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Indulge, Pray, contemplate, struggle, or take a deep breath and just wonder.

To get to my place don’t be shy

If you have me, share me or lose me for a deity I’m not

You may pass by my way without recognizing the state I’m in

Stay or leave as you like for you are welcome for eternity

Peace to all whom stay within

Nevermind I will just come to you

Glad to meet you, I am <?>

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Looks like another Riddler has been has been eaten by the computer riddle zombies, never to be seen again... or maybe he's just busy... Still like some answers, though...

Ditto dot . . .

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Looks like another Riddler has been has been eaten by the computer riddle zombies, never to be seen again... or maybe he's just busy... Still like some answers, though...

Should we call it "The RMZ Virus"? We could create a Dew flavor and everything! :D


Edited by heyupal
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Should we call it "The RMZ Virus"? We could create a Dew flavor and everything! :D


That's funny. I saw your missing G, and then, when I clicked to reply about it, I was so confused to see the G there, after all. Then I realized, you managed to edit it real quick (you sneaky fellow).

Lotus RMZ Club Member (Riddle Master Zombie Club) HAHA!!!

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That's funny. I saw your missing G, and then, when I clicked to reply about it, I was so confused to see the G there, after all. Then I realized, you managed to edit it real quick (you sneaky fellow).

Lotus RMZ Club Member (Riddle Master Zombie Club) HAHA!!!

I don't know if you saw in my previous post, watching a game and not my typing so much.

Which leads to lotsa editing..... :D

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I love it! Welcome to the club Lotus. We do require a wee bit of dancing though... Tee hee hee :D

Hell Yeah!!! I dance like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. I can DANCE!! : ) Haha.

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Sorry people I was off line overnight. Beautiful sunset on the left coast... you know

I love all the answers. some are very good.

heyupal got it on page three "enlightenment"

I was going for, "the path to enlightenment, Nirvana is the elusive aspect.

Way to go all of you , Thanks

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Sorry people I was off line overnight. Beautiful sunset on the left coast... you know

I love all the answers. some are very good.

heyupal got it on page three "enlightenment"

I was going for, "the path to enlightenment, Nirvana is the elusive aspect.

Way to go all of you , Thanks

Horray to my buddie Heyupal for once again thwarting the riddle masters! Looks like one of them happened to escape from the RMZ's...
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Horray to my buddie Heyupal for once again thwarting the riddle masters! Looks like one of them happened to escape from the RMZ's...

Heyupals dancin' in the office all by himself, 'cause he gave the boys a 3 day weekend!....... Hope noone drives by with a camera!!! :wacko:

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