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Everything posted by dms172

  1. dms172

    Star Wars Mafia

    thank goodness there's no night post. i have really no time to get on right now, so if i'm in active i'm sorry
  2. dms172

    it's ok i'm super bust with drivers ed and basketball season, so i don't get much time either and at this point it's starting to look like you and me will just have to have a huge battle
  3. dms172

    Kingdom Hearts Mafia

    actually i meant a character not a person. only people from FFB would know who(cloud)
  4. dms172

    jump m=1+q,0 food 0,0 copy 21,m=54+q copy 20,m=208+q copy 19,m=76+q copy 18,m=186+q copy 17,m=98+q copy 16,m=109+q copy 15,m=164+q copy 14,m=142+q copy 13,m=131+q copy 12,m=153+q copy 11,m=120+q food 0,0 food 0,0 copy 8,m=175+q copy 7,m=87+q copy 6,m=197+q copy 5,m=65+q food 0,0 food 0,0 food 0,0 jump 0,-21 jump 0,0 this is just a simple speed bomber but it can hit almost the whole area in about 20 rounds also i updated my signature to include all my programs and advertising to hopefully get some more people here.
  5. dms172

    Kingdom Hearts Mafia

    i agree there is a certain someone on my team that i'd really love to take out.
  6. dms172

    A.N.(my initials) stands back completely confused and lost but still completely confident in himself. "Heh if i ever get a bounty on my head no one will dare touch me." *glares at the fox(mutt)*
  7. dms172

    i did some battles with the RHGC and it seems fill the arena with so much stuff that no one can die.
  8. dms172

    um... the jump food was is just a mess up my computer did when copying the code also the hopper could be spaced a little betterbut i wanted to get it done so i could post both programs while you were still on.
  9. dms172

    this one is just 9 red hopper pointers that go round on their own paths this one turned out a lot like your Scythe. i tried to do some other stuff with it but that didn't work.
  10. dms172

    Star Wars Mafia

    oh i didn't remember the dark side attacking him. i thought it was just R2D2 and the princess
  11. dms172

    Star Wars Mafia

    1. DMS - voting for impervious 2. Prince Marth 3. Silverheart - voting for Panther 4. SomeGuy 5. Star Tiger - voting for Panther 6. Peace 7. Izzy 8. Skywalker - voting for Silverheart 9. Kat - voting for Twin_Bro 10. Limeliam - voting for Izzy 11. Twin_Bro - voting for Panther 12. A. Person - voting for Neptune 13. Riranor - voting for Panther 14. Neptune - voting for Twin_Bro 15. Andromeda - voting for Prince Marth 16. Twin Pop - voting for Panther 17. Panther 18. Impervious - Voting for Kat i'm changing my vote because i think that impervious easily could have been converted with all those visits.
  12. dms172

    Heroes Hybrid II

    Wow that was close 1. Prince_Marth85 2. SomeGuy 3. Kathleen 4. Reaymond 5. Prof. Templeton 6. Akaslickster 7. Ysan 8. Unreality 9. Star_Tiger 10. Limeliam 11. Twin Pop 12. Frost 13. Sinistral 14. GC 15.dms172
  13. dms172

    X-Men Mafia

    i'm sure we'll find out our roles soon, then we can all mass target impervious
  14. dms172

    i'm kind of confused on how you kill the opponent without bombs or anything like that(or did i miss a part of your nice long topic thread(not that that's a bad thing)). also now everyone has to make 9 little programs for one battle right?(i didn't see any length limits on them either)
  15. dms172

    i got to level 7 now but gave up because its just luck from there on but i aced my way there level 4 and , 0 on everything
  16. dms172

    at least they can't do worse next year
  17. dms172

    SWEET!!! i'll try a little hard a my program this next time around
  18. dms172

    Host: Impervious 1. star_tiger 2. reaymond 3. A. Person 4. peace*out 5. Izzy 6. Limeliam 7. Lost In Space 8.DMS172 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. andromeda 14. 15. 16. Backups 1. crazy painter 2. Rain Thinker 3. I'll still play
  19. dms172

    "ok i'm tried of this" the American ninja steps into the arena."i'll beat anyone right here right now. any takers?"
  20. dms172

    i can't get past lvl 5
  21. dms172

    Mass Attack! having a link in the title doesn't work so I'm just fixing it edit: nvm i see you fixed it
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