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Everything posted by TwoaDay

  1. TwoaDay

    does that mean you have one?
  2. sshhh its secret code, dont tell anyone
  3. he is either the phronix, QA, mafia in the safehouse, doctor or healer
  4. TwoaDay

    hehe is her name puzzle gril of face book or is her real name, i need more friends
  5. no but were suspicious of him
  6. TwoaDay

    its much better than facebook, if your in high school or colledge it can help you organize schoolwork, its great for staying intouch with friends and family, it is better layed out than myspace, alot of people are moving from mysapce to facebook, and alot of people are joiining facebook, there are alot of good apps, games you can challenge your friendds to, its just pretty cool overal i hope that helps you decide to make the switch from old(myspace) to new (facebook)
  7. at 1001 posts u get to write what type of member you are (ex. UR's [insert clever title here] Bb's -Grand newbie- and i think it LIS's friend to all the world) edit:1001
  8. are u like the pheonix or something? and didnt UR say the QA's already pmed him so mabey u just know your safe or mabey your a QA? edit: 500 POSTS WHOOOOT!!!! IF A SENIOR MEMBER!!!
  9. TwoaDay

    i love facebook does anyone else have one?
  10. so then frost cant be QA either, or Bb
  11. if qa's get btsc is it announced?
  12. wow thats cool, and it must suk to be host, i try not to complain, ive hosted other games (not on BD) , mabey they dont realive that were all people with lives. btw, again great day post, it sorta reminded me of charlie and the chocaslate factory except 2 people died in the glass elevator . id host a game in the future, the only problem is my stories would be TERRIBLE so mabey someone could write and i could manage? idk on a another topic, what's the mafias reaction to us not lynching the sb?, wont they have to give away another mafiosio since 1 is already dead. well good luck everyone (that is an innocent) hehe -tad-
  13. Host: Unreality 1) GC - voting for Dawh 2) Frozen - voting for LIS 3) Frost - voting for TwoaDay 4) Brandonb - voting for LIS 5) Dawh - voting for LIS 6) Ysan 7) LIS - dusty 20) Dnae 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday - not voting 20) Dnae 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - voting for Phaze 13) Phaze - voting for Mekal 14) Mekal - cannot vote 15) Rene - voting for LIS 16) CrazyPainter - voting for LM 17) Pw0nzd - voting for LIS 18) Dusty - voting for LIS 19) LM - voting for Dusty 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal i dont know who to vote for, it seems like LIS is dead though btw, did LIS ever say his role?
  14. i wasnt voting for rene b/c of lis's vote, it was b/c of renes long post which i thought was suspicious, and im really tired so i cant really choose
  15. Host: Unreality 1) GC - voting for Dawh 2) Frozen - voting for LIS 3) Frost 4) Brandonb - voting for LIS 5) Dawh - voting for LIS 6) Ysan 7) LIS - dusty 20) Dnae 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday - voting for dusty 20) Dnae 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - voting for Phaze 13) Phaze - voting for Mekal 14) Mekal - cannot vote 15) Rene - voting for LIS 16) CrazyPainter - voting for LM 17) Pw0nzd - voting for LIS 18) Dusty - voting for LIS 19) LM - voting for Dusty 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal most updated roster
  16. rene, just so you know, your real life does not affect your role in this game
  17. any of the mafia could have written the post, just the bankroller could hand it in to unreality for it to be in the night post
  18. Host: Unreality 1) GC - voting for Dawh 2) Frozen - voting for LIS 3) Frost 4) Brandonb - voting for LIS 5) Dawh - voting for LIS 6) Ysan 7) LIS - Rene 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday - voting for Rene 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - voting for Phaze 13) Phaze - voting for Mekal 14) Mekal - cannot vote 15) Rene - voting for LIS 16) CrazyPainter - voting for LM 17) Pw0nzd - voting for LIS 18) Dusty - voting for LIS 19) LM - voting for Dusty 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal edit: rene, your last post made me suspicious of you and i wasnt before, you made some pretty baddie statements.
  19. it may have just been a really cool battle (which it was, i think UR said there would be no clues in the day/ night posts.
  20. idk, i dont have a spreadsheet this game so im kinda unorganized, im still going to wait to place my vote
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