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Everything posted by Glycereine

  1. Glycereine

    Warrior Cats Mafia

    5 pages during night 1... lol
  2. Glycereine


    I find it mor elikely that you're SURLY
  3. Glycereine

    Warrior Cats Mafia

    saves typically don't prevent blocks. Alot of times they don't even prevent RID kills. In this case they do
  4. Glycereine


    dynamic--xo pirates--xooo scrappy--oo dirtier--xxxo destroy--xxxoo destiny--xxxo
  5. Glycereine


    dynamic--xo pirates--xooo scrappy--oo dirtier--xxxo destroy--xxxoo
  6. Glycereine


    SLIMS if 0, E is last letter from SLIME-1, SLIMS 0 negates the first 4.
  7. Glycereine

    Warrior Cats Mafia

    everyone get your actions in so night can end tonight instead
  8. Glycereine


    dynamic--xo pirates--xooo scrappy--oo dirtier--xxxo
  9. Glycereine


    dynamic--xo pirates--xooo scrappy--oo
  10. Glycereine


    dynamic--xo pirates--xooo
  11. Glycereine

    Warrior Cats Mafia

    This seems super interesting. if I am reading it right the biggest threat comes from Tigerclan. It looks like bloodclan has to kill the leader of both the other clans AND be the last standing so at least initially I don't think we have to worry about them too much. Obviously could become a problem later on though. also... that's alot of baddies. lol
  12. Glycereine


    I took some assumptions . It was not provable yet for sure 7 letters again.
  13. Glycereine


    ah you're right at least that explains why I couldn't make a word.
  14. Glycereine


    @maurice I think a word has to be misscored or I have nothing was well. Juice was the only thing that fits closely (but doesn't fit) that I could think of.
  15. Glycereine


    J must be the first letter from Jenga-1 E is eliminated because U is proven as second. N is eliminated from FUNGI-1 (where U is the 1) G is eliminated from FUNGI-1 (where U is the 1) A is eliminated from OUIJA-2 (where _U_C_ are the 2) This works after the previous proof (which I agree with unless some words aren't scored right)
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