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The a godfather from the mafia.

He comes up to a deaf guy and said to him,

"Oih! Where's the 10,000,000 dollars you smuggled from me?"

The godfather had soon realized that this guy was deaf,

So he taps him on the shoulder. And the deaf guy starts speaking sigh language.

So the godfather came back the next day with his solicitor.

"Tell him where my 10,000,000 dollars he smuggled from me is?"

The solicitor said,"he wants to know where his 10,000,000 dollars you smuggled from him is."

The deaf guy said," I don't know."

The godfather pulled out a pistol and said, "I want answers, now."

"he wants answers." The solicitor told the deaf guy and he replied,

"Fine. Its in the backyard of my cousins house, behind the shed."

What did the solicitor say to the godfather?

This could keep you going for a while.....

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with James and wood because he could just get the money himself. Let that other guy kill the deaf man, get rid of witnesses

Edited by squareContacts
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since he was acting as the translator, he repeated the deaf guy exactly, "Fine. Its in the backyard of my cousins house, behind the shed." and the godfather took it as a confession from the solicitor saying it's at his own cousin's house

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Well... since solicitor = lawyer I would have to agree with everyone else. Personally though

not make sure the deaf man was killed immediately in case he was lying. Although, it would be tricky to keep him from telling someone else about the location or in some other way giving away the doublecross.

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"It's behind his cousin's shed,". When they are about to go get it the solictier turns to the deaf guy and says,"Hey wait a second, where does your cousin live?"

Edited by cjstone314
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