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Thorak last won the day on August 13 2014

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  1. Something ends, something begins.
  2. -38.313484,145.196624 -37.819955,144.983393 -38.313408,145.140431 -37.840062,144.893695 -37.840504,147.832598 -38.207694,145.388097 -37.845579,144.939450 -36.743535,145.514258 -37.893271,145.143658 -37.422833,144.857823 -36.001219,144.427918 -37.838197,145.031410 -37.671756,144.935741 -37.670752,144.931329 -37.717335,144.779952
  3. What's the name of the city, the brothers Toowoomba, Maseru, Caral, Pietro, Pichincha, Sukarno and Karankawa live in ?
  4. 8593, 8600, 8593, 8592, 8599, 8593, 8591, 8598 not right, try different way yeah, correct
  5. 3x0 - Enter next two members of following sequence: m, k, M, G, ?, ?. Short-time - What three letters come first in the following sequence? : ?,?,?,c,f,i,t,f,s Of cards - Uncover the three next elements of the following sequence: 8593,8600,8593,8592,8599,...
  6. Today a lot of the animal firstgraders started their school attendance in our special five classes - there are only pythons in snake´s class number 1.A, cockatiels in bird´s class 1.B, turtles in class 1.C, grasshoppers in insect´s 1.D and finally some young crusaders in spider´s class number 1.E. Most of the animals is completely normal, i.e. they have one head, snakes have no legs, birds have two legs, turtles four, insects six and spiders have eight legs. But attention ! We have one unique animal in each class - there is one three-headed python, one two-headed cockatiel, three-legged turtle, four-legged grasshopper and one firstgrader crusader has only 7 legs. Find out the number of animals in each class, if ... - All animals have together 100 heads and 380 legs - In any class is not the same number of animals - Difference between the largest and smallest class is exactly 10 animals - In class 1.D you can count twice as many legs as there are in class 1.B - In class 1.A there is the same number of heads as there is in class 1.E
  7. Thorak

    11 Letters

    No, thats not the word I am looking for
  8. Thorak


    no, there is a smaller number
  9. Find the smallest natural number, which consists of only figures 0 and 1, and is divisible by number 720 without remainder.
  10. Thorak

    11 Letters

    From all below mentioned letters create only one word: R,E,O,L,D,Y,N,O,O,N,W
  11. Thorak


    On the Planet of Flowers live huge bees. In the same way as our earthly bees they deposit honey (its extraterrestrial equivalent) into the honeycombs of the shape of regular hexagonal prism. Unfortunately our expedition during a long journey back lost notes about the measurements of these honeycombs. One member of our expedition luckily (due to the fact that he weighs 80 kg and has 11-year old son) remembers that the honeycomb was 11 cm deep and that the product of greatest distance between the corners of the base (B) and the distance of opposite walls (A) was equal to 80 (distances were measured in centimeters). Could you please calculate how many liters of honey fits into one honeycomb to cover up scandalous data loss of our expedition?
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