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I am your servant. I am your friend.

I will stick with you until my untimely end.

It will be in a store, or maybe on the beach.

You might try to revive me, but my skin has been breached.

You must never kiss me, and I'll say that again,

Because you know more than most just exactly where I've been.

My ancestors have been around for many ages,

simply because I'm not worth more than an hour's wages.

My present nickname is quite acrobatically shortfalling,

Use my old name, and you'll send children bawling.

But I am not bad, and your friends will all love me,

as long as you keep your great self just above me.

WAI? and what was I called before?

Edited by Fileobrother
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Correct! This is the answer I was looking for, just a diff. name.

Flip-flops, formerly known as thongs.

o.k. but how does either flip flop or thong or sandal send children bawling?

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I am your servant. I am your friend.

I will stick with you until my untimely end.

It will be in a store, or maybe on the beach.

You might try to revive me, but my skin has been breached.

You must never kiss me, and I'll say that again,

Because you know more than most just exactly where I've been.

My ancestors have been around for many ages,

simply because I'm not worth more than an hour's wages.

My present nickname is quite acrobatically shortfalling,

Use my old name, and you'll send children bawling.

But I am not bad, and your friends will all love me,

as long as you keep your great self just above me.

WAI? and what was I called before?

sole of the shoe/ old term maybe brat?

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Nope, you're really close with the first part, I don't understand why you said brat, but in any case, keep guessing, or you can just look at the answer posted a couple spoilers back.

Sorry. I looked brat up, and it is a rough garment for protective covering (like an apron). For some reason I mis-remembered it as to do with shoes or boots.

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