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Hello all,

I have returned to the den. I have internet at my flat now, so should be able to make regular occurrences here again. To get back into the mindset of the weird and wacky thinking, the way of the den, I am stating back with a game. It is hopefully new to you guys ( not sure what everyone has been up to, though I do notice some post counts have increased a lot). Enjoy.

The Scenario:

One year ago, Robert Killingsworth bought the farm. Six months later he was dead — leaving his widow Elizabeth to tend to their fledging vineyard and winery on the outskirts of California's wine country. With mounting debts and no idea how to run a business, Elizabeth is desperate to sell the farm and recoup her losses. The fierce drought and shaky economy, however have left Killlngsworth Farm on the market for far too long.

One early autumn day, six people passed through the gates of Killingsworth Farm to see Elizabeth...

One of them, a cold—blooded Killer:

Michael Nightshade — This real estate developer from New York arrived unannounced with plans to buy Killingsworth Farm and develop it into a low-cost housing community. His boss ordered him to obtain the Killlngsworth land at any cost...

Dr. Chelsea Barren — After suffering a nervous breakdown, this psychiatrist and near-best-selling author moved to Northern California to relax... but she moved next door to the Killingsworths instead.

Enrique Graves — This young drifter wandered onto Killingsworth Farm last year just as Robert and Elizabeth were moving in. Elizabeth took a liking to Enrique and he has lived on the farm ever since — tending to the fie|ds... among other things.

Vicki D’Adly - Elizabeth’s estranged sister from New Jersey, she and her husband were traveling on vacation when Vicki decided to drop by Killingsworth Farm for a visit... a surprise visit.

Norman D’Adly - A real estate broker from New Jersey and husband to Vicki, Norman is trying to salvage his job and his marriage while travelling across the country on vacation.

Kathryn Lawless — Best friend to Elizabeth, this local librarian and historian has a flare for the eccentric. She lives down the road with her 15 cats and loves true crime - especially the mysterious unsolved death of Robert Killingsworth.

Which of these people has a secret worth killing for? Come to Killingsworth Farm and find out before it is too late?


Michael Nightshade -

Dr. Chelsea Barren -

Enrique Graves -

Vicki D’Adly -

Norman D’Adly -

Kathryn Lawless -

Detectives ( maximum of 4 )

These detective roles don't take part in the story, but they can interograte the players involved in the story.





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in no particular order


Kathryn, knowing that Elizabeth would leave the farm to start a new life with Norman, killed her best friend (and maybe the love of her life).

And Elizabeth killed Robert, since he didnlt wanted to sell the Farm and to be with her true love, Norman.

Gold: The company that Michael works for knows about and wants the farm because of the gold. Since they dont own the place they decide to buy it. He made a proposal to Elizabeth and Robert do not agree with it. Thats one of the causes Elizabeth killed him.

Pills: Elizabeth were taking sleeping pills since she killed her husband. Kathryn gived pills for Michael because seh know that elizabeth would not accept the offer, since now Elizabeth knows the true value of the farm. If michael had put the pills on her glass, Elizabeth would overdose of the medicine and save Kathryn the trouble of killing her. But Michael make the proposal to Elizabeth, she asked more money and when michael would do an offer that she would accept, Norman cut the lights off so that Kathryn could kill her.

I also think that Elizabeth sister known that her sister would be killed an about the proposal (michael said to her), but did not against it to own the farm and the money from negociating it.


i believe it was Norman D’Adly who murdered both Robert and Elizabeth. I believe he did it for the land and the gold on it so he could get rich quick. He was hoping for Vicki to inherit it and tried to think it was others instead of himself.


"Thank you Kathryn, for that information. So Robert's killer was Enrique in the study with the candlestick. He must have lured Robert out by asking to discuss something with him, perhaps his marijuana problem. Maybe Robert threatened to go to the police. He hit Robert on the back of the head with the candlestick. After committing the crime, then he gave the murder weapon to Kathryn to get rid of it and replaced the one in the Killingsworth Estate with a new one so that no one would notice the dent made during the murder.

Then six months later, while he was doing his school project, he discovered the information about there being gold on the Killingsworth Estate. He knew Vicki was the benefactor of Elizabeth's will, and the problems Vicki was having with her husband, who was actually in love with Elizabeth. So he courted Vicki and planned to murder Elizabeth. He was first to the Rose Garden and found the corkscrew and hid it before Vicki got there to meet him. He was probably trying to frame someone else, like Norman, by using the corkscrew. He then cut the lights, knowing that Elizabeth would go to check on them when they went out. He was probably trying to use Vicki to establish an alibi, since she wouldn't be able to see him slip out in the dark. He did slip out, and went to where he knew Elizabeth would be and then snuck up behind her and stabbed her with the corkscrew. Then he rejoined the others as if nothing happened.

Gold makes men do evil things. She was so nice to you, and you murdered her in cold blood."


i have no ideal who it could be but i will guess Dr. Barren


Robert's murderer: Norman

Elizabeth's murderer: Enrique.


Enrique is the one who kill both Robert and Elizabeth. Dr Chelsea may knew something because she saw what Enrique done or he was her patient one time before.

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My life has revolved around books. That is why I became a librarian. Some people, however, might call me a dreamer. I will admit that I have always longed for a more exciting life.

Tonight has been especially exciting for me. For once, I do not have to be content just reading a mystery in one of my library books. I can finally live the adventure.

As a mystery novel fan, I’ve learned the crucial factors in solving any murder. The killer must have a motive to murder, the means to commit the crime, and the opportunity to do so.

I was Elizabeth Killingsworth’s best friend. I would never have dreamed of killing her. In fact, I could not have killed her. We know that Elizabeth was murdered in the Wine Vaults this evening. I was nowhere near the Wine Vaults today.

Furthermore, Elizabeth was found with a corkscrew jutting out of her neck. Earlier today, Elizabeth told me that Nonnan D’Adly had given that same corkscrew to her as a gift. He had even inscribed it to her. Elizabeth mentioned that she dropped the corkscrew in the Rose Garden today after being stung by a bee. She rushed back to the Farmhouse for treatment. The time was 1:00 PM.

Only the people who were in the Rose Garden today would have had access to the murder

weapon used to kill Elizabeth. I am innocent.

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I was in the Rose Garden this afternoon with Elizabeth Killingsworth. She was showing me around the Farm. I probably could have picked up the corkscrew when Elizabeth dropped it, but I did not do so. My mind was elsewhere.

I am not exactly who I appear to be. And I am not the only one. My Aunt, Kathryn Lawless, is not exactly the best friend to Elizabeth that she would make us believe.

I am not a real estate developer. I am a junior executive trainee at a real estate brokerage in New York City. I came to see Elizabeth in order to buy her farm inexpensively. While helping Enrique Graves with his college research, Kathryn uncovered clues to millions of dollars in gold somewhere in the Killingsworth Farm fields. This was a secret she kept even from me.

Kathryn and I first planned to buy Elizabeth’s farm outright- I was to buy the farm and sell it to Kathryn afterwards at a tidy profit. Unfortunately, Elizabeth’s asking price was much more than I could afford on my modest salary.

Unable to persuade Elizabeth to lower her selling-price enough, Kathryn decided to take our plan to the next level. She was desperate to escape her mundane life here in Marcocain and obtaining the gold on the Killingsworth Farm would have provided her with the financial freedom to pursue all of her life’s dreams.

While I was out seeing the grounds with Elizabeth, Kathryn stole some sleeping pills from Elizabeth’s medicine cabinet and slipped them to me later while I was making phone calls from my car.

I crushed the sleeping pills and slipped them into Elizabeth’s wine while we were wine-tasting in the vaults just before she was killed. Kathryn had forged a suicide note for Elizabeth with instructions that Kathryn should be given the Killingsworth Farm. Kathryn was trying to get the farm for free and leave me completely out of the picture - without even having made a profit selling the land to her. Had I known that Kathryn was trying to give me the shaft, I would never have gone along with her crazy plan. I admit that I tried to kill Elizabeth, but somebody else got to her first. I certainly did not stab her in the neck with a corkscrew.


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Only the people who were in the Rose Garden today would have had access to the murder

weapon used to kill Elizabeth. I am innocent.

Exactly my line of reasoning ;P.

I was in the Rose Garden this afternoon with Elizabeth Killingsworth. She was showing me around the Farm. I probably could have picked up the corkscrew when Elizabeth dropped it, but I did not do so. My mind was elsewhere.

I figured...you wouldn't have told us about her dropping the corkscrew if you picked it up...and you said that it should still be there. Hmm...I knew you had the opportunity to put the sleeping pills into her wine but I wasn't sure if you actually gave the sleeping pills to Elizabeth though...

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Umm...isn't everyone suppose to confess now?

Woops. :blush: We're supposed to confess in a particular order...I'm next and forgot. Sorry.

Well, I was certainly fooled by Michael Nightshade’s deception. I was terrified that he was going to turn the Killingsworth Farm into low-cost housing. I have already lost my practice and book deals. If Elizabeth sold her farm, my property value would have plummeted. I would have had nothing left. I would be completely broke. But I would not have killed Elizabeth over a few dollars. I am a doctor, after all.

On the other hand, I had always suspected that Elizabeth Killingsworth murdered her husband, Robert, six months ago. I loved Robert and had been having an affair with him. When his death went unsolved, I made it my mission to expose Elizabeth as his killer and make the story my next best-selling book.

I had assumed that Elizabeth had killed Robert for his life insurance, but I was surprised to see her even worse off financially after his death.

I have been sleeping with Enrique Graves, the farmhand, in order to gain inside information into Elizabeth’s life. Today, I struck gold! I found a clue to Robert’s killer. I found a list of bank records, pin codes, and financial transactions from immediately after Robert’s death. I was shocked to learn that it was not Elizabeth who killed Robert. I came to her with this evidence, but she would not accept it. Anyway, you can read in my next book who killed Robert Killingsworth. As for Elizabeth, however, I am baffled.

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I never liked Robert Killingsworth, Elizabeth’s husband, and he never liked me. He was jealous of my relationship with Elizabeth. Even though our relationship was never physical, she adored me.

Robert did not trust me — for good reason. I did not drop out of college a year ago. I was kicked out for drug possession and for attempting to sell marijuana to an undercover police officer. This was an offense for which I was arrested. After serving a short jail sentence, I headed West to California.

I really was doing well for myself here. Elizabeth had me enrolled in College and I had that librarian, Kathryn Lawless, so wrapped around my little finger that she was doing all the work for me.

Robert Killingsworth, however, had tried to ruin everything for me. He did some searching into my past and discovered my arrest. As fate would have it, Robert decided to confront me just as I was searching through his bank files in his study for a way to get at the Killingsworth money.

Robert was enraged and tried to call the police. I could not let that happen. As soon as he turned around to pick up the phone, I grabbed a candlestick from the fireplace mantle and hit him over the head. I dumped Robert’s lifeless body into Friedmont Mill Lake, but I should have weighted it down. Robert’s body surfaced two weeks later. I cleaned the murder weapon and disposed of it by giving it to Kathryn Lawless as a birthday present. If Elizabeth ever found out that I killed her husband, I would have had to kill her too.

Vicki D’Adly and I were in the Rose Garden fooling around tonight around 5:30 PM. Either one of us could have found the corkscrew. There is only my word, however, that I did not find it. Besides, I was unconscious at the time that Elizabeth was killed. I had been working on the wiring short in the Wine Vault when I was nearly electrocuted and blacked-out. Vicki can attest to that. There is no way I could have killed Elizabeth Killingsworth.

that does mean no one got the accusation correct! XD


edited the colour ;)

Edited by clozobozo
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I did see Enrique Graves get shocked and fall unconscious. That is true. It is also true that I was with him in the Rose Garden at 5:30 PM and could have had access to the corkscrew.

I will be the first to admit that my sister and I did not get a long. Until this weekend, Elizabeth Killingsworth and I have been estranged since high school when I stole her boyfriend away and married him. What a mistake that was! Recently, we had to sell hour house because Norman was sued for sexual harassing a co-worker. I also know that he has been stealing from his company to pay his debts.

I do not want to be married to Norman any longer. Even after I lied to Elizabeth and told her that Norman was beating me, she would not — or could not — give me a loan to start a new life. I was more appalled to find out that Nomnan still loved Elizabeth and was scheming to become a part of her life again.

It dawned on me that if I killed Elizabeth, I would be her closest living relative and would inherit her money. I would then be free to move to Hollywood to become a star. The only downside is that I would have had to share the money with Norman. A more sensible plan, I decided, would be to divorce Norman before knocking off Elizabeth.

I believe that Dr. Chelsea Barren was spying on me at the time of Elizabeth’s death. She can attest to the fact that I did not kill my sister.

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i was hoping to have time top edit the thing but ihave been real busy... i guess i cant make it sound like a pissed off perv

I have never stopped loving Elizabeth Killingsworth. Even after marrying her sister, Vicki, I could never stop thinking of Elizabeth. I came to Killingsworth Farm not only because my job was in jeopardy and I needed a loan, but because I wanted to leave Vicki and marry Elizabeth.

I bought Elizabeth the golden corkscrew as a gift and told her of my intentions. Elizabeth, however, said she could never forgive me for leaving her so many years ago. I still loved Elizabeth and hoped that one day we would be together again. For the time being, however, I found myself stuck with Vicki to whom I despise being married.

I was at the Gazebo in the Rose Garden tonight when I saw Vicki kissing the farmhand, Enrique Graves. I was so enraged that I wanted them dead that very moment. I saw the corkscrew that I had given to Elizabeth laying in the grass and believed it was a sign. I slipped the corkscrew into my pocket.

After a few minutes, Enrique and Vicki split up and left the Rose Garden. I followed Enrique to the Wine Vault and watched him turn off the electricity from the main power switch in the rear ofthe building. He then walked down a maze of halls and he began working on some exposed wires. Doubling back, I retumed to the electrical box and turned on the electricity. I heard a sharp crack of electricity and the lights went dark. I could hear Vicki scream. She must have seen Enrique get shocked.

Fumbling down the passageways, I made my way toward the sound of Vicki’s scream. Suddenly I was standing behind her. I pulled the corkscrew from my pocket and slammed it into the side of her neck. She fell to the floor — her blood spilling everywhere.

I ran back to the Farmhouse to figure out what to do next when I found everyone gathering in the main hall. To my horror, Vicki stood among the group of strangers. That is when I realized my terrible mistake. I did not know that Elizabeth was in the Wine Vault. Elizabeth must have been wandering the halls following Vicki’s scream. In the dark I assumed she was Vicki, as they look nearly identical even in good lighting. I thought I was killing my wife, but instead, killed the only woman I’ve ever truly loved. I killed Elizabeth Killingsworth.

Edited by Riranor
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Lol...well, that explains why he never answered my questions about what he was doing in the afternoon... :rolleyes:

Nicely done, taliesin. I'd like to play again...if you made all the players detectives and the characters NPCs so that the information wouldn't be limited by how active the players are. Thanks for the fun game!

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I thought I was killing my wife, but instead, killed the only woman I’ve ever truly loved.

*cannot...stop...giggling!!!* You don't hear that every day :P

Amazing game, Talie! A big thank-you to the host and all the other participants, especially to Y-san for being the most active detective here :D

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