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Everything posted by DudleyDude

  1. Sorry Ham, not that Has anyone guessed a... Nor that JKB. I'll have to be more careful to consider the riddles and try to exclude more things. Although the beer and wine answers aren't correct, they both unexpectedly fit many of the clues. Off to the office but I'll try to check the riddle periodically today.
  2. Ahhh, if only I could rhyme like you I wouldn't have to write haiku Well thought out but not the right answer.
  3. Awwww man, I thought we had a nice tie. Did the School Pres zero out someone's vote? And do we ever discuss goodie night actions here or does everyone just work on their own? On a side note: Gmaster, I really like the writing style so far. Especially the chapter names.
  4. DudleyDude

    All credit should go to JKB. I stared at the riddle for a long time and never saw the hidden words. I kept trying variations of skipping letters or looking for hidden words that spanned multiple words. I never considered a combination of the two. If JKB hadn't posted I'm pretty sure I never would have seen it. Great riddle, by the way. Another one I'm happy to see put to rest today
  5. Heh, after PG's last riddle we're going to be throwing out idioms until the cows come home P.S. There is no smiley for hopeful anticipation so I will stick with calm, cool, and collected sorry, still not the answer
  6. (I know it's not right, but I'm not giving up!!) and now the question to you is : which train arrives first Good guesses all, but none of them on the right track
  7. Sorry to ask questions in the middle of the game but I'm still a noob. Don't the baddies + indies have only 2? Or am I not understanding one of the roles?
  8. DudleyDude

    May not be correct....but Could it be??? Dang, JKB. Awesome guess.
  9. Not that either. I completely do not have a feel for writing riddles. I was almost positive that this one would a one or two guesser. Do you guys ever really know which riddles will be easy or is it always an adventure?
  10. DudleyDude

    Great riddle JKB and good going MrsP. Someone finally put this one to rest
  11. DudleyDude

    hehe. No, it's too early for hints. I just thought you might have commented on whether my riddle type suggestion was warm or cold
  12. True, but this one is pretty straightforward and I'm not sure what type of hint would be helpful. Besides, you'd ignore any hints anyway not this, but keep trying.
  13. Thanks DN. I didn't realize I had missed Derrai's post.
  14. DudleyDude

    Wow, not even a hint of a hint in your answer Nice to see you didn't go soft while you were sick.
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