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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. bonanova

    I dont think there's an answer.
  2. That's a great observation. Thanks. - bn
  3. EDIT: And your phone number is the riddle.
  4. This has been suggested a bazillion times. No information other than the color may be communicated. Read the OP. And what about the machine guns in the guard tower?
  5. Sure, if you only knew which ones they were... Doh. Hello, Mc Fly .... *knocks you gently on the head*
  6. bonanova

    There's only one bulb.
  7. Absolutely correct. See? It's not really hard to figure that out. It isn't your logic that has fallen short [did you say grasshopper?] it's your reading, comprehension or retention abilities. You've simply forgotten what you read and understood from the OP. Or you remembered what you didn't understand from the OP. Or, you simply did not read the OP. Whatever. The problem that you are analyzing is this: There are a million doors - one car, the rest goats. Monty opens 999,998 goat doors, leaving two unopened. You choose from the two remaining doors. You have a 50% chance of getting the car. Did you notice the subtle but important difference in the order of events? By the way, if you still cling to your one-in-a-million-even-odds bets, that really fine with me, I have no horse in this race - you can analyze these things any way you like. But understand that the real test of correct analysis is to play the game and come out with more money than you started with. And anytime you want to play this game, just give me a call.
  8. bonanova

    A quarter is glued to the table. A dime is moved around the quarter once, returning to its original position. As it moves, the dime remains in contact with the quarter, without slipping. How many revolutions about its center does the dime make? For our purposes a dime has half the diameter of a quarter.
  9. bonanova

    If a = b your first equation is meaningless and you can go basically anywhere you like with it: (a+b) * 0 = t * 0 = 56t * 0 = t3 * 0 = ... so you could conclude (a+b) = t = 56t = t3 = ... you get the idea. In general, beware of equations that have a-b in them.
  10. Forget that - what's Gwen's phone number?
  11. Welcome to the Den smartguy... Sure, that works. 50% certain, 75% expected results from pairwise "communication" at least two ways [adjacent and end-wise]. The trick is to ensure freedom for all but the first to speak.
  12. Hi kat, and welcome to the Den. Would the travel time be affected at all if the head wind equaled the plane's air speed?
  13. bonanova

    To the nearest whole number, add the number of times the moon rotates about its axis during a lunar month and the number of times the earth rotates about its axis during a calendar year. Other than unity and the number itself, how many factors does this sum have?
  14. bonanova

    Oh yeah ... best way to get five opinions on a subject? Ask four BD'ers!
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