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Everything posted by dyalDragon

  1. ....... having a good day today?
  2. Hmmm... No one here... Oh well, will check back later It figures, you sneak in and post while I'm running my mouth... Not that JKB, but very nice thought process
  3. Yes that is silly, and doesn't really fit with the five and still three part, but it's an interesting idea
  4. One becomes three Three become one Add in an st And it's even more fun Changed once again Now it's five, you see But wait just a minute Cause it's also still three W.A.I.
  5. Yay it's over... This one made my head meat hurt
  6. EDIT: i am so not trying to sound mad right now, just so you know. i just wanted to let you know what i got when i searched it, that's all Heh
  7. EDIT: omg i forgot the "A" in "weapon" nope I think.............. and nope maybe try googling the title... to put this one out of it's misery i mean to AID in the guessing process
  8. sorry if someone already guessed that. way before that, and both M's were in that
  9. Just a guees before looking into the has hint.... nope....
  10. or i have three other ones, but i will see if any of these are right fist looking for a movie that one of the duo was in, but not the other, during a time when they were almost always together (even if just a cameo like in Maverick) Edit: Oh and the title of the movie will make sense with the first stanza too... so that might help narrow it down
  11. EDIT: omg i forgot the "S" in "first" so it was "firt"... lol nope, this movie was in the middle of the Gibson/Glover duo days
  12. nope, but i read that Gibson and Glover have both signed on for it....
  13. Lets try it this way...lol Right concept, wrong M...
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