill for Thieves, Engineers and just about anyone (although Engineers usually "set" and Thieves usually "disarm", it can be quite the other way around)
  4. so the contestants should be: test1 test2 test3 hawk izzy phil backatyou dnoob rand jarze (in other words, all 10 serious non-allrock programs haha) i am going to program it to do the whole round robin tournament for me all at once and print out one huge-@ss report. First I have to do something else though, hang on
  5. alright so what kind of tourney should we have?
  6. jarze i shortened your somewhat complicated code onto a single line which does exactly the same thing else if (algoNum==10) // jarze { return (b[i-1]+1)%3; } because: if you won last game, playing the same => whatever beats the opponent's most recent move if you lost or tied last game, playing what WOULD have won => whatever beats the opponent's most recent move so either way, just play whatever beats the opponent's last move ;D anywhere HERE is the code with 11 programs (the 6 of us, three test programs, the random program, and the allrock program) // RPS by Unreality // for Brainden import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; // for use only in the "rand" test program! public class rps { public static final int ROCK = 0; public static final int PAPER = 1; public static final int SCISSORS = 2; public static final int ROUNDS = 50; public static int rpsgo(int algoNum, int i, int[] a, int[] b) { if (algoNum==0) // hawk { if (i==0) return (int)Math.pow(2,21) % 3; int[] num = new int[3]; for (int z=0; z<i; z++) { num[b[z]]++; } int x=0; if (num[0] > num[1]) { x = 0 ; } else if (num[1] > num[0]) { x = 1 ; } else { x = num[x] % 2 ; } if (num[2] > num[x]) x = 2; return (x+1)%3; } else if (algoNum==1) // test1 { if (i==0) return SCISSORS; return b[i-1]; } else if (algoNum==2) // test2 { return i % 3; } else if (algoNum==3) // test3 { int sum = 0; for (int z=0; z<i; z++) { sum += (a[z] + b[z]); } sum %= 3; return sum; } else if (algoNum==4) // izzy { // use sci until sci loses; if sci loses at i=0, discard and use sci again til sci loses // then use pap til pap loses // then rock til rock loses // then do whatever beats what they've used most if (i==0 || (i==1 && b[0]==0)) return SCISSORS; boolean lostWithRock = false; search: for (int z=0; z<i; z++) { if (a[z]==0 && b[z]==1) { lostWithRock = true; break search; } } if (lostWithRock) { // do what beats what they've done most int[] num = new int[3]; for (int y=0; y<i; y++) { num[b[y]]++; } int x=0; if (num[0] > num[1]) { x = 0 ; } else if (num[1] > num[0]) { x = 1 ; } else { x = num[x] % 2 ; } if (num[2] > num[x]) x = 2; return (x+1)%3; } else { // do what won last time, or, if lost last time, advance one from sci -> pap -> rock (2 -> 1 -> 0) return a[i-1] - (((a[i-1] - b[i-1] + 3) % 3) / 2); } } else if (algoNum==5) // phil { int[] c = new int[i*3]; int y = 0; for (int z=0; z<i; z++) { if (b[z]==0) { c[y] = 1; c[y+1] = 2; y+= 2; } if (b[z]==1) { c[y] = 1; c[y+1] = 0; c[y+2] = 2; y+= 3; } if (b[z]==2) { c[y] = 0; y++; } } return c[i+1]; } else if (algoNum==6) // backatyou { int myWins = 0; int hisWins = 0; int[] hisWinMoves = new int[3]; int[] hisLoseMoves = new int[3]; int[] hisTieMoves = new int[3]; for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) { int myMove = a[j]; int hisMove = b[j]; if(myMove == ROCK && hisMove == SCISSORS || myMove == SCISSORS && hisMove == PAPER || myMove == PAPER && hisMove == ROCK) myWins++; if(hisMove == ROCK && myMove == SCISSORS || hisMove == SCISSORS && myMove == PAPER || hisMove == PAPER && myMove == ROCK) hisWins++; if(hisWins > myWins) { hisWinMoves[hisMove]++; } else if(myWins > hisWins) { hisLoseMoves[hisMove]++; } else { hisTieMoves[hisMove]++; } } int[] myPick = null; if (hisWins > myWins) myPick = hisWinMoves; else if (myWins > hisWins) myPick = hisLoseMoves; else myPick = hisTieMoves; int max = ROCK; if(myPick[PAPER] > myPick[ROCK]) { max = PAPER; if(myPick[SCISSORS] > myPick[PAPER]) max = SCISSORS; } else if(myPick[SCISSORS] > myPick[ROCK]) max = SCISSORS; int move; if(max == ROCK) move = PAPER; else if(max == PAPER) move = SCISSORS; else move = ROCK; return(move); } else if (algoNum==7) // dnoob { if (i==0) return ROCK; int n = i; int numsub = 0; int fib = 0; int fibc = 1; int temp; while (n - fibc >= 0) { n -= fibc; numsub++; temp = fibc; fibc += fib; fib = temp; } int x = ROCK; if (i%2 == 1) { // borrowing some code from hawk here... int[] num = new int[3]; for (int z=0; z<i; z++) { num[b[z]]++; } if (num[ROCK] > num[1]) { x = ROCK ; } else if (num[PAPER] > num[ROCK]) { x = PAPER ; } else { x = num[x] % 2 ; /*pseudorandom if tie*/ } if (num[SCISSORS] > num[x]) x = SCISSORS; } return (numsub + x) % 3; } else if (algoNum==8) // rand { Random rangen = new Random(); return rangen.nextInt(3); } else if (algoNum==9) // allrock { return ROCK; } else if (algoNum==10) // jarze { return (b[i-1]+1)%3; } else return ROCK; //return ROCK; } public static String conv(int yeah) { if (yeah==ROCK) return " rock "; if (yeah==PAPER) return " paper "; if (yeah==SCISSORS) return "scissors"; return "you've got a problem"; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner inp = new Scanner(System.in); String[] names = { "hawk", "test1", "test2", "test3", "izzy", "phil", "backatyou", "dnoob", "rand", "allrock", "jarze" }; System.out.println("Welcome to R/P/S!"); for (int j=0; j<names.length; j++) { System.out.println(j + " (" + names[j] + ")");} System.out.print("First Algorithm: "); int algo1 = inp.nextInt(); System.out.print("Second Algorithm: "); int algo2 = inp.nextInt(); System.out.print("\n\n"+names[algo1]+" vs "+names[algo2]+"\n\n"); int[] ar1 = new int[ROUNDS]; int[] ar2 = new int[ROUNDS]; int[] wins = new int[ROUNDS]; for (int k=0; k<ROUNDS; k++) { ar1[k] = rpsgo(algo1, k, ar1, ar2); ar2[k] = rpsgo(algo2, k, ar2, ar1); wins[k] = ( 3 + ar1[k] - ar2[k] ) % 3; // 0 -> tie // 1 -> one wins // 2 -> two wins } int oneWins=0; int twoWins=0; for (int l=0; l<ROUNDS; l++) { System.out.println(conv(ar1[l]) + " vs " + conv(ar2[l])); if (wins[l]==1) { oneWins++; } if (wins[l]==2) { twoWins++; } } int ties = ROUNDS - oneWins - twoWins; String msg; if (oneWins > twoWins) msg = names[algo1]+" wins!!!"; else if (twoWins > oneWins) msg = names[algo2]+" wins!!!"; else msg = "It was a tie!!!"; System.out.println("\n"+names[algo1]+" won "+oneWins+" games and "+names[algo2]+" won " +twoWins+ " ~ there were " + ties + " ties"); System.out.println(msg); } }
  7. after quite a few failed tries and mathematical ponderings, I devised this: else if (algoNum==7) // dnoob { if (i==0) return ROCK; int n = i; int numsub = 0; int fib = 0; int fibc = 1; int temp; while (n - fibc >= 0) { n -= fibc; numsub++; temp = fibc; fibc += fib; fib = temp; } int x = ROCK; if (i%2 == 1) { // borrowing some code from hawk here... int[] num = new int[3]; for (int z=0; z<i; z++) { num[b[z]]++; } if (num[ROCK] > num[1]) { x = ROCK ; } else if (num[PAPER] > num[ROCK]) { x = PAPER ; } else { x = num[x] % 2 ; /*pseudorandom if tie*/ } if (num[SCISSORS] > num[x]) x = SCISSORS; } return (numsub + x) % 3; } it works, as evidenced by this fight against an all-rock opponent (to showcase the fibonacci sequencing and thus ignore the every-other twist) output: Welcome to R/P/S! 0 (hawk) 1 (test1) 2 (test2) 3 (test3) 4 (izzy) 5 (phil) 6 (backatyou) 7 (dnoob) 8 (rand) 9 (allrock) First Algorithm: 7 Second Algorithm: 9 dnoob vs allrock rock vs rock paper vs rock scissors vs rock scissors vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock scissors vs rock scissors vs rock scissors vs rock scissors vs rock scissors vs rock scissors vs rock scissors vs rock scissors vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock rock vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock paper vs rock dnoob won 23 games and allrock won 10 ~ there were 17 ties dnoob wins!!! anyway so here's the overall code with 10 different programs: though only 9 of the 10 are serious ('allrock' just plays ROCK every time)… and 4 others are test1, test2 and test3 (though I think those are actually competent tbh) and rand, with 5 actual players. Should we do a bracket tournament or round robin? EDIT: just saw JarZe 1) Unreality 2) phillip1882 3) Izzy 4) dawh 5) DarthNoob 6) JarZe hang on lemme add his code in:thumbsup:
  8. starting on it now... I have an idea of how to use a few mathematical tricks to make the code pretty light but just to clarify, the pattern stays rigid, just every other round it gets distorted and the other set of rounds in between that is normal and fixed according to the pattern?
  9. -- ATMOS -- Imagine a giant gaseous planet twice the volume of Earth but of such light density it could float in the Pacific. This is Atmos, a planet smack dab in the middle of some galaxy - perhaps the Milky Way, perhaps not, perhaps not even in the universe we know - but for the inhabitants of this gaseous giant, there is no universe except for Atmos itself. For them, Sky is Life. Sky is what they breathe, what they fly in, what they float in, what they worship. When Sky runs out and what we call Space begins, the universe ends for Atmosians. The Sky Goddess is even more sacred than the Earth God, but both of them together in an eternal copulation is what produces the brilliant light of the sun, penetrating the swirling, turbulent atmopshere of Atmos. In general the planet is densest and windiest near the Core and as you go outward along the radius it becomes increasingly calm. There are six generally classified stages of the atmosphere: * The Core: nobody knows what's inside, nobody has come out alive. Small sphere at the absolute center of Atmos * The Aeternal Storm - this is the very dangerous sphere that cloaks the Core in a near-black layer of vicious tempests and endless raging cyclones. The top of the Aeternal Storm is marked by a rolling, hissing sea of murky grey cumulonimbus tops, occasionally jettisoning plasmatic jets of vapor * Lower Aire - this large region is the dense layer directly above the upper horizon of the Aeternal Storm and tends to be filled with thick red-orange dust that casts everything in a hazy dusty light. Sunlight is just barely filtered through the rusty sky. Due to its denser gases compared to the higher Aires, the porous rock that forms Sky Islands tends to settle in the Lower Aire… nearly all sky islands have their bottom tip (or entire body) within the Lower Aire. In the Lower Aire, water is as it is on Earth * Middle Aire - the largest layer of all. Very variable. In some denser places water acts as it does in the Lower Aire, but in some places water floats and forms globules… a massive superglobule is known as the Ocean. Most life forms developed in the Middle Aire in nebulaic cauldrons of gas and aqua as well as primordial bubbles of magma that eventually became the rocky sky islands * Upper Aire - the Middle Aire and Upper Aire have a gradual tranisition, but the Upper Aire is generally regarded as being within a beautiful massive azure blue sky and shined upon by terrifically bright sunlight. The highest clouds exist near the upper layer of Middle Aire and in fact the scientific boundary between the two Aires is where clouds clump too much are no longer able to ascend * The Aetrium - Above the Upper Aire is a mysterious region known as the Aetrium. It's where Sky starts becoming sparse and the air gets harder and harder to breathe. The Aetrium is associated with psychedelic journeys as one runs out of Sky to breathe, mystical experiences and dazzling calm viewpoints of the world below. The Aetrium is characterized by its purplish dark sky speckled with stars ("sky-gems") and far-off galaxies and nebulas and aurora lights dancing at the top of the world. In general Atmos is stormiest at the Core and gets calmer and calmer the farther you go out, so the Aetrium is hauntingly calm and tranquil and quiet Let's talk about intelligent lifeforms on Atmos. There are three fundamental main races…. ** the Tanna (rhymes with Hannah) - these are essentially what we know as humans, and are known also by the term "human" but that's derogatory, used by the other races. However, there are some key biological differences from what we know as humans… for one, the Tanna have very versatile toes and are known to grip things with their feet. They also breathe Sky and need Water to live but not as often as an Earthling. Tanna are light-boned and can jump very high and tend to be lithe and athletic. The Tanna live on top of the sky islands in towering, high-altitude cities that rear to incredible heights, going all the way from the fortress bases in the Lower Aire through complex tower, bridge and platform systems in the Middle Aire up through golden spires and towertops in the Upper Aire ** the Gromules - this is a race related to the Tanna but split off the evolutionary tree a long way back. The Gromules are an underground race of dark-grey-knobbly-skinned big-bobule-nosed hunch-backed lantern-carrying troll-like beings with voracious appetites and mysterious mining rituals. They are said to sing the sky-ore out of the sky islands' innards. The Gromules have a fascination with technology and are eons ahead of the Tanna when it comes to electrical, mechanical and alchemical devices. They dig out intricate ant-like burrows deep into the rock and have an ant-like society ruled by a Queen with various castes for workers, soldiers, miners, gatherers, etc. ** the Sarzava - these are best described as giant intelligent bugs. They have very shiny smooth metallic skin forming powerful, but light, exoskeletons that enable flight. They are bipedal, roughly human in shape but with four arms not two, making them officially insects. Their heads are snakelike and their hands and feet are clawed. They have small antenna protruding from the head and are equipped with a powerful set of wide-wingspan flashy iridescent dragonfly wings that buzz at incredible rates. The Sarzava live much of their lives in the sky and have a mysterious democratic swarm-based society with no centralized leadership. Any single Sarzavi would put its life on the line for its Hive, but some Sarvani are loners and exiles and live a semi-feared, semi-revered life among the Tanna The conflict opening this story is that of a guerrilla warfare campaign being waged by the Monarchy (that's one of the largest Tanna kingdoms that has control over most of the major trade sky islands with a few notable exceptions) against a multi-race terrorist society known as the Vortex. The Vortex is said to object fundamentally to the principles of the Monarchy - which are utmost servitude to the Sky Goddess and Her Sky God. Every ten years, in a ritual known as the Crowning, these two deities are said to choose the next Monarch (whether it be male or female, there is no sexism) to rule for the decade. The Vortex oppose this ritual due to its randomness (something about the Sun shining on someone) and also other philosophies and practices of the Monarchy. It is rumored that the Vortex has been receiving supplies & funds from the United Sky Empire, a coalition of small but wealthy Tanna-run city-state sky islands floating in defense clusters near the ecuatorial region of Middle Aire. The Monarch has elected to put together a special team of operatives to sneak into the USE under the guise of tourism and infiltrate the supply chain, hoping not only to unmask the USE's deal with the terrorists (because that might shift many of the high-morals Grombule burrows' trade from the USE to the Monarchy, which feels itself slipping out of the massive might it once had) but also hoping to follow the supply chain all the way down the Vortex terrorists and infiltrate them as well. A lot of wealth and prosperity and nobility awaits those who answer the Monarch's call… but in the same vein, a lot of danger and risk lurk just out of sight… this is the only the beginning… [1] Choose a race from: Tanna, Gromule, Sarzava [2] If you are Tanna, choose a Lifestyle; if you are Gromule, choose a Caste; if you are Sarzava, you are special (PM me about how to fit in your backstory) [3] Choose three Skills Tanna Lifestyles: * Warrior * Thief * Aquamancer * Sky Merchant * Druid * Sky Pirate * Monk of the Order of Na'tuun Gromule Castes: * Emissary * Miner * Engineer * Tunnel Knight * Alchemist Skills: [pick three - Monks and Engineers pick four] * Trapsetting/Disarming * Locksmithy/Lockpicking * Inner Eye (Monk only) * Conversational Hypnosis (aka very persuasive) * High Tolerance of Pain * Disguise Aptitude / Seeing through Disguises * Lying Aptitude / Seeing through Bluffs * Magician's Hands / Escape Artistry * Dual Weapon Wield * Array Archery * Basic Medical Training (Healer gets for free) * Advanced Medical Training (Healer only) * Basic Martial Arts Training (Monk gets for free) * Freefall (Monk only) * Stealthy Strike * Climbing, Vaulting and Acrobatic Skillset * Duelist * Basic Alchemy (Alchemist gets for free) * Very Basic Aquamancy (Aquamancers get for free) Free Skills don't take away from the 3 or 4 you get to pick. If you want to know more about a skill, PM me When you PM your character to me, include your race, lifestyle/caste, skills and unique backstory… and why your character has accepted the Monarch's call to arms. Unless you are an Aquamancer or Monk, I probably wouldn't join any organizations/guilds yet. Anyway, I will give you the go ahead to post it publically. Players: Host: Unreality 1) pablos4pandas 2) Framm 3) Gmaster479 4) Medji 5) sayalzah 6) Music I don't know if you guys have played a "roleplay" before - this is not like that. This is more like Dungeons and Dragons. As the Host/DM, I control everything except you. I am the world, the universe… all you control is what your character says, thinks and does, how they act and react to the world… I control shopkeepers, enemies, the weather, gods, bacterial reproduction, and everything else. I know that such a playstyle is better suited for face-to-face communication but I think it's worth a shot here. Oh, here's the combat system:
  10. unless/until someone splits off, everyone will be part of a group. So yeah we'll start soon! Probably today. Check back frequently, I'm almost done with the OP
  11. like I said it would be simplest to tell me (or PM me) how you want it work. I'll handle the coding for you I've got the rest ready though
  12. the problem is that you can't have variables like that that continue over multiple rounds - your only data each iteration is from the moves you've done so far, the moves the other person has done so far, and the round number (i). This is why it's easiest for people to just tell me what they want their algorithm to do and I'll write the necessary code
  13. ohhh I see. Yeah your function gets called once a round... that happens for you, because I do other stuff like updating arrays and waht not... I see what you meant now - hang on...
  14. dathnoob: you have it like this: int fib1 = 0; int fib2 = 1; int roll = 0; for(int z=0; z<i; z++) { if ((i+1)%fib2 == 0) { fib2 = fib2 + fib1; fib1 = fib2 - fib1; roll = roll%3 + 1; } if (i%2 == 0) return roll; else return ((roll + b[i])%3); } with the while(rounds) thing encapsulating your whole code. Thus the program will return something after only the very first iteration. Did you mean this: int fib1 = 0; int fib2 = 1; int roll = 0; for(int z=0; z<i; z++) { if ((i+1)%fib2 == 0) { fib2 = fib2 + fib1; fib1 = fib2 - fib1; roll = roll%3 + 1; } } if (i%2 == 0) return roll; else return ((roll + b[i])%3); ? And I just have to put dawh's code in and it will be ready for some tournament-ing
  15. surely we can get more than this? Host: Unreality 1) pablos4pandas 2) Framm 3) Gmaster479 4) Medji 5) sayalzah 6) Music if not, do you think we should start soon? I want to hear some opinions
  16. i rewrote the code and made it way better, check it out: import java.util.Scanner; public class rps { public static final int ROCK = 0; public static final int PAPER = 1; public static final int SCISSORS = 2; public static final int ROUNDS = 50; public static int rpsgo(int algoNum, int i, int[] a, int[] b) { if (algoNum==0) // hawk { if (i==0) return (int)Math.pow(2,21) % 3; int[] num = new int[3]; for (int z=0; z<i; z++) { num[b[z]]++; } int x=0; if (num[0] > num[1]) { x = 0 ; } else if (num[1] > num[0]) { x = 1 ; } else { x = num[x] % 2 ; } if (num[2] > num[x]) x = 2; return (x+1)%3; } else if (algoNum==1) // test1 { if (i==0) return SCISSORS; return b[i-1]; } else if (algoNum==2) // test2 { return i % 3; } else if (algoNum==3) // test3 { int sum = 0; for (int z=0; z<i; z++) { sum += (a[z] + b[z]); } sum %= 3; return sum; } /*else if (algoNum==4) // izzy { } else if (algoNum==5) // phil { } else if (algoNum==6) // backatyou { } else if (algoNum==7) // dnoob { }*/ else return ROCK; } public static String conv(int yeah) { if (yeah==ROCK) return "rock"; if (yeah==PAPER) return "paper"; if (yeah==SCISSORS) return "scissors"; return "you've got a problem"; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner inp = new Scanner(System.in); String[] names = { "hawk", "test1", "test2", "test3", "izzy", "phil", "backatyou", "dnoob" }; System.out.println("Welcome to R/P/S!"); for (int j=0; j<names.length; j++) { System.out.println(j + " (" + names[j] + ")");} System.out.print("First Algorithm: "); int algo1 = inp.nextInt(); System.out.print("Second Algorithm: "); int algo2 = inp.nextInt(); System.out.print("\n\n"+names[algo1]+" vs "+names[algo2]+"\n\n"); int[] ar1 = new int[ROUNDS]; int[] ar2 = new int[ROUNDS]; int[] wins = new int[ROUNDS]; for (int k=0; k<ROUNDS; k++) { ar1[k] = rpsgo(algo1, k, ar1, ar2); ar2[k] = rpsgo(algo2, k, ar2, ar1); wins[k] = ( 3 + ar1[k] - ar2[k] ) % 3; // 0 -> tie // 1 -> one wins // 2 -> two wins } int oneWins=0; int twoWins=0; for (int l=0; l<ROUNDS; l++) { System.out.println(conv(ar1[l]) + " vs " + conv(ar2[l])); if (wins[l]==1) { oneWins++; } if (wins[l]==2) { twoWins++; } } int ties = ROUNDS - oneWins - twoWins; String msg; if (oneWins > twoWins) msg = names[algo1]+" wins!!!"; else if (twoWins > oneWins) msg = names[algo2]+" wins!!!"; else msg = "It was a tie!!!"; System.out.println("\n"+names[algo1]+" won "+oneWins+" games and "+names[algo2]+" won " +twoWins+ " ~ there were " + ties + " ties"); System.out.println(msg); } } darth noob is this what you mean with "while(rounds)"? else if (algoNum==7) // dnoob { int fib1 = 0; int fib2 = 1; int roll = 0; for(int z=0; z<i; z++) { if ((i+1)%fib2 == 0) { fib2 = fib2 + fib1; fib1 = fib2 - fib1; roll = roll%3 + 1; } if (i%2 == 0) return roll; else return ((roll + b[i])%3); } } I think that code has the potential to return 3, we'll see what it does if you confirm that's what you want 1) Unreality 2) phillip1882 3) Izzy 4) dawh 5) darthnoob I dont have time now but later I'll copy over the rest of the programs and put dawh's in,etc
  17. unreality

    sell the idea to someone haha. It's definitely funny but if I (or likely, anybody) saw that on a shirt I would at first assume it was expressing a geeky way to save "i love you" and if I saw the person only fleetingly I wouldn't have to time to analyze their shirt and look up the ASCII lol. But just the same I think it's an awesome idea it looks pretty professional too
  18. alright I think we should see if we can get at least one or two more people... I know there are more people out there interested, PM your buddies on here and see who we can come up with? 1) Unreality 2) phillip1882 3) Izzy 4) dawh also dawh has helped me find a few bugs in my coding, thanks man! And i've made other changes too, though I think I'm going to rewrite it all just as an exercise (and to make sure they give the same results haha). I'll keep everyone's functions that they submitted (or that I wrote according to their algorithm specifications) the same, don't worry
  19. unreality

    if the site can do it properly, then it's definitely worth a try. but: (1) it should be public. Everyone should be able to see who voted for who (2) it should be mutable. Everyone should be able to change their vote up until the time the host declares the day to be over [ edit regarding #2: although an interesting twist would be one-shot voting. You can't change after you vote - however that would make voting more serious/permanent and less about information discovery or pressure ]
  20. anyone else? I think 7-8 would be a good number
  21. unreality

    that's the root of it when it's all said and done. The money is already there... your choice now can't affect what's in the boxes. Let's say the sides of the boxes facing you are black. You have a friend that can sit on the other side and see through a clear edge into the boxes (but he cant communicate with you obviously). If any funny business goes on he'll know though and the Being will be outed. Are you expecting money to flicker in and out of the box as you waver between your decisions? What if it was a quarter of a million $ instead of a thousand... would that sway your decision? Regardless of whether the Being was right about you, he's already made his guess (or 100% correct prediction, or whatever) about what you'll do and the money is either there or it's not. So take everything. And if he did make a 100% correct prediction that you would take both boxes (and thus put zilch into the risk box) then it's not in your control anyway Just throwing hypotheticals out there ;D
  22. unreality

    b would be the chance or weighing between 0 and 1 that you give to the Being being correct about his ability to predict your actions at least for the game
  23. alright it looks like we're going with Atmos and Combat System Three... so although the poll is now closed to give me some time to prepare, we'll wait for some more people
  24. do you think we should probably have at least 6?
  25. unreality

    yeah it's a payoff matrix.... if X is the 1k value and Y is the 1m value, and 'b' is the probability of the Being being true to its word and predicting your action correctly and all, then: if you take both boxes you will win: X + (1-b)Y if you take the risk box you will win: bY the top evaluates to X + Y - bY the bottom is bY so in order to take the risk box over both then 'b' must be large enough to satisfy... bY > X + Y - bY 2bY > X + Y b > X/(2Y) + 1/2 So to pick only the risk box with 1mil [Y] and 1k [X] as the dollar amounts involved, your value of 'b' had to be approximately 50% + .05% in general, because we know X is always less than Y or the problem becomes trivial, that X/(2Y) is always going to be less than half a percent and usually a lot less, so when analyzed in full, all 'b' needs to be is greater than 1/2, NO MATTER THE DOLLAR AMOUNTS CHOSEN, and you will go with the Being's offer and take only the risk box. If the unconscious carries a similar (probably more subjective) process then the likelihood of you picking only the risk box depends on how much faith you would have in this Being's ability to predict the future and your initial assumptions about free will and supernatural entities
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