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Everything posted by Brainiac100

  1. Brainiac100


    Aww, thanks guys!
  2. Brainiac100


    ??A?S LANES - 1 FAINT - 0 ROADS - 2 PLANS - 2 PLANT - 1 PANES - 1 FLINT- 0 Panther +10
  3. Brainiac100


    ????S LANES - 1 FAINT - 0 ROADS - 2 PLANS - 2 PLANT - 1 PANES - 1 Panther +5
  4. Brainiac100

    Seveny Rollo

    EFFECTS If 2, A?????? because AFFECTS was 3 and the only difference between AFFECTS and EFFECTS is the whole A-E thing. If 4, E?????? because AFFECTS was 3 and the only difference between AFFECTS and EFFECTS is the whole A-E thing.
  5. Really? I was NOT expecting that. ????
  6. Brainiac100


    ????S LANES - 1 FAINT - 0 ROADS - 2 PLANS - 2 PLANT - 1 Panther +5
  7. Brainiac100


    ????? LANES - 1 FAINT - 0 ROADS - 2 PLANS - 2
  8. Brainiac100


    Ahh, so this is your fault! :D
  9. Brainiac100


    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Slick 7. 8. Brainiac100
  10. Brainiac100

    One Up Me

    I love going on Brainden and checking out the One-up me section, but that's exactly why I failed my exams.
  11. Brainiac100


    What did Thalia do?!?! :blink:
  12. BOYS If 1, BU?? because BOYS was 1 and the only difference between BOYS and BUYS is the whole O-U thing. If 3, BO?? because BOYS was 1 and the only difference between BOYS and BUYS is the whole O-U thing.
  13. BUYS If 0, G??? because BUYS was 1 and the only difference between GUYS and BUYS is the whole G-B thing. If 2, B??? because BUYS was 1 and the only difference between GUYS and BUYS is the whole G-B thing.
  14. DEAL THEN - 0 ALAS - 1 FLEX - 0 THAN - 1 YEAR - 2 STAR - 1 SEAS - 2 PEAT - 2 REAM - 2 HEAD - 2 ZEAL - 3 VEAL - 3 MEAL - 3 MikeD +5 MollyMae +25 Brainiac100 +13 Scores coming soon!! @MoMa GOOD job
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