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Everything posted by dms172

  1. dms172

    ya number three should be out soon and i made a typo in the last post i mght now not no
  2. dms172

    i got a question. is the only this that happens during the day cast votes to kill some one and everything else happens at night or i'm i wrong.
  3. dms172

    Edit picture difficulty
  4. dms172

    Sea God: Mekal 1) GC 2)CrazyPainter 3)Joe's Student 4) woon 5) FIF 6) Kat 7)dms172 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)
  5. dms172

    one question I can i use AOE cheat codes?
  6. dms172

    i'm sry bout that i had about 30 seconds to reply this morning before going to school and i'm using an old slow comp.(the good one went crazy ) i probably read i different spoiler but replied to yours. i hope you aren't to mad.
  7. dms172

    P.S. The Roster 1)Panther 2)dms172 3) 4) 5) 6) Reserves 7) Mekal 8) 9) Impervious 10) GC i don't see why people aren't signing up it sounds fun for me.
  8. dms172

    i'll give it a go : o )
  9. dms172

    which then fits in with rae's 6: i guess i'll give another hint
  10. dms172

    [spoiler= ]so the answer's 1 i just don't know how to get there
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