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Everything posted by Yodell

  1. Aura .. its NIGHT TIME - till Monday 10 PM EDT - we cannot lynch anyone .. yet .... PS.. did you/Aki get any info from your action last night ?
  2. darn this is bad.... i thought i was done for... I was tired last night and fell asleep and couldnt post anymore.. and thought i was out for sure.... and sry zweefer but it was better if I was rather then you ( and to think that if he left his vote on me there would have been a tie.. and D1 tie means NO LYNCH ( his taking his vote off of me killed him - that's a bummer ....
  3. Another twisted Mafia game ..... muahaha!!

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    2. Yodell


      nope... it was HPY3 (harry potter year 3) that time ;)

  4. You reaaly think that if i were a baddie i would have pointed out that I cannot be two goodie roles that would have kinda cleared me ?? I corrected both Aki's and your, actually Medji's, faulty logic... I could have let it slip under the radar if i was a baddie.... letting incorrect assumptions slip away . But NO, I actually pointed them out ... thus minimizing/shortening the list of roles I could be ... is this baddie behavior in your book ? By now Sirius (whoever he/she is) must know one dementor role... the one he targeted ....ask him/her to target me next night and see what happens !! edited: to change the bold color from red...
  5. Dumbledore: Shadow7 McGonagall: TheCube 1. MiKi - voting for Yodell [bandwagoning ] 2. Zweefer 3. Thalia 5. KlueMaster - voting for kaniac 6. Akriti - voting for Yodell 7. Medji - voting for Zweefer 8. kaniac - voting for Yodell 9. Anon26 - voting for Yodell 10. yoDell - voting for Zweefer 4. Nana7 – TRAPPED D1 by Draco 11. curr3nt – DEAD killed N1 by Harry edit -- added COMMENT: Don't forget that one of the votes in here will be counted as x0 and also any votes on him/her will be nulled as well - taking about Sirius of course
  6. Hi all .. sry for the inactivity .. long NIGHT at work.. (been in here until 5:30 AM ... and got back today to finish some other stuff ( - tier 2 support s**ks ) @Aki : Curr3nt cannot have been Sirius because Sirius tried to redirect (so he acted) and he could not have acted if he was curr3nt because he would have been DEAD trap >> NK >> block >> redirect >> spy (will know redirected, not to whom) So curr3nt was dead before sirius attempted his redirect.. therefore curr3nt could not be sirius I have to agree with Anon and Zweefer - I cannot be Sirius for the same reason curr3nt cannot have been Sirius : Block>>redirect.. so I was blocked at the time Sirius acted... Now : for me defense : I cannot actually mount a feasible defense that I'm not Hermione because there is no definite proof either way. Baddies not using BLOCK N1 is known to have happened - it's becoming wide-spread strategy , but maybe they have a really experienced player or on the contrary, someone with fresh ideas that came up with a different N1-policy: why would they use spy - they know who they are and there is no RID KILL - so which ever they target it has to be on the other team(s)..(and if the hit Pettygrew the NK would act as a spy on it's own)... As well as the added BONUS of FRAMING whoever gets trapped/blocked by the goodies.... Also you have to think about the fact that there were 8 people apart from me that did not show up in the night post... and you are all bandwagoning on me without enough proof, only circumstantial (remember Aaryan's lynch on HP2) .... I'm guessing whoever started this bandwagon is among the 3 musketeers ... (did not have the time to get through all the pages and check who actually started that ..) or played right into the baddies's trap.... I'll be placing my vote on the one person that's not voted at all (waiting for a flashvote cue or just see where the flow goes ....? ) - and I don't mean Thalia - because she is inactive and we know she said she would be - I mean Zweefer who's not voting...let's hear some answers from him as well .... **Roster with my vote coming next post .. forgot to quote it as well ....
  7. @all : HOLD IT WHERE YOU ARE !!!! I know who killed curr3nt and WHY MissKitten did.. because he stole her AVATAR ... Lookout Anon and Nana .. you might be next .... People beware.. Avatar wars is ON!! Copycat-ers will die !!!
  8. hey ... sry to see you go curr... the game will have so less pages without you in the game as for voting on me: - I have to say that there are 4 vanilla roles and one role with night power that did not act tonight. And I have to say that I did show up in the night post .. TWICE (one block and one vanilla) .. you get from that whatever you like..... - Sirius will now know a least one Dementor - his redirect being trapped would act as a spy for him.... how come trap acts different on different players ? .. aaa nvm - so that the rest of us don't get who Sirius is solely based on his inactivity during the day .. got it as for experienced players aiming for curr3nt... - that might be so - but with all the attention that curr3nt got before N1 he could have been targeted by anyone - Zweefer said it very well - the fact that players are new does not necessarily means they are dumb, or that they don;t know which player is the best target for night one (it's enough to read the last few games on BD to find out how experienced curr3nt is as a player).. Also from my own experience in HPY1 - where I was indeed RON (but there I was spy) - it was my 1st game and I was the one that insisted in the BTSC to kill Klue N1 - he was the dangerous player in the goodies team that game - and curr3nt (my fellow baddie - Hermione- that game agreed) ... In my defense as well : what's the likelihood that two games of HP almost one after the other I should end up in the 3 baddies role (harry, ron, hermione)all the same ?? edit: typos
  9. gtg ... got to get some sleep PS. heeeey , who repped my post above ??
  10. loooong day at work... so as I get it .. decision is made kinda of a scum weekend ... sort of curr3nt what was that ? ... reply in the BTSC... maaaan , not here
  11. right you are miss kitten... stand corrected.... It might have been Luna's patronus that was the rabbit off topic: @MK and curr3nt : it's confusing you two having the same avatar ... (i dont't usually read what it is written .. i have photographic memory .. and the avatars are the thing i associate with a particular player... ) ... but that's just me ... /offtopic
  12. nope u're not ... u forgot snape the first time.. and sirius .. and the baddies ... and Buckbeak ... and the time clock of course "Remember .. more then one innocent life could be spared tonight" --edit-- Oooops , last line was Shadow's quote... Sry .. our AllMighty HeadMaster , I beg for your forgiveness!!
  13. Expecto Patronum was the spell to get the Dementors of of sucking up your soul and from the characters in the book that do show up in the game : - harry has a stag as a patronus - snape has a deer (the same as harry's mother) - hermione has a rabbit if I remember correctly no other role in this game had a chance in the entire series to cast the Patronus spell..
  14. she's not the only one .....people cannot keep up with you all ...
  15. which one curr3nt ???
  16. last line in the riddle does not match the others .. otherwise ... "money"???? u want money ??? or wizarding cash ? wanna break into gringots ?? that u do in the last year
  17. wow ... found the game thread ... just to find out I'm like 7 pages behind on my reading ..... @Klue ... where did u get that auto-refresh plugin you talked about in the last game, and what browser is it for ?? I have a feeling I could use it here as well
  18. Yodell

    adding on Nana's question #1 : will the trapped person be allowed to speak the next day ? I know he cannot vote or be voted upon .. but will he/she be allowed to "speak" = i.e. post on the game thread and/or in the BTSC if the trapped person is a baddie ? and .. if Sirius is trapped (by Draco or because he tried to redirect a Dementor) he's being trapped will have the same effect : He cannot vote/be voted the next day and/or speak/post ? also - if trap does not act like a save - means trapped players can be killed ? what will the night post show: both actions? Trap and kill ? or just the NK ? I have some more questions but I could leave a few of those for the game thread ........ can't help myself when will the night/day cycles end ? edit: replaced "live" with "leave"
  19. Yodell

    Dumbledore: Shadow7 McGonagall: TheCube 1. MiKi 2. Zweefer 3. Thalia 4. Nana7 5. KlueMaster 6. Akriti 7. Medji 8. 9. 10. yoDell 11. curr3nt Cool.. been waiting for this ... And getting ready to the premiere of HP7-part2 (the movie) I've just had a 7 movie pack marathon watching all movies in the series in the last week or so
  20. Well done Goodies and tough luck Molly ... in the end I think you should have had your tie win - you were 93% lucky N1 (if curr3nt's calculations are in order - and I trust him ) - but the rest was all your clever deductions .... As for our loss - it was really tough to BTSC since we were all from different time zones and we never seemed to get together at the same time in the BTSC to brainstorm a better strategy. Well .. that's Mafia so again good work to goodies and a special commendation to the hosts for their pppp..atience, pppp...osts and pppp...romptitude PS.. Who got the coffee mug after all ??
  21. @aaryan... did you take out Anon's vote on purpose or it was a "cut"/"paste" instead of copy/paste ? I guess I'll put it back .. and also vote for Hirk : Lead Writer: curr3nt Lead Animator: Araver 1. Aaryan - voting for Kluemaster 2. Hirkala 3. Molly Mae - voting for Hirkala 4. Anon26 - voting for Kluemaster 5. KlueMaster 6. EDM - voting for Kluemaster A. Akriti - voting for Hirkala B. Thalia - voting for Kluemaster C. TheCube - voting for Hirkala D. YoDell - voting for Hirkala E. Hidden G - voting for Hirkala F. maurice - voting for KlueMaster G. Darth Nox Dead: 7. Auramyna - Killed by Bugs Bunny 8. flamebirde - Lynched and found to be Pepe Le Pew 9. (Other)Medji - Lynched and found to be Elmer Fudd
  22. I'm good for the whole weekend... your choice if you make it scum or BD/MM rule a prolonged day would probably mean like 300 pages to read through ... but considering that US has a longer weekend because of 4th of July .. then .. maybe it wont fill up that much
  23. If molly was only sure on who was who after Day 1 when almost everyone outed themselves, how come Henery was redirected to FL night 1 ? Maurice said Molly Mae told Foghorn who Henery was .. Molly says he did not know who those two were before N1 , but a while ago he also said this: Bit of a contradiction in there.....
  24. I was referring to Day1 , post #533..
  25. hmmmm.. he told him .. before N1? how did he told him ? how did he even knew then who's who ? OK .. secret ability and all .. but that would be a big disadvantage for everyone else...so why are we playing this game if one of the players already knows who every other player is ....?? I'm confused at what the purpose of this game was then ... as for your last question let's believe peace's claim over that of hidden, and nox's claim over that of cube and cube over that of .. who is he by the way (he's claimed so many I really cannot tell right now) - as I get it .. your post was repped because you were right , not because you were sarcastic... about outing yourself.. just because none of those 5 have outed themselves - although all of us hinted .. but not said I'm X - then we must be baddies (right minus one since one baddie is dead) - heck of a deduction !!
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