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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. bonanova

    I'll resurrect my contribution from an earlier post. http://brainden.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png' alt=';)'>
  2. bonanova

    Score: Llam4: 4 correct Lazboy: 2 [additionally] correct. Phatfingers: same 6. Well done, one [1] to go. Not that Jean Leray isn't deserving; but he doesn't quite fit the list as well.
  3. bonanova

    Yes! And it only took me 10 months to see it. Good one.
  4. bonanova

    It can be solved. Count your moves, and post the lowest number.
  5. bonanova

    Another set. You know the drill. Ale or aye? Apathy? I grouse! Ape scale. I ice loud. Reach my ads. You do secrete soy. You frame it.
  6. bonanova

    You're right, it has been posted. Search tells all.
  7. bonanova

    Consonants rule when words or phrases become equal if vowels "aeiouy" are ignored. Thus consonants rule "BrainDen," "Brandon," "I brand one" and "Aye! A bra on Don!" [We don't talk about Don much.] Making it more fun, or challenging, we make a list of words or phrases that have corresponding words or phrases that are related to each other. Here's an easy starter set. No need to post spoilers for these. Yay! A ride.....RD......___ I renege........RNG.....______ You all weep....YLLW....______ Gooey rain......GRN....._____ A coy one.......CN......____ And ... go!.....NDG.....______ I value it......VLT.....______ Now that you have the hang of it, we offer more of a challenge. Often when one word is solved it gives a clue to the others. So this set is broken up into shorter pieces. Pick one set and try to solve it, and if they elude you, use a second set as a clue. And so on. For fun, post a spoiler just for the last set that you looked at to get the solution. In other words, leave the ones you didn't get, unsolved, for others to get. Enjoy! [spoiler=OK. Here are the rest ... A wee stove reign A wise canoe, soon A woe; a man. Go! Ace! Annoy cutie cat Aim sassy as a poppie. All a yon set Atone any souse? I ace loafer yon I colored you I floured you. I raize you? No. I'd lower you. I'm a coho again In awe, joy rose. In woe, you max ace. Lob me. Me annoy you? I sit! Nary the cry line Oh, woe you. Yoga? I'm you. Yon war OK. You amuse saucy hay stats You no done You wish a young tune. You! invade! You're heady. So you leaned You've a remain, too?
  8. bonanova

    Just for the heck of it, and yes it's been posted before but it's short and sweet. What word becomes plural when you add the letter c?
  9. bonanova

    And he can trick you as well. How would you know which of his horses is fastest? More to the point, what good is the rule?
  10. And ... ? Question is how many can you guarantee will be freed?
  11. bonanova

    If that's true, then the solution doesn't work.
  12. bonanova

    You and the good Professor both avoided the 3 4 5 trap that leads to 80 feet. Good job both.
  13. bonanova

    Forgot to add - the spider has a range of only 82' then he dies of hunger. Does he survive?
  14. bonanova

    I told the spider about the fly. It's a geometry problem: how far must the spider ... , not how far did the spider ... <_<
  15. bonanova

    There's a spider lurking on the floor in the corner of a room. A fly comes to rest on the diagonally opposite corner of the floor and falls asleep. The spider sets out for the fly; but for his own safety, he does not walk on the floor. If the room is 40' x 56' with an 8' ceiling, how far must the spider walk for his lunch? What if the floor is only 4' x 6'?
  16. bonanova

    Hi SteveK and welcome to the Den. If you haven't already done so, please read the "read before posting" section, especially about looking for puzzles that may already have been posted. Yours is here, and discussion can be appended to that thread. A related puzzle can be found here. - bonanova site moderator
  17. Let X = Y + Z; where Y = 360o/n and Z < Y. For example, if X = 91o, then Y = 90o, and Z = 1o. In this case n, which is the least integer that is greater than or equal to 360o/X, is 4. What can we say about C, the number of cuts required to restore the cake? That is, relate C to n. As an example, PT's value of X was 180o < X < 360o; that is, Y = 180o [n = 2] and 0o < Z < 180o. He found, for n = 2 that C = 4. For starters, solve the next two cases: determine C, after first locating and counting the light/dark areas. n=3 [say X=121o] n=4 [say X=91o].
  18. You don't need to generate a truly irrational number to explore the general solution. There are really only two cases that differ: X = 360/N or not. In the first case, say X=90o, the Nth cut gets you back to the beginning with everything white. Then the 2Nth cut turns it all brown again. In the second case, say X=91o, the Nth cut overlaps into the white area. The amazing result is the boundaries between white and brown areas don't move! This is true whether X is rational [90o] or irrational [say 91.333....o]. Eventually the colored areas all turn brown again because there are only a finite number of color combinations they can have.
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