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Here's my first puzzle.

I'm not quite sure where to put it, but it doesn't have to do with logic or math so... I put it here.

Albert and Tom are at a bar. They decide to play a drinking game.

Albert says to Tom, "I'm going to have some beer, one mug a time. Every time I'm finished with a mug, I'll say how much beer I've drunk so far. If I am wrong, whether because I'm drunk or because I am lying, you have to drink a mug of beer, too." Tom agrees to play this game.

Albert starts by filling his mug with beer, drinking it, and saying,

"I have drunk one mug of beer."

Then, he fills his mug to the top again, chugs it down, and says,

"I have drunk one mug of beer."

Every time that night, Albert filled his mug to the brim, and emptied the stuff into his stomach.

And yet every time, he insisted that he has only had one mug of beer.

But, Tom remained sober all night. How?

Edited by Padoo
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Welcome to the Den! Nice to have a post from you! I am pretty sure this one would go into the math/logic section, just because it isn't really a word riddle. It was logic that made me get the answer I came up with. Anyway, welcome!

Here's my first puzzle.

I'm not quite sure where to put it, but it doesn't have to do with logic or math so... I put it here.

Albert and Tom are at a bar. They decide to play a drinking game.

Albert says to Tom, "I'm going to have some beer, one mug a time. Every time I'm finished with a mug, I'll say how much beer I've drunk so far. If I am wrong, whether because I'm drunk or because I am lying, you have to drink a mug of beer, too." Tom agrees to play this game.

Albert starts by filling his mug with beer, drinking it, and saying,

"I have drunk one mug of beer."

Then, he fills his mug to the top again, chugs it down, and says,

"I have drunk one mug of beer."

Every time that night, Albert filled his mug to the brim, and emptied the stuff into his stomach.

And yet every time, he insisted that he has only had one mug of beer.

But, Tom remained sober all night. How?

Because Albert was never lying. After he would drink one beer, he would say he had had one. So never a lie. Tom never had to drink.

Edit: Well nevermind...but I like my answer :P

Edited by MrsP
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he isn't lying, because you only specify that he filled his mug with beer the first time, and we don't know what he filled it with any time after that, so he only for sure drank one beer

welcome to the den btw...

Edit...oops, didn't see peeJ's post, same thing here

Edited by dyalDragon
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Tom is drinking non-alcholic beer.

Indeed. Tom is a recovering alcoholic and is drinking this type to help him ween off the hard stuff. Albert is a very bad influence and should be ashamed for pressuring him into drinking. Tom should probably find some more supportive friends!

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:unsure: Could be totally on the wrong track but....well, he WASN'T LYING!

Technically everytime he finished a mug he HAD just drunk one mug of beer!!

OR am I missing a subtle/not so subtle!! :duh: point of logic here?? Gillian xx

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AAAH OF COURSE NON ALCOHOLIC BEER!! LoL :D This is what I get for not reading the previous posts or the spoilers!! Oh well.. Still, couldn't my answer ALSO apply?? Being pernickity 2save face :blush: but no where was it worded that the man with the disturbingly large alcohol capacity was to COUNT his mugs!!(WOULD ALSO EXPLAIN WHY,AFTER ONLY 2BEERS HE COULDN'T COUNT!! As would the other post - he was deliberately trying 2get tom back on the hard stuff!Some friend there eh?!!) LoL I THINK TOO MUCH xx

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