Guest Posted May 24, 2009 Report Share Posted May 24, 2009 Yea, sorry Peace, I think it does, atleast for the night actions. Abhisk, I agree with everything you suggested. We delivered a pretty sivere blow to the baddies yesterday, now we just need to finish them off. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
abhisk Posted May 24, 2009 Report Share Posted May 24, 2009 Yes, we got a big baddie here! Nice job people. Look at my post before the day post for what should happen. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 24, 2009 Report Share Posted May 24, 2009 Yup, I agree with what should happen. I am affraid this may be a very anti-climactic win with, it appears, all of the baddies afk for the entire end of the game. Oh, well, I will take a victory any way we can get it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 Whats happened to this??? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 reaymond said: Whats happened to this??? Last time I heard, scsw was quite busy and I think he was gonna post until late yesterday... I think... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 (edited) scsw said: Prologue - The Chaos Begins Night 1 - First Blood Day 1 - A False Lead Night 2 - Irony Day 2 - A Grave Error Night 3 - Quiet Before the Storm Day 3 - Striking the Wrong Chord Night 4 – Quiescence Day 4 - Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt Night 5 – Fateful Encounter Day 5 – Broken Link Night 6 – A New Threat Peace*out regretted not saying anything during the morning’s lynching. Now, she was stuck in the cold and dark dungeon and every moving shadow scared her. Lying down on the bunk, she started to think about other things and tried to sleep. Just before she drifted to sleep, she heard a ruckus from the guards’ room. She jumped up and peered out from her cell. Two guards were lying on the floor and a dark figure was standing over them. It picked up the keys that the guards dropped and started moving towards peace*out’s cell. When it stood before the cell door, moonlight shone on it and peace*out gasped. It was a Shade. How was a Second Circle Spawn demon here? “I know who you are, peace*out. You must have heard in the stories – you can’t run now. Your soul is mine!” it smiled. *** The Healer’s night went by uneventfully. *** Halfway across the town, so did the Defender’s. *** The Innkeeper opened the door and let the informant out. “You know how to reach me if you need more information. Don’t worry about me – I know how to keep myself safe,” she said as she waved goodbye and disappeared into the night. The Innkeeper closed the door and went back to his study. He jotted the information down and looked at his more complete chart. *** The Priest prayed at his altar and the Gods answered his prayers. It was then that he heard a piercing scream fill the night air. He ran towards the dungeons and found the Defender and Healer already there. They found peace*out dead on the floor. The Priest chanted a simple spell and gasped. “Her soul is taken! This must be the work of a Shade!” he said. The three quickly buried the body and went to their respective homes, contemplating what to do next. *** The Shade smiled and brought out peace*out’s soul. The soul screamed as the Shade extracted the information it needed, a scream that no one but the Shade can hear and revel in. *** 1. Riranor – Lynched and found to be the [Mastermind] 2. Reaymanator 3. CGH0606 – Lynched and found to be the [Minstrel] 4. GMaster479 – Lynched and found to be the [Undertaker] 5. peace_out - Killed by the Shade (?) 6. RPGBully 7. Limey – Lynched and found to be the [Doppelganger] 8. IDNE - Killed by the Doppelganger (?) 9. JarZe 10. woon 11. Marioman9 12. abhisk 13. GC - Killed by the Assassin (?) 14. Kat - awaiting replacement 15. twin_bro - Lynched and found to be the [Jailor] *** Sorry guys, was out camping for the weekend. Got back later than expected yesterday night. The normal schedule resumes now. Day 6 ends in 24 hours. Edited May 26, 2009 by scsw Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 This is weird... Anyways, I'll start this today 1. Riranor – Lynched and found to be the [Mastermind] 2. Reaymanator 3. CGH0606 – Lynched and found to be the [Minstrel] 4. GMaster479 – Lynched and found to be the [Undertaker] 5. peace_out - Killed by the Shade (?) 6. RPGBully 7. Limey – Lynched and found to be the [Doppelganger] 8. IDNE - Killed by the Doppelganger (?) 9. JarZe - Voting for Marioman9 10. woon 11. Marioman9 12. abhisk 13. GC - Killed by the Assassin (?) 14. Kat - awaiting replacement 15. twin_bro - Lynched and found to be the [Jailor] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 First, before I vote, what do you find wierd Jarze? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 Damn. I was kinda hoping that the Shade was dead and we didn't know but it appears not... I guess this win might not be as easy as we think it is Not sure what JarZe is thinking, but maybe we should try and off the Shade before we kill off the baddies. It would be quite easy to guess everyones role now, and at the moment we are basically filling in his/her wincon for him/her (Im pretty sure s/he has to be the last man standing now as the Doppelganger/seer are dead.) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 I absolutely agree with you Reay, killing the shade is EXACTLY what we need to do today! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 RPGBully said: I absolutely agree with you Reay, killing the shade is EXACTLY what we need to do today! Ok then, any thoughts??? I'll be glad to follow if anyone has a clue on who the shade might be. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 abhisk said: Ok, I'm pretty sure that the three others: Kat, Rir, and MarioMan ,are the remaining baddies. But one of the people on my goodie list is the shade, so I'm reducing my goodie list to Me and Bully. The other goodies/shade are Peace, Woon, Reay, and JarZe. But I think I know who Reay and JarZe are, so only Peace and Woon for the shade. Thats all I can find for now JarZe... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 (edited) Ok Jarze, glad to know you're still with me. Hopefully I have proven myself enough that I won't have to show proof about this, however I will if necessary. I KNOW Reay is the Shade. For the last several nights, the only baddie action we have seen is the Shade, so I think killing Reay is the only choice right now. Again, this is not a deduction or a guess, this is knowledge! Also, the only kill the shade (Reaymonator) has had so far is Peace, and as far as I know we don't know what his role was, it could have been the Seer. If so, that means the Shade could still win if the Priest is still alive, so that is also my motivation for moving on this now as opposed to later. 1. Riranor – Lynched and found to be the [Mastermind] 2. Reaymanator 3. CGH0606 – Lynched and found to be the [Minstrel] 4. GMaster479 – Lynched and found to be the [Undertaker] 5. peace_out - Killed by the Shade (?) 6. RPGBully Voting for Reaymonator 7. Limey – Lynched and found to be the [Doppelganger] 8. IDNE - Killed by the Doppelganger (?) 9. JarZe - Voting for Marioman9 10. woon 11. Marioman9 12. abhisk 13. GC - Killed by the Assassin (?) 14. Kat - awaiting replacement 15. twin_bro - Lynched and found to be the [Jailor] Edit: Changed color Edited May 26, 2009 by RPGBully Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 (edited) before you go any further, Id just like to point out that if you look at the list of the dead, and which roles stopped acting then, its pretty clear that GC was the seer so as far as Im concerned its knowledge that the Shade has to be the last man standing. Rethink the rest of your "Knowledge" whilst your at it and you might come to a very different conclusion edit: "The only baddie action we have seen over the past several nights is the Shade" - I have been more than active over the last few nights, so I don't understand why the Shade hasn't been acting when it was perfectly possible for it to...? edit2: Peace is a she RPG Edited May 26, 2009 by reaymond Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 reaymond said: before you go any further, Id just like to point out that if you look at the list of the dead, and which roles stopped acting then, its pretty clear that GC was the seer so as far as Im concerned its knowledge that the Shade has to be the last man standing. Rethink the rest of your "Knowledge" whilst your at it and you might come to a very different conclusion Sorry Reaymonator, I understand what you are trying to do, but it can't work. You DEDUCE that GC is the Seer. You may be right, I don't know about that. I DO know, however, that you are the Shade. Hopefully we will get enough participation so that we can lynch you today, and that should pretty much seal our victory. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 Sorry about the constant use of "he" when referring to people, I always forget to look for gender before I post. No offense intended. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 RPGBully said: Sorry Reaymonator, I understand what you are trying to do, but it can't work. You DEDUCE that GC is the Seer. You may be right, I don't know about that. A perfectly valid deduction that has only 1 conclusion (hence true), that I presumed everyone had worked out by now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 And in response to the other part of your edit, I would have to assume game play, but again, I am only speculating. Maybe you were not sure of others roles for your RID kill? Or, you just wanted to give yourself an argument when this topic came up. However, how could that change my vote, I know exactly who you are? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 RPGBully said: And in response to the other part of your edit, I would have to assume game play, but again, I am only speculating. Maybe you were not sure of others roles for your RID kill? Or, you just wanted to give yourself an argument when this topic came up. However, how could that change my vote, I know exactly who you are? I, personally, could give you a list of everybody's roles right now if it would prove that I had targets for RID (hence proving me innocent). Also, how come you never know anything about anything yet as soon as someone brings up a topic you ALWAYS know what to do and instantly know everything, and all the roles included? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 If you know everyone's role, then you know mine as well. If that were true, then you would already have the answer to your question! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 Also, I have only called out one role this entire game, yours. So what exactly do you mean? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 RPGBully said: If you know everyone's role, then you know mine as well. If that were true, then you would already have the answer to your question! apologies, I thought you had acted on Night5 RPGBully said: Also, I have only called out one role this entire game, yours. So what exactly do you mean? Well I can recall the limey incident off the top of my head for a start... I was just mentioning how you and Abhisk just appeared to be orchestrating this entire game with no involvements from the rest of us goodies thats all Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 So, let me get this straight. Your defense of me calling you out as the Shade is, atleast in part, that because I informed the goodies that Limey was a baddie, and I was correct, then....what? Yes, I did call out Limey, however, I did NOT reveal his role, I just told the goodies that he was a baddie. However, if memory serves, (and it does), the only one who wanted me to out myself and my role was you . Anyway, this conversation is entertaining to me, and hopefully the rest of the goodies will read it, because they DO know who I am. Goodies, if you don't know, or need more proof, please post this evening and I will give it. However, I don't want to incase one of the actuall baddies wakes up and decides to kill me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 I don't know whether to believe RPG or not. I'm withdrawing my vote for now, until I can decide if Reay is trustworthy or not, because he was just before all this. So right now, how many dead baddies do we have? Only 2? 1. Riranor – Lynched and found to be the [Mastermind] 2. Reaymanator 3. CGH0606 – Lynched and found to be the [Minstrel] 4. GMaster479 – Lynched and found to be the [Undertaker] 5. peace_out - Killed by the Shade (?) 6. RPGBully Voting for Reaymonator 7. Limey – Lynched and found to be the [Doppelganger] 8. IDNE - Killed by the Doppelganger (?) 9. JarZe 10. woon 11. Marioman9 12. abhisk 13. GC - Killed by the Assassin (?) 14. Kat - awaiting replacement 15. twin_bro - Lynched and found to be the [Jailor] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 RPGBully said: So, let me get this straight. Your defense of me calling you out as the Shade is, atleast in part, that because I informed the goodies that Limey was a baddie, and I was correct, then....what? Yes, I did call out Limey, however, I did NOT reveal his role, I just told the goodies that he was a baddie. However, if memory serves, (and it does), the only one who wanted me to out myself and my role was you . Anyway, this conversation is entertaining to me, and hopefully the rest of the goodies will read it, because they DO know who I am. Goodies, if you don't know, or need more proof, please post this evening and I will give it. However, I don't want to incase one of the actuall baddies wakes up and decides to kill me. No my defense is based on the huge gaping holes you have in your attack. To be hnest it's not really a defense as I'm just picking out fault after fault with what you say. The idea of you telling us limeys role was Peace's actually. If you read back then you will see that I was "translating" as some of you were having trouble understanding each other. And even at that point (and JarZe can back this up) I asked you for CONCRETE EVIDENCE that limey was bad. Nowhere did I ask you to reveal your role. In fact I sad do NOT reveal your role if it will jeopardize the goodies and ended that conversation with a successful lynch. And because your a goodie (and we all know it) automatically means that everything you say has to be trusted? I was a goodie in X-Men but still got andromeda in big trouble even though she was good. 2 goodies arguing amonst themsleves is the kind of thing that happens in day1 not day 6 - especially with a well informed character such as yours. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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