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Hirkala last won the day on March 7 2017

Hirkala had the most liked content!

About Hirkala

  • Birthday 03/26/1984

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    Streator, IL

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Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. Roster: 1. maurice 2. Flamebirde 3. Molly Mae 4. 5. 6. Hirkala 7. bonanova 8. 9. 10. Roster: 1. maurice 2. Flamebirde 3. Molly Mae 4. 5. 6. Hirkala 7. bonanova 8. 9. 10. Mafia!!! Been too long! I don't know if I was supposed to leave it doubled, but I did. Hi, everyone!
  2. Hirkala


    Sorry everyone. Been really out of it lately. Will get these up as soon as I can if everyone is still wanting to finish this...
  3. Hirkala


    Got em all! Will have RD 5 results up tonight!
  4. Hirkala


    Sorry, I was out of town for the weekend! Not like it matters, since I'm still missing a couple of formations... Get em to me!
  5. I AM THE GREEN ARROW!!!!! Come and get me, fat cats!
  6. Hirkala


    Round 4 1. Panther 1172 2. Y-San 1063 3. Yuli 1031 4. Flamebirde 981 5. Phillip 946 6. Aaryan 796 7. MikeD 746 8. Brainiac 713 Round 4 is over! Aaryan reclaims the 6 spot from MikeD!!! Flamebirde takes a hit and falls to 4th! And in a surprising move, Y-San surges ahead 3 spots to take 2nd!!! Just shows it's anyone's game!!! ROUND 5!!! SEND EM IN!!!
  7. Hirkala


    Round 3 1. Panther 870 2. Flamebirde 819 3. Yuli 801 4. Phillip 737 5. Y-San 728 6. MikeD 592 7. Aaryan 560 8. Brainiac 484 Round 3 complete! Yuli moved ahead of Phillip and MikeD surged ahead two places, leaving last place behind!!! Round 4 begins! Send em in!!!
  8. Hirkala

    Knock Out

    Full House -- Seinfeld ++ Friends - Seinfeld - 15 The Brady Bunch - 15 Everybody Loves Raymond - 13 Full House - 11 Happy Days - 11 Family Ties - 11 The Cosby Show - 9 The Big Bang Theory - 5 Worst Sitcoms 9. Friends 10. The Simpsons 11. Family Matters 12. I Love Lucy 13. Cheers 14. M*A*S*H
  9. Hirkala


    Still waiting on 2 players...
  10. Hirkala

    Knock Out

    MASH - Seinfeld ++ Family Matters -- Everybody Loves Raymond - 13 Seinfeld - 13 The Brady Bunch - 11 Happy Days - 11 Family Ties - 11 The Cosby Show - 11 The Big Bang Theory - 11 Full House - 9 Cheers - 7 Friends - 7 The Simpsons - 7 Family Matters - 5 I Love Lucy - 3 Knocked Out: M*A*S*H
  11. Hirkala

    Knock Out

    Seinfeld ++ Family Matters -- Full House -- Seinfeld - 15 The Big Bang Theory - 13 Everybody Loves Raymond - 13 The Brady Bunch - 13 Happy Days - 11 Family Ties - 11 The Cosby Show - 11 The Simpsons - 11 Full House - 9 Cheers - 9 Family Matters - 5 M*A*S*H - 5 I Love Lucy - 5 Friends - 5
  12. BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON PEOPLE!!!
  13. Hirkala


    Round 2 1. Panther 596 2. Flamebirde 554 3. Phillip 523 4. Yuli 464 5. Y-San 437 6. Aaryan 368 7. Brainiac 360 8. MikeD 317 Couple of placements changes!!! Aaryan overtook Brainiac for 6th place! And Panther has taken the lead!!! ROUND 3!!! SEND EM IN!!!
  14. Hirkala


    Negative. You answered your own question there. If you WIN more than half. Ties do not count as wins.
  15. Hirkala

    Knock Out

    Seinfeld ++ Full House -- Family Matters -- The Big Bang Theory - 13 Everybody Loves Raymond - 13 The Brady Bunch - 13 Full House - 11 The Simpsons - 11 Cheers - 11 Happy Days - 11 Family Ties - 11 The Cosby Show - 11 Seinfeld - 11 M*A*S*H - 9 Family Matters - 7 I Love Lucy - 7 Friends - 7
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