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Everything posted by Quag

  1. Quag


    I think there are a few level 5 black belted ninjas on this forum!
  2. Quag

    Aww I always thought that I had something, no matter how small to do with that as well. Now i'm all depressed and feeling unimportant, impotent and irrelevant. Why I might even go drink a beer or something and contemplate my uselessness in this universe. lol seriously I was also born into a sorta religious family. They didnt force anything on me and when i was about 8 years old (maybe more, maybe less) asked if i would like to go to church and sunday school. I thought about it for about 1 second and said "Do I have to?" When my folks said no but that they thought it would be good for me, I politely declined. Personally i suggest you look up the council of Nicea. just google it or use wiki. It will shed light on all the crazy changes the church has done and why certain beliefs are what they are. Quick quick synpopsis. 325 AD, deciding on whether christ was son of god or not. If that tidbit isnt enough to get you to look it up then nothing will ever get you to look critically at religion.
  3. Quag


    SADLY my car is dirty
  4. Quag


    my toyota is grey you evil colorblind ninja!
  5. Quag

    Brandonyy4u your problem is you seem to be convinved the bible is 100% factual and true. and like most religious people you will accept whatever your religious leaders tell you. 4000 years ago you would have been a polytheist, monotheism was virtually unheard of. 2000 years ago sabbath was changed from sat to sunday to avoid persecution this was by some changed back but most keep the sunday worship. 1000 years ago you would have believed the earth to be flat and it would be heresy to say it wasn't 500 years ago you would have claimed the earth was not only the center of the solar system but of the whole universe. You would have been cheering for the sanctions on Galileo. I presume you believe in intelligent design as creationists are having a harder and harder time deny eveidence that they are wrong. So once again the religious people modify their beliefs and state they they have never ever changed an they are following the original words of their lord as they recieved them from god. I pity you, you may pray for me but i pray for you to wake up and see the light, the light of reason. I don't understand your calender thing it was an aside, you obviously do not understand how our calender came into being. without such understanding your remarks are just confused. Yeah i concur on the last part. how far do you think christianity or any religion would get if you could find salvation outside of their religion???
  6. Quag


  7. Quag

    YS I think they meant you ARE the pet monkey
  8. Quag


    EVILS couldnt help noticing we just passsed page 666
  9. Quag


    call me DENSE but ive never heard of those words either Maq
  10. Quag

    brandonyy4u: you missed my point, Wolfie stated that man createed god and he believe sin god. i find this statement contradictory. i asked him for clarification, only he can explain what he meant by that statement. The day of worship was changed for a reason, pesecution, just because the reason is gone doesnt mean that the custom will suddenly change. go look it up it is easy to find. Why do we celebrate christmas when we do? it isnt christs b-day it was picked because pagan religions had a celebration that day and it was easier to convert people by using the same holy days. Not many pagans left yet we dont change back. Why? same reason as sunday worship it has become custom. In fact Christmas is celebrated even today on several different dates. You missunderstand what i was saying about the calendar. There have been, and are different calendar systems. Not all contained weeks of 7 days. I am not redefining the calendar, just stating that the one we use today is a human construct. A week could contain 6 or 8 days or we could get rid of them and just work on a monthly system. A day is defined by the rotation of the earth, a year by the orbit of the eath around the sun. Months and weeks are arbitrary.
  11. Quag


    yeah i knwo the s is out but couldnt think of a word to prove the i just adding letters to make it easier
  12. Quag


    ADDLE if 1 than A is first DDL out from oDDLy and E out from stilE
  13. Quag

    Christians went to sunday to try and avoid persecution from romans not to be differetn from jews. The weekend as a 2 day thing is very very very recent go back 100 years and you worked mon-sat and had sunday off to pray (at least in western christian societies) the second day off saturday came along in the 20th century cant remember when exactly though. remember the week having 7 days is a human construct. Other societies have used different calendar systems, but the one we got the Julian calendar has basically become the world standard. Wolfie: you still havent answered me do you really believe man created god? and that god created the universe??
  14. Quag

    huh?? before Jesus everyone was slaves after we all became free?
  15. Quag

    And the lord said let ther be light and there was. SUNday is supposedly the day god created light, Christians changed their day of worship from Saturday (the day of rest) to Sunday to avoid persecution from the Romans.
  16. Quag

    What you state god is a creation of man, then claim to believe in this creation?? I said it before ill say it again I'm agnostic. I do not state god doesnt exist. I state that I do not know, and that his existence or non existence is irrelevant. though i really can't see how you can claim man created god then claim god created the universe. Does that mean Man predates the universe?? does that mean agnostics, or those who believe in a god other than yours, or even in polytheism, cannot love?? Sayalzah: Glad to see a non-christian religious person on here adds a slightly different perspective. Yes define god anyway you want but that does not make god conform to your definitions. I can define a duck as an inanimate object, it doesnt make it so. As to seeking god being part of it, every religion has some similar requirement. It is necessary. If not then people would question the point. Either believe or don't believe but if it isn't in the religion the religion is doomed. Peace: i skipped all your steps and when i began to give the concept of god any thought i went immdeiately to agnostic with a leaning to atheism but it was years and years later before i learned the term agnostic. ADParker: again read Plato. This is exactly what he does, only he uses his logic to explain why the "Philosophers" ie himself should be the rulers in a perfect society.
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