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Everything posted by dms172

  1. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    i can't there's stuff i'm not allowed to reveal, but he must go he is bad
  2. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    frost i'm not allowed to say which i am but you must trust me on this. PRINCE HAS TO GO. (i wish prince would get on to give me some more evidence) and it does matter if i sound suspicious next time prince gets to kill i'm dead.
  3. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    come on people i need your help kill prince we must avenge mekal
  4. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    he won't like me for say i know he's bad. and if he survives today because i said something i will die.
  5. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    Host: unreality 1) Reaymond - voting for Itachi 2) Kathleen 3) star_tiger 4) Frost - voting for Itachi 5) Brandonb 6) Dawh 7) Joe's Student - voting for Brandonb 8) Foolonthehill 9) Puzzlegirl - voting for Itachi 10) Itachi-san 11) Frozen_in_fire 12) crazypainter 13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins 14) dms172 - voting for Prince_Marth85 15) Prince_Marth85 16) woon 17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched plz everyone don't kill me for saying this, but you must trust me on this. we need to kill Prince
  6. dms172

    mod put the link on the original post
  7. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    i just the gut feeling we should kill off someone besides tal and woon, but it's to late
  8. dms172

    you or slick can start it also if you didn't notice the video is up.
  9. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    awesome we got another one :D those i should have know only pure evil could match me at mage duel <_<
  10. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    i thought that was obvious, cuz i-san's a baddie <_<
  11. dms172

    yeah that's what i tried to do with my roster idea so anyone could post, but i guess a set order is need and i also i agree i new thread per game is the best.
  12. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    yep that's mine. also who gets to call the coin toss
  13. dms172

    what happened to the 2 hours <_< i want some AOW
  14. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    Recruiter: Warriors of Light 1) Kathleen (Poisoned) -voting for Panther 2) Mekal (Dead – Killed by Xemnas) 3) Panther - voting for Silverheart 4) Reaymond (Dead – Killed by Cloud and Sephiroth) 5) frozen_in_fire - voting for Panther 6) RainThinker (Dead - Executed and found to be Kefka) 7) Limeliam (Dead – Killed by Kuja) 8) Puzzlegirl - voting for DMS 9) dms172-voting for Silverheart 10) star_tiger (Dead – Killed by Ultimecia) 11) crazypainter (Dead – Killed by Kuja) 12) Silverheart well Kat it might not matter who we kill it's possible we are the only innocents left and i haven't heard anything really from PG and going off csm2 i think she might have announced being innocent if she is innocent. edit i changed my mind there's not enough time left to probably make a difference plus i want to see a tie
  15. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    actually Kat i came up with the same conclusion that you did Silverheart and sounds a lot like Kuja to me <_<, but since I'm very sure of Kat's innocents i will vote with her Recruiter: Warriors of Light 1) Kathleen (Poisoned) -voting for Frozen in Fire 2) Mekal (Dead – Killed by Xemnas) 3) Panther - voting for Silverheart 4) Reaymond (Dead – Killed by Cloud and Sephiroth) 5) frozen_in_fire - voting for Panther 6) RainThinker (Dead - Executed and found to be Kefka) 7) Limeliam (Dead – Killed by Kuja) 8) Puzzlegirl - voting for DMS 9) dms172-voting for Frozen in Fire 10) star_tiger (Dead – Killed by Ultimecia) 11) crazypainter (Dead – Killed by Kuja) 12) Silverheart
  16. dms172

    ok slick i've only gotten 2 votes and it's been a long time, so I'm just going to call it off also i'm going to ask rook to a video link on the first page.
  17. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    1) Reaymond - voting for woon 2) Kathleen -voting for Woon 3) star_tiger - voting for woon 4) Frost - voting for Mekal 5) Brandonb - voting for taliesin 6) Dawh - voting for woon 7) Joe's Student - voting for woon 8) foolonthehill - voting for Mekal 9) Puzzlegirl - voting for taliesin 10) itachi-san - voting for woon 11) Frozen_in_fire - voting for Frost 12) crazypainter - voting for taliesin 13) Mekal - voting for taliesin 14) dms172 - voting for - voting for taliesin 15) PrinceMarth85 - voting for taliesin 16) woon - voting for taliesin 17) taliesin - voting for taliesin i wish i had something to say but i don't so i'll just say woon your not leaving yet
  18. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    Host: unreality 1) Reaymond - voting for woon 2) Kathleen 3) star_tiger - voting for woon 4) Frost - voting for Mekal 5) Brandonb - voting for dms172 6) Dawh - voting for woon 7) Joe's Student - voting for Brandonb 8) Foolonthehill 9) Puzzlegirl - voting for taliesin 10) itachi-san - voting for woon 11) Frozen_in_fire - voting for Frost 12) crazypainter 13) Mekal 14) dms172 - voting for I-san 15) PrinceMarth85 16) woon 17) taliesin - voting for taliesin like everyone else i read woon's post i just interpret it differently also i don't see how woon avatar is any worse than mine
  19. dms172

    Jumper Mafia

    i don't have any idea who to vote for, so the only conclusion i could come up with was random.com 1) Reaymond 2) Kathleen 3) star_tiger 4) Frost 5) Brandonb 6) Dawh 7) Joe's Student 8) Foolonthehill 9) Puzzlegirl 10) itachi-san 11) Frozen_in_fire 12) crazypainter 13) Mekal 14) dms172 vote for Mekal 15) Prince_Marth85 16) woon 17) taliesin sry mekal but random.com has spoken
  20. dms172

    one two three four five ate
  21. dms172

    Final Fantasy Battle

    i just picked a random person. i wanted to see if people would follow
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