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Everything posted by iSpelBadlie

  1. or maybe he's not part of the village OOOOH DID"YA EVER THINK OF THAT???!!!
  2. this is possible, cause the barber could be a connected twin.
  3. if the bread is involved in a good sandwich it iz better than eternal bliss
  4. your destiny is to choose whether to go to the doctor. i think of destiny sort of like those choose-your-own-adventure books, there are some choices and different outcomes, but you cant control the exact outcome.
  5. it doesnt really take away your identity to have an exact copy of you as long as you never meet
  6. number 3: why do i work for these guys???
  7. number five: convert to kelvin scale, where it is (probably) not absolute zero outside.
  8. OOOOOHHHH i know! you can create something that you never had like someone is forcing you to make it for them so as soon as you make it it is taken out of your possesion, so you "gave" it but you never "had" it
  9. There is a company that makes and bottles failure. To generate failure, it makes a branch of a company that sells a product no one will buy. The branch is a money drain and completely failing. It is generating a lot of failure, which was actually the point of it. IS THE BRANCH FAILING OR SUCCEEDING?
  10. and since you dont specify a number, it could be negative infinity for all i care (which is also less than 23 sylables)
  11. the smallest number not specifiable using fewer than twenty-three syllables describes a number, and it is 23 syllables! there you have it.
  12. not describable by other words, because if you just used an adjetive technically you DESCRIBED it, so......???? go look up 'indescribable' in the dictionary. it says adjective: not able to be described. look up adjective: a word that describes"
  13. this happened to me in safeway once: 'unexpected item in bagging area, please remove item from bagging area', then i removed it: 'item has been removed from bagging area please return item to bagging area.'
  14. Sort of like saying, "This sentence is blue."
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