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Kikacat123 last won the day on March 23 2014

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    In a chair, held captive by the cat on my lap
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    Reading, fencing, running, reading some more. Also- math, science, writing, art, Arduino programming.

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  1. Thank you for the amazing game, y-san, and congrats to nana on winning!
  2. Let's be honest. Amazo is a bigger threat than the baddies at this point, so I vote nana.
  3. Phil: I would like some information. Who exactly are you? And if you're not comfortable with outing yourself, at least tell why you aren't a baddie or Amazo.
  4. That's a good question. He's been far too silent for my liking. I vote for Phil, and encourage him to speak up.
  5. Y-San, could I edit the last vote post to make it neater? It's kind of bugging me. Edit: never mind. I just saw Barcallica's vote post.
  6. Sorry for the above format, it's very messy. I just didn't want Y-San to have to deal with vote changes right on the hour. Edit: above, "arave" means "araver." Sorry.
  7. I'm mobile too, but here are the no color-rapid fire votes. #230 Barcallica Advanced Member Members 117 posts Gender:Male Location:Room with a View Posted Today, 08:42 PM Dr. Fate: Y-san Roster: 1) Phil1882 - voting for dee_tot 2) Nana77 - voting for plasmid 3) bonanova - voting for araver 4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched 5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains 6) onetruth - voting for arave 7) dee_tot - voting for plasmid 8) plasmid - voting for araver 9) TwoaDay - DEAD [Zatanna] lynched 10) Kikacat123 - voting for araver 11) araver - voting for plasmid 12) Barca - voting for araver I must admit, I haven't been following the game closely. And I don't have anything concrete on araver, but I don't think killing someone who just claimed and not counter claimed (well, indy seems to be counterclaiming? ?) is such a good idea. 0 Quote MultiQuote
  8. I'm changing my vote to araver. I have some intel on him that makes him a suspect. It's not definite, though. To nana: I'm curious as to your defense that you are not the Indy. If so, you aren't as big a threat as the baddies, but still worth lynching. What say you?! (LOTR reference ) Edit: Yippee! 500 posts!
  9. And my vote to Onetruth, if you could. Call it a pressure vote.
  10. Dr. Fate: Y-San 1) Phil1882 - kikacat 2) Nana77 -voting for Two-a-day 3) bonanova - voting for Two-a-day 4) tolecnal - DEAD Martian Manhunter lynched 5) flamebirde - DEAD Hawkgirl killed by Supervillains 6) onetruth - voting for dee 7) dee_tot - voting for Kikacat 8) plasmid - voting for dee 9) TwoaDay 10) Kikacat123 - voting for Two-a-day 11) Araver -voting for Two-a-day 12) Barca - voting for Nana Yup.
  11. Dr. Fate: Y-San 1) Phil1882 - kikacat 2) Nana77 -voting for Two-a-day 3) bonanova - voting for Two-a-day 4) tolecnal - DEAD Martian Manhunter lynched 5) flamebirde - DEAD Hawkgirl killed by Supervillains 6) onetruth - voting for dee 7) dee_tot - voting for Kikacat 8) plasmid - voting for dee 9) TwoaDay 10) Kikacat123 - voting for Two-a-Day. 11) Araver -voting for Two-a-day 12) Barca - voting for Nana Sorry, TwoaDay. You're second most highly suspected on my list after Phil, but my vote will not make a difference to be able to lynch him. Once again, I regret I cannot do colors at this time. Please accept my sincere apologies.
  12. To Phil, araver, nana, and dee: what kind of info do you want? I'm a male JLer, and there was a bad movie made about me, if that helps.
  13. Wow. That's a pretty fast-forming bandwagon, I gotta say. Do you want information? Well, my Mafia role is male. I don't want to reveal too much, because Lex might be in the game, but you can at least have that information. If anybody has any actual proof that I am a baddie, then speak up, because I haven't heard any yet. Meanwhile, I vote Phil, who has been just as silent and suspicious as I have, apparently.
  14. Doctor Fate: Y-san Roster: 1) Phil1882 - voting for Bonanova 2) Nana77 - voting for Bonanova 3) bonanova 4) tolecnal - DEAD [Martian Manhunter] lynched 5) flamebirde - DEAD [Hawkgirl] killed by Supervillains 6) onetruth 7) dee_tot - voting for Plas 8) plasmid - voting for Bonanova 9) TwoaDay 10) Kikacat123 - voting for Bonanova 11) Araver - voting for Onetruth 12) Barca- voting for Phil Sorry there are no colors.
  15. I'd like to put a vote on plasmid, just to press for info. I'll probably change it later, if he responds.
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