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Ok figure out the names of these 'people' and some places. Once you get one, especially number 2, the theme should fall into place. If my memory serves me Mrs. P might enjoy these. Not sure if I remember that tidbit correctly, though. Also, I'm going to eat right now so I can look at these when I return.

1. The opposite of trivial + A dark color

2. Someone with Alopecia is not this + Someone who makes things from clay

3. A light shade of violet + An ivy league school

4. The winner + Cookie morsel

5. The moon, in Latin + someone who excels in the sheets might be said to do this

6. A beast

7. Someone who wails and sobs is doing this + Type of tree

8. Crazy me + Tempermental

9. Name of a star + Weird, in French???

Some different types

10. What a snake might do upon entering a room?

11. A swine's disease with symptoms that include witch-like features?

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Ok figure out the names of these 'people' and some places. Once you get one, especially number 2, the theme should fall into place. If my memory serves me Mrs. P might enjoy these. Not sure if I remember that tidbit correctly, though. Also, I'm going to eat right now so I can look at these when I return.

1. The opposite of trivial + A dark color

2. Someone with Alopecia is not this + Someone who makes things from clay

3. A light shade of violet + An ivy league school

4. The winner + Cookie morsel

5. The moon, in Latin + someone who excels in the sheets might be said to do this

6. A beast

7. Someone who wails and sobs is doing this + Type of tree

8. Crazy me + Tempermental

9. Name of a star + Weird, in French???

Some different types

10. What a snake might do upon entering a room?

11. A swine's disease with symptoms that include witch-like features?


1. Sirius Black.

2. Harry Potter

3. Lavendar Brown

5. Luna Lovegood

6. Fluffy ?? - not sure about that one.

7. Weeping Willow/Whomping Willow

9. Belatrix Lestrange (sp?)

Need to keep thinking, but this is so great. So fun!!

Edited by MrsP
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10. Slytherin

Sorry I am getting so many...I'm not really giving other people a chance..But your memory did serve right, I am sooo enjoying this!

Edit: Oh great job! Didn't even think of that for 4. Now I think we need 11 and 8

Flu Powder???

--Not sure about that one.

Edited by MrsP
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1. Sirius Black.

2. Harry Potter

3. Lavendar Brown

5. Luna Lovegood

6. Fluffy ?? - not sure about that one.

7. Weeping Willow/Whomping Willow

9. Belatrix Lestrange (sp?)

Need to keep thinking, but this is so great. So fun!!

All are correct but 6 and 7.

4. Victor Crumb 10. Slither-in


10. Slytherin

Sorry I am getting so many...I'm not really giving other people a chance..But your memory did serve right, I am sooo enjoying this!

Edit: Oh great job! Didn't even think of that for 4. Now I think we need 11 and 8

Flu Powder???

--Not sure about that one.

Not that.

Edited by Gubdude
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hogwartsAlastor Moody


lets try...

Both of those are correct. For the 2nd one, however, I was going for his nickname. That is the right character though. Good job!

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Both of those are correct. For the 2nd one, however, I was going for his nickname. That is the right character though. Good job!

because are we talking about 8? with Mad Eye Moody


7. Moaning Myrtle

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the box for my spoiler comes up to the side, and i can not relocate it to where i can see the full box.....sry guysdry.gifsmile.gif

Mine is weird too, I just type mine out now so it is easier. I was just being playful :D



I can't figure that one out.

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because are we talking about 8? with Mad Eye Moody


7. Moaning Myrtle

Correct correct correct!

For 6, think of a synonym of beast not a type of beast. I guess the "a" threw people off. My bad.

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Very nice. You sure know your Harry Potter. :)

Yeah, I am nerd and proud of it! Fabulous riddle! I really loved it! Very well done :D

Edit: Oh, and the title is very clever!!

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Yeah, I am nerd and proud of it! Fabulous riddle! I really loved it! Very well done :D

Edit: Oh, and the title is very clever!!

Thank you kindly. Us nerds have to stick together. ;)

That is so awesome!! I loved the wording of the questions.

Thank you much.

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