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hey, i have been having a lot of problems lately and avoided this website, but i decided everyone is nice here so i might as well ask for help. I am bi sexual.. its hard for me to admit this to others but i thought i shouldn't be scared to do so here. Problem is though that for the last four years i kept this secret and now i feel like my life is a lie and that i have no friends... and i want to be open about it but im too scared to be. Does anyone have any idea what i could do to build up my confidence, only 6 people in the enitre world know till now... and i jsut want some kinds words to help me out.

edit: typos

Edited by Riranor
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Your real friends will understand. Some may have to deal with it a little first, but they'll be back. If not, who needs em?

The other people will be mean and say some very ugly things toward you until that magical moment when they realize it just doesn't get to you. While I'm a certified heterosexual, my manner and exceptional sense of taste and style have often stereotyped me otherwise. For a very long time, I would be bothered by remarks and insistently make denials. Eventually, I just gave up the fight and when someone asks me blunt questions about my sexuality, my stock answer is "why? you looking to score?" which pretty much shuts them up. (Vague and flippant, I never confirm or deny anything.)

My point is that a good sense of humor and "owning" who you are go a long way toward letting others be comfortable with you. As long as you're comfortable with yourself, anyone of consequence will feel awkward trying to make you feel otherwise. As for those jerks that don't get it? As long as you're in a safe environment, let the flip remarks fly! Your friends (and probably their friends, too) will laugh at the jerk who just got "served". (Is that a current term? Man, I'm getting old.)

Oh, and good for you!

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Your real friends will understand. Some may have to deal with it a little first, but they'll be back. If not, who needs em?

The other people will be mean and say some very ugly things toward you until that magical moment when they realize it just doesn't get to you. While I'm a certified heterosexual, my manner and exceptional sense of taste and style have often stereotyped me otherwise. For a very long time, I would be bothered by remarks and insistently make denials. Eventually, I just gave up the fight and when someone asks me blunt questions about my sexuality, my stock answer is "why? you looking to score?" which pretty much shuts them up. (Vague and flippant, I never confirm or deny anything.)

My point is that a good sense of humor and "owning" who you are go a long way toward letting others be comfortable with you. As long as you're comfortable with yourself, anyone of consequence will feel awkward trying to make you feel otherwise. As for those jerks that don't get it? As long as you're in a safe environment, let the flip remarks fly! Your friends (and probably their friends, too) will laugh at the jerk who just got "served". (Is that a current term? Man, I'm getting old.)

Oh, and good for you!

thanks.... there is a friend i considered telling but then i found out he hates another friend now for also being bi.... i might as well gt it over with and if he doesn't want to be my friend because of it then he can just... not a polite term. I think comign out on thi site though was one of my better ideas

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