Joe Smith was a model employee of Stuck in Cubicles Inc.. But he was a troubled fellow so one day he went into his boss's office and said.
"Mr. Boss, I've been working for you for many years. But you do not know that I have been seeing a therapist. For many years I've gone to see Dr. Flog around 9:00 every Saturday morning. Unfourtunately, he is unable to see me at this time anymore. He has an opening for me every Friday afternoon from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. I really feel it is important to see him so I can continue to have a healthy life and I hope you would be willing to give me this time off each week."
Mr. Boss, moved by this story, agreed to let this employee of his have his appointments with Dr. Flog.
A few months later however, he tries to look Dr. Flog up and realizes there is not a Dr. Flog in the entire state!
So, where is Joe Smith and who is Dr. Flog?