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Substitute each of the capital letters in bold by a different base ten digit from 0 to 9 to satisfy this alphametic equation. None of the numbers can contain any leading zero.


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5 answers to this question

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Nice job on the answer, but can you provide a brief outline of the methodology leading to it?

Ideally I would like to post the answer within this week, and I am interested to know if my method matches with that of yours.

Edited by K Sengupta
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Nice job on the answer, but can you provide a brief outline of the methodology leading to it?

Ideally I would like to post the answer within this week, and I am interested to know if my method matches with that of yours.

The way I thought of it was like this: in order for the fourth multiple of an integer to equal the cube of another, they must share some common factor x, such that both sides of the equation satisfy x12, where 12 is the lowest common multiple of the two exponentials. I realized this after looking at 1003 and 10002 which both equal 106.

The equation can now be written as (x3)4 = (x4)3 = x12. Based on the number of digits in WHAT, x must between 10 and 21. Based on the number of digits in NUMBER, x must be between 18 and 31. The only numbers x could be are then 18, 19, 20 or 21. From that it's pretty easy to find the answer.

Edited by Catpie
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Well done Catpie. This indeed matches precisely with the methodology known to me and accordingly completes the solution to the given puzzle.

Edited by K Sengupta
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