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Everything posted by Quag

  1. Quag

    YS you had a strange and interesting youth ok about the dominos it is irrelevant if they can think or not they cannot move in any way on their own and thus are 100% at the mercy of external events. We can think and we can effect our future through our choices. Heres an example place someone in a sensory depravation tank. Let them stay as long as they like. At some point they will choose to leave the tank. You cannot blame that choice on external influences as we have removed them. So why do they choose to leave? Could be 1000 reasons but it cannot be becaue someone somewhere knocked over a domino. Here is the real question. if you can make decisions that affect your future or is life is all predetermined. What will change in your life? You can live like you controll what you do or you can live like there is no point as it is all predetermined. If you choose path A you can try and make a better life. if you choose B, aside from being depressed all the time you at best can hope that you will win the lottery but even then you will not be happy as it doesnt matter. Choose A and your life will be much more rewarding.
  2. Quag


    PEARS if 1 than P is first as LIARS =0 ARS out and LEMON =0 so E out i go sleep now nite all
  3. Quag


    hmm something without an r in it LEMON
  4. Quag


    sigh this thread moves like lightning whenever im on my way home from work well whoever is in charge my word is DRIVE
  5. Quag

    hmm good sound thinking... almost. Heres the problem: Who created god? If the universe had to be created by god because just coming into existence or always existing makes no sense, why would god not have to be created? The arguement that god has to exist to create the universe makes no sense. You are just adding a step. the bit about there being another dimension is what you believe. could be true could be false either way doenst prove or disprove gods existence. I do not know if god exists, though I do not believe jesus was anything other than a man. However belief and knowledge are 2 different things. you may believe something so strongly that you are convinced it is true. (un)fortunately that doesn't make it so. There are many many religions in the world and millions of people who feel at least as strongly as you do that their religious beliefs are the right ones and that you are delusional. Their beliefs are no more proof of their religions than are yours. Not trying to be hard on you either. Believe whatever you believe, that is what living in a free society is about.
  6. ill use the AVAL then is MissKitten doesnt mind AVAIL
  7. Quag


    did i see the LIGHT?
  8. Quag

    let me rephrase To believe in REASON,is like having an army,to defend yourself against the invaders. Our enimies are increasing in number day by day!! They have NO mercy,,,they know NO compassion,,,they will destroy our body...if there is NO REASON inside it... just like cancer cells,who multiply very fast and kill the body...specially the one with NO immunity. Immune your MIND,immune your self,immune your body....be ready all the time,cause you don`t know when will your enemy begin to take his first attack !!,,,at that time,it will be too late to UNTHINKERS... Believe me...I am 42 years old...I have alot of experience in this life...I was NEVER(some day)also UNTHINKER...till I saw REASON...face to face...IT convinced me..IT took me back to THINKING FOR MYSELF...I am now full of love to my FELLOW HUMAN BEING... I love REASON I LOVE HUMANITY !! I thought colour would make it look pretty seriously not trying to insult you I'm sure you hold your beliefs strongly, but reason and thinking objectivly about it makes christianity and any/all other religions seem rather (extremely) unlikely. Way I see it, the bible can be thrown away. All we need is the GOLDEN RULE Don't even need god for that but if ya want to it have him go for it.
  9. Quag


    THINS if 1 than s is last as think = 0 and guess = 1
  10. Quag

    ahh the dead thread comes back to life again angry llama, one doesnt need god to have hope, perhaps you do, but there are millions of agnostics/athiests who have hope without god, there are also other cultures (hindu best example) that do not have a god but gods. As to floods that is kinda silly as every major civilization has grown up near rivers that flood. find a civilization that grew up away from that and they dont have any flood stories. you wont find many though as you need a large amount of water provided from a major river to create a MAJOR civilization. I have no understanding of what you are trying to mean by this. You seem to imply that the big bang had a plan???? i.e. it was god and use that to prove that it isnt. I know my sentence makes no sense but please clarify yours as that is the most i can make out of what you wrote. I am sorry this is not PROOF is is your REASONS for believing in god. There is a huuuugggggeeeee difference. oh yeah and welcome to brainden, come play some of the games solves some riddles and just post on any old topic, more points of view the better
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