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Everything posted by BMAD

  1. The labels on these boxes of candy got so mixed up that none of the boxes is labeled correctly. 3 chocolates 3 cremes 2 chocolates 1 creme What is the least number of candies you must taste test, and from which box(es), to determine which box has what?
  2. Nickel's mom has three kids. Two of them are named penny and dime. What is mom's name. ?
  3. BMAD


    sinx/n = 6. why?
  4. You could take any number and square it on a calculator and find its value. If you do not have means to find the square with technology it is still generally simple to manually compute such a square. However, there are some instances when such a square may be challenging. When this situation arises, there is a simple and straightforward approach: let x be the number you wish to square then x - 25 = the hundreds value (50 - x)^2 = the ones value add them together and you have your square. It is that simple. Examples: 46^2 = 46-25 = 21 [hundreds] AND (50-46)^2= 4^2=16, so 46^2 = 2116 43^2= 43-25 = 18 AND (50-43)^2 = 7^2=49, so 43^2 = 1849 and just to show you a silly example as further evidence that it works... 4^2 = 4-25= -21 AND (50-4)^2= 46^2 = 2116 and -2100 + 2116 = 16 !! so 4^2=16 Now your task is to either prove this true for all real numbers or find 1 counter example. If a counter example is found, then for what numbers is this true?
  5. Edit: When you say, "as long as possible," what exactly does that entail? That may change the solution. There are more than 2 people. The phrase as long as possible means that each person passed until the last person received money. If the "last" person does not pass money to the "first", why do they sit in a circle and not in row? my clarification was poorly worded. I apologize. What i meant by the last person that receives money was not meant to imply a last person in a sequence. It was meant until the last person receives money and the 'rule' for passing can't be continued.
  6. Edit: When you say, "as long as possible," what exactly does that entail? That may change the solution. There are more than 2 people. The phrase as long as possible means that each person passed until the last person received money.
  7. Some card players sat in a circle, so that each had two neighbors, and each had a certain number of dollars. The 1st player had $1 more than the 2nd player, who had $1 more than the third, and so on. The first player gave $1 to the second, who gave $2 to the third, and so on, each giving $1 more than they received, around and around the table as long as possible. There were then 2 neighbors, one having 4 times as much money as the other. (a) How many players were there? (b) How much money did the first player start with?
  8. Sarah's parents decide to reward her (with money!) for her school grades. Sarah has five classes (English, History, Japanese, Math, and Science). She will get $15.00 for each A, $10.50 for a B, $7.50 for a C, $1.50 for a D. Of course, she gets nothing for an F. The last three semesters Sarah has avoided F's, and received the same amount of money (a whole number of dollars) each semester, although the grade distribution of A's, B's, C's, D's was different each time. . a) How much money did Sarah receive after each semester? b) What were her grades and semester G.P.A.* each time? (Don't worry about which grades she got in which classes.) * note: GPA is avg grade pts per class: 4 pts for A, 3 for B, 2 for C, 1 for D, 0 for F.
  9. As for irrational numbers...well I don't (want to) know. I fully agree with your analysis Paralogic but now how do you identify the 'sides' of the shapes. In the case of 1.75-a-gon for example, where is the 1.75 sides? Also if a pentagon makes the same shape that a 1.25-a-gon makes (which i can confirm that it does -except the shape is flipped if created in the way described in the op) then is the shape the same? Does the shape have 5 sides or 1.25 sides or both?
  10. Since joining BrainDen, I have had my fill of making both great, good, bad, and terrible questions. It consistently amazes me to see what other's perceive to be interesting questions worth a reply(answering). Sometimes some questions that i thnk are simple and straightforward seem to generate many many responses. Other questions, ones that i just 'know' are rather involved and rich in information, only generate a rather lackluster response and die a slow painful death. So what is it? What about a question makes it worth your time to answer it?
  11. I disagree paralogic. i believe having a negative angle would just mean that the angle is found in the "opposite direction" as the convention I used to make my pentagon.
  12. Your second assumption is suspect (regarding the statement that they must be ascending).
  13. There is a solution using positive integers. I discovered something rather ...amazing while working this solution.
  14. No it is hard to run in the sand
  15. Let me rephrase the op. the probability of rolling a 2 with two normal dice is 1/36. The probability of rolling a 3 is 2/36. Can you relabel the dice so that you still get these probabilities and all others using different dice configurations
  16. before the FIRST one listed on the board.
  17. James was in his favorite Math class when his professor wrote on the board the following elementary pattern: 2, 4, 6, 8, ___. Asked to find the next value, James quickly raised his hand and exclaimed that the answer was 10. The professor, with a concerned and shocked expression on his face, asked James to settle down. When all of the other students looked equally puzzled, the professor explained to them (in an admonishing tone) that the correct number is in fact 34. Seeing the class was still perplexed, the teacher added even the next term after the fifth one showing: 2, 4, 6, 8, 34, 132. Now, the group was tasked to not only find the next term but they also had to find the value that came before the one listed on the board. What are these two numbers?
  18. Assume you have a standard dice with labels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on each respectively. Pretend you are playing a simple game where you roll the two dice and add their values together. Is it possible to relabel the dice using positive integers in such a way that if you play the same dice game you would have an equal probability of rolling the same sums? Note: What I mean by relabeling is not simply rotating all of the numbers on the dice where by each dice still contains the same six numbers but rather actually making new dice that has a different set of six integers than the original. (e.g. one dice could be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and the other could be 1,1,1,1,1,1 ... would this pair produce the same sum probabilities as the original?--in short, no )
  19. At Newport Beach, CA, the long, straight shoreline separates the clear water (blue) from the sand (tan). Mitch, the lifeguard, is at M, 80 meters from the water, and sees a drowning child C, 120 meters from the sand. The points A and B are 280 meters apart along the shoreline. Mitch can run only 4 m/sec but he can swim 8 m/sec. At what spot on the shoreline AB should Mitch aim in order to reach the child at C as soon as possible? Compute the minimum time to the nearest tenth of a second; compare it to the times for the paths: MC, MAC, MBC.
  20. Tires placed on the rear of your car will wear out after 21000 miles, while tires on the front of your car will last for 29000 miles. Suppose you have a new car and five identical new tires (four installed and one spare). a) What is the maximum distance you can drive, assuming you can easily change the tires any time you want? b) Describe a rotation schedule that allows you to drive this distance.
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