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Posts posted by Barcallica

  1. I am sure there is a better way but.


    Prisoners A, B, C, D, E (in order of their cell) their given numbers a, b, c, d, e.  Faucet=f Toilet=t.









    b: B->C->D

    c: C->B->D

    d: D->C->B

    a: A->B->C


    it interprets to 

    A: 1) he hears b from B.

        2) hears c from B.

        3) hears d from B.

        4) makes a.

    B: 1) makes b.

        2) hears b from C.

        3) hears c from C

        4) makes c.

        5) hears d from C

        6) makes d.

        7) hears a from A

        8) makes a.

    C: 1) hears b from B,

        2) makes b,

        3) hears b from D.

        4) makes c,

        5) hears c from B

        6) hears c from D

        7) hears d from D,

        8) makes d,

        9) hears d from B

       10) hears a from B

       11) makes a

    D: 1) hears b from C,

         2) make b.

         3) hears c from C

         4) makes c.

         5) makes d.

         6) hears d from C.

         7) hears a from C

    E:  1) hears b from D,

         2) hears c from D,

         3) hears d from D.


    Worst case scenario 24 actions (total f and t), best case 18.

  2. Host: Asylum Warden: Kikacat123
    Co-host: Deputy Warden: nana77
    1. FreeOwn
    2. Flamebirde - voting for mtamburini
    3. plasmid -DEAD- poisoned by Killers
    4. araver - voting for Boquise
    5. Marksmanjay
    6. phil1882 - voting for marksmanjay
    7. onetruth voting for mtamburini
    8. Boquise - voting for FreeOwn
    9. Auramyna
    10. Barcallica - voting for FreeOwn
    11. mtamburini - voting for Boquise


    Making it 3 way tie. What are the tie rules???

  3. When I was stuck, I was thinking this would be solution if they could strategize, not as slick as Y-san's but still works. (and it seemed so easy)


    1-3rd men's job - to pile up the cards in the left bin. (if a card is not in left bin, put that in the left bin, if all are already in left bin, just leave)

    4rd man - move 1 card from left bin to center

    5th man - move 1 card from left bin to right 

    6th man - put k on q

    7th man - put a on k.

  4. From 9 to 90.

    910111213...888990 divided by 990

    = 910111213...88899 divided by 99

    It's divisible by 9 if all digits sum to 9. The digits 1-9 sum to 45, and 4+5=9, so the "ones" digits of each set of numbers like 10-19 or 30-39 would be divisible by 9. As for the "tens" digits, there are ten numbers each in the range from 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, ... 80-89, (plus the starting 9 and ending 90 which wouldn't affect divisibility by 9). Pair up the tens digits: 10-19 & 80-89, 20-29 & 70-79 ... 40-49 & 50-59, and it's obvious that the tens digits will also be divisible by 9. So that whole number is divisible by 9.

    You also need to know that a number is divisible by 11 if and only if taking alternating sums and differences of its digits leads to a number that's divisible by 11. In this case that would be

    9 - 1 + 0 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 2 - 1 + 3 .... - 8 + 8 - 8 + 9 - 9 + 0

    It should be obvious that if you consider all the numbers from 10 to 89, there are 10 each of digits 1-8 in the tens spot (which will be added) and 8 each of the digits 1-9 in the ones spot (which will be subtracted), and the leading 9 and trailing 90 will cancel each other out. The digits in the tens spot will sum to 10x(1+2+...+7+8) = 10x(9x4) = 360, and the digits in the ones spot will sum to 8x(1+2+...+8+9) = 8x45 = 360. So it's divisible by 11.

    Edit: Out of curiosity, what sort of time and resources do the kids get to solve these problems?



    Usually 45 minutes per problem with pen, paper, ruler, compasses. Rarely they accept calculater and/or formula book.


    But state olimpyad is 90 minutes per problem, 3 problems, 2 day. I once sat 9 hours straight coz I was challengin in above grade too.

  5. I am stuck.


    8a.m to 5p.m there will be 10 prisoners participating at most.

    Upon reading the rules, 10th man must deduce that his action is to put ace on a king, otherwise they lose.
    10th Man's duty is to put Ace on King/Queen

    Upon reading the rules, 9th man deduces what 10th man's job is and will know that his job is to put King on Queen so to make it possible for 10 man to make final move.
    9th Man's duty is to put King on Queen

    Upon reading rules 1-8th Men should deduce their job is to spread the cards (no 2 cards in the same bin). For example 8th through 1st prisoner should not make a move if cards are already spread out.

    I know they can't strategize but I am assuming they will logically reach above conclusion and act accordingly.

    However I couldn't find out a logical moves for 8th or 1st prisoners if they are seeing e.g. A-K/Q or A-Q/K with zero cooperation.

    What am I missing? or am I wrong altogether?
  6. 1. bonanova - confirmed
    2. Flamebirde - confirmed
    3. plasmid - confirmed
    4. araver - confirmed
    5. Marksmanjay
    6. phil1882
    7. onetruth - confirmed
    8. Boquise - confirmed
    9. Auramyna -
    10. Barcallica - confirmed
    11. mtamburini

  7. Confirming.


    What does RID mean?


    RID=Role ID



    NK barc= you kill barc

    RID kill Barc as Psychologist= you kill barc if only barc is psychologist (you should know the role of a player you are acting on to succeed, or guess correctly) 

  8. Some questions I have.


    The killers and the sane both have btsc right?

    Does NK have carrier? (can it be blocked, redirected?)

    If Answer to above Q is yes, and baddie kill himself would Sane wincon become impossible (it said lynch baddies)

    How psychologist release player from asylum, RID release? or just name a player. Can it be redirected?

    Sorry, little clarification on this -2x Night role act- ?

    Do role copy use copied action at the same night?

  9. Host (Asylum warden): Kikacat123



    1. bonanova
    2. Flamebirde
    3. plasmid
    4. araver
    5. Marksmanjay
    6. phil1882
    7. onetruth
    9. Auramyna
    10. Barcallica
    77. Nana77

    1. akaslickster

    Yeah, i found out about MM here on Den, but never actually played mafia here.

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