Host: unreality
1) Reaymond - voting for Itachi
2) Kathleen
3) star_tiger
4) Frost - voting for Itachi
5) Brandonb
6) Dawh
7) Joe's Student - voting for Brandonb
8) Foolonthehill
9) Puzzlegirl - voting for Itachi
10) Itachi-san
11) Frozen_in_fire
12) crazypainter
13) Mekal - DEAD [?] Killed by the Paladins
14) dms172 - voting for Prince_Marth85
15) Prince_Marth85
16) woon
17) taliesin - DEAD [Paramedic] Lynched
plz everyone don't kill me for saying this, but you must trust me on this. we need to kill Prince