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Framm 18

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Everything posted by Framm 18

  1. Framm 18


    BRAIN (0) CHASM (0) STONE (1) STOKE (1)
  2. Framm 18


    BRAIN (0) CHASM (0) STONE (1)
  3. Framm 18


    BRAIN (0) CHASM (0)
  4. Framm 18


    _ _ _ _ _ I think that if someone guesses the word that they should get the points. Only fair to them. I will go I guess.
  5. Framm 18


    Okay I misunderstood. I thought that you said that you had to logic the answer even if you got the correct word. Oh well, good job PG.
  6. Framm 18


    CHAOS is the word since it contains 5 correct letters.
  7. Happy Birthday on here as well. Enjoy your last year as a teen. ;D

  8. Host: Filly 1) Blablah 2) Yuiop 3) LJ 4) Izzy 5) Molly Mae 6) GC 7) Glycereine 8) qwerty 9) Framm 10)onetruth 11) Backups: MissKitten I will sign up. Looking forward to it.
  9. I would suggest starting this on the 5th. There are going to be people travelling on the 4th.
  10. I would sign up to help you, but I want to play this one too much.
  11. Ich spreche sehr klein Deutsch. That is probably wrong. Ich wiess nicht.

    Only two years of high school and two years of College.

    Definitely not enough to get around in Germany. I can read it better than speaking it.

  12. EDIT: I did trust you somewhat, but I started to suspect you, when JS was killed. EDIT2: Unreality can confirm that when I accused Jicochi, I said that I would kick myself if you were the murderer.
  13. What do you mean strange? Are you talking about the night that you started talking in gibberish?
  14. I am ready for whenever after the 4th of July for obvious reasons.
  15. This right here, along with a few other things, is confusing me. It seems as if The Pirate King was blocked or something happened that the spy did not go through. And the only people who were blocked or redirected was GM and Slick, if I read that right. About GM: I am not sure why the baddies would block a baddie, unless they were trying to keep him underwraps. I think I am confusing myself even more. I will shut up now.
  16. I am sorry, I just woke up and I would have tied the vote. Now time to say my goodbyes I think. Baddies: Gmaster- The one I am most sure of. Filly- No real proof Slick- Based on the night post Hirkala/LJ- is on my suspicions list as well Indy MM or Slick- leaning more towards MM than Slick.
  17. Are you just trying to make people forget about me? I was the first one to nix the "Let's Lynch Slick' idea, and you know better than most people that voting for someone just because they vote for you is a horrible way to vote. I have a feeling that Slick could have been the Pirate King, just because it appears as if the Pirate King was blocked or did not act last night. Then again I may be completely wrong, I have a habit of doing that. EDIT: Changed U to I
  18. I agree with waiting, if Slick was a baddie then he will probably not show up in the night post unless he escapes. I really think that lynching a player that is able to act during the night would be the best course of action.
  19. 1)-Yuiop-DEAD-Killed by the Pirates. 2)-Filly - Voting for Hirkala 3)-LJ - Voting for Harvey 4)-Harvey - Voting for Hirkala 5)-Glycerine- Voting for Harvey 6)-Hirkala 7)-Slick- IN JAIL. 8)-Molly Mae - Voting for Harvey 9)-GMaster 10)-Framm - Voting for Gmaster I am not sure what to think about Hirkala, but I think that we may have some experienced baddies in this game. @Blah: That is the whole point of Mafia, trying to get unconfused by everything going on. I am always confused when playing, but that is part of the reason I like it.
  20. Filly, is there any reason for your vote of Hirkala? Two votes with 9 players should be plenty of pressure right now anyways. I won't change my vote, but I highly suggest no one else voting for him at the moment.
  21. 1)-Yuiop-DEAD-Killed by the Pirates. 2)-Filly 3)-LJ 4)--Harvey 5)-Glycerine 6)-Hirkala 7)-Slick- IN JAIL. 8)-Molly Mae - Voting for Framm 9)-GMaster 10)-Framm - Voting for Hirkala It is still too early for me to defend myself, but why in the world would the baddies waste a spy this early in the game? As for my vote, consider it a welcoming gift to the world of Mafia on BD.
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