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Everything posted by dms172

  1. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    hey prince i figured out y i don't get your PM's on the roster it says dsm172 when it should be dms172
  2. dms172

    if your going to have glitter you should have a disco ball too.
  3. dms172

    yes that's why i start the topic with that rule, but as long as you say your going to do an edit it should be fine also i was thinking if everyone wanted and everyone leaves there pictures up until we're done we could make a you tube video out of them. oh ya and i'm going to make an edit
  4. dms172

    Thanks for playing guys, I guess I should have had something more complex, like words with latin roots that sound the same <_< <(^-^)> you didn't even answer mine and she still got it. <_<
  5. dms172

    reaction test crazy hard game i finally made it to rocketing rabbit i hope you enjoy it
  6. dms172

    ox borax cat dog pig wolf docks Redeemer feeble doodle draw one of these has to be right or else jk
  7. dms172

    y would i do that i was seeing if it was the beginning that mattered
  8. dms172

    legally illegally loyally royally
  9. dms172

    ok peace got it. she post it whenever. and Fox came in a very close second
  10. dms172

    celebrate detective nevermore recessive relevance vegetable
  11. dms172

    sorry i didn't know it was your turn. <_<
  12. dms172

    nope special is correct none of those doen't fit my rule but it's always the true answer
  13. dms172

    You know the drill GOOOO!!!!!!
  14. dms172

    and yes i Googled it Edit and um i forgot to congratulate you on your 1000th post sooooo... ...congratulations
  15. dms172

    [spoiler='And two marks indicating that admission won’t be granted ']pg, or t and r
  16. dms172

    [spoiler='Compulsive doughnut eater Will come in the end Take a small chunk away From his front, cut him in half ']fat, then take the front away and cut in half. i think that leaves you with f or c
  17. dms172

    [spoiler='But the animal farm will be Kicking out both of you']cow or horse
  18. dms172

    [spoiler='Hit and push against With the head if you must']headbutt or head, but or maybe just but cuz head is in the riddle
  19. dms172

    until you said this i was thinking...
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