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Now do you believe me? And that was the only time i could use that too... I hope you Defenders FINALLY get who I am. What do you need me to do to prove to you that I'm an innocent? Sprout angel wings and fly over your heads while sunshine sprout from within me? <_<

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  • andromeda


I've seen Randro unusually inactive, I'd like to hear from him...

Host: Impervious

1. Randro (RD)

2. Twin Pop (TP)

3. Someguy (SG)

4. Lost in space (LIS)

5. Zerep (ZP)

6. star_tiger (ST)

7. Kathleen (Kat)

8. Joe's Student (JS)

9. crazypainter (CP)

10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)- Voting for S_T

11. Social Darwin (SD)

12. Prince_Marth85 (PM)

13. Andromeda (CPB)

14. RainThinker (RT)

15. JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Randro

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You can't prove you are innocent. I dont even know what you are referring too. I already lost my ability tonight because I outed what I knew.

Dude! I'm going crazy here!!! And mind you, I never say the d word. I don't know what you are talking about, and if you are a spy role, I don't know what happened. Now then, may I please ask you to look at #141, the big long post I did (I will check post number), and the one I did after IDNE's vote. After that, look carefully at the night post, and ask yourself, why is ST still alive? <_< I would think it was pretty obvious, and yes, that was the only save I had. Gosh, I'm so angry at the world that I could support an airplane with my frustration.

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Dude! I'm going crazy here!!! And mind you, I never say the d word. I don't know what you are talking about, and if you are a spy role, I don't know what happened. Now then, may I please ask you to look at #141, the big long post I did (I will check post number), and the one I did after IDNE's vote. After that, look carefully at the night post, and ask yourself, why is ST still alive? <_< I would think it was pretty obvious, and yes, that was the only save I had. Gosh, I'm so angry at the world that I could support an airplane with my frustration.

If that is true than there are some crazy baddie powers. Are you saying that baddies can change a persons ID?

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Dude! I'm going crazy here!!! And mind you, I never say the d word. I don't know what you are talking about, and if you are a spy role, I don't know what happened. Now then, may I please ask you to look at #141, the big long post I did (I will check post number), and the one I did after IDNE's vote. After that, look carefully at the night post, and ask yourself, why is ST still alive? <_< I would think it was pretty obvious, and yes, that was the only save I had. Gosh, I'm so angry at the world that I could support an airplane with my frustration.

You are NOT the Healer or the Teleporter! Lies lies and more lies! I think I know who at least one of those characters is and the other is not you! Healer, Teleporter and all other goodies....lynch ST! No one died and those two roles are still occupied.

And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;

And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;

And my soul from that shadow that lies floating on the floor

Shall be lifted - nevermore!!!

Host: Impervious

1. Randro (RD)

2. Twin Pop (TP)

3. Someguy (SG)

4. Lost in space (LIS)

5. Zerep (ZP)

6. star_tiger (ST)

7. Kathleen (Kat)

8. Joe's Student (JS)

9. crazypainter (CP)

10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)- Voting for S_T

11. Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for S_T

12. Prince_Marth85 (PM)

13. Andromeda (CPB)

14. RainThinker (RT)

15. JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Randro

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Randro has been pretty inactive and I guess that I dont want to waste the entire day without gaining any more info than I already have. I still think we should end up lynching S_T but I am switching my vote so that we can hopefully get something out of Randro for now.

Host: Impervious

1. Randro (RD)

2. Twin Pop (TP)

3. Someguy (SG)

4. Lost in space (LIS)

5. Zerep (ZP)

6. star_tiger (ST)

7. Kathleen (Kat)

8. Joe's Student (JS)

9. crazypainter (CP)

10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)- Voting for Randro

11. Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for S_T

12. Prince_Marth85 (PM)

13. Andromeda (CPB)

14. RainThinker (RT)

15. JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Randro

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And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;

And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,

And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;

And my soul from that shadow that lies floating on the floor

Shall be lifted - nevermore!!!

2 pts for the Poe quote

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You can't prove you are innocent. I dont even know what you are referring too. I already lost my ability tonight because I outed what I knew.

He stated 24hrs earlier:

ST is the independent.

People please pay attention. IDNE has been stating something from the get-go. He obviously knows something we do not. It seems I'm the only one to have picked up on this...

And as for Night Two Actions:

Independent = Mimic = ST = Attacked me last night = Lynch her. :D

Edit: IDNE, I follow you and you switch? Stop messing with my head...

Edited by Social_Darwin
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He only posted four times! :huh:

Host: Impervious

1. Randro (RD)

2. Twin Pop (TP)

3. Someguy (SG)

4. Lost in space (LIS)

5. Zerep (ZP)

6. star_tiger (ST)

7. Kathleen (Kat)

8. Joe's Student (JS)

9. crazypainter (CP)

10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)- Voting for Randro

11. Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for S_T

12. Prince_Marth85 (PM)

13. andromeda (CPB) - voting for Twin Pop

14. RainThinker (RT)

15. JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Randro

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Edit: IDNE, I follow you and you switch? Stop messing with my head...

You figured it out and you have the right idea (glad I did not sacrifice my full ability for nothing) but I see the wisdom in trying to use this time to gain more information about others we are unsure about. I will probably change it later, I have plenty of time. If it makes you feel safer, keep your vote that way, but I want to try and get some information out to work with tonight.

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Host: Impervious

1. Randro (RD)

2. Twin Pop (TP)

3. Someguy (SG)

4. Lost in space (LIS)

5. Zerep (ZP)

6. star_tiger (ST)

7. Kathleen (Kat)

8. Joe's Student (JS)

9. crazypainter (CP)-voting for Social Darwin

10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)- Voting for Randro

11. Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for S_T

12. Prince_Marth85 (PM)

13. Andromeda (CPB)

14. RainThinker (RT)

15. JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Randro

All very interesting! But I think I have a few things figured out.

Look at who was going for star tiger guys...

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and now gone...off to their special lair to come up with a new plan...

but I doubt idne is one of them...

I'm at work. I have to open and close my IE occassionally to actually accomplish stuff.

Darn right I'm going to target ST. She is obviously the Indie and she attacked me! It's not rocket science...

Edit: And CP, these last 3 posts are more than you've posted all game...kinda quiet over there, Mastermind.

Edited by Social_Darwin
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SD, you are right, I'm not the Healer or Teleporter, although I love Nathan Petrelli from Heroes.

Hmm, I don't know whether I will get punishment from doing this, but I shall try my best to make it obvious while avoding punishment :P

Ok, I love James Bond movies, or any spy movies for that matter. Sometimes, I don't like spy movies, and then I watch movies rented from Blockbuster, although I never watch spy movies and Blockbuster movies the same night. Only once though, I sleep the whole night and recover my health.

The second last night, I decided to watch a spy movie. I watched Spy Kids 3, the one with the Mastermind toymaker guy. It was So Deranged.

The last night, I slept the whole night. You could probably see the evidence of that in the night post.

Now, you can choose to believe me or not, but think logically: in the first night, I do not want to risk it by watching a Blockbuster movie (since not much info are spilled before N1, and I do not want to accidentally choose an innocent), so I watched a spy movie. Last night, well, it's pretty obvious why I slept the whole night and recovered my health.

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if my guess is right.. Ithink we have the whole baddie crew in here right now! except for me tee hee..

Social_Darwin, JarZe, IDoNotExist

So I'm a baddie because I voted for Randro..

I guess that makes you a goodie then???

I don't see where you got all this info, but I'm sure that something in it is not right!

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So I'm a baddie because I voted for Randro..

I guess that makes you a goodie then???

I don't see where you got all this info, but I'm sure that something in it is not right!

oh I got it from the bottom of the page!

Users on each page are listed at the bottom. Thats where I got it.

It was just a good guess and you bit.

So in my mind that makes Jarze, IDNE and Social Darwin baddies.

And LIS...welcome back buddie!

Edited by crazypainter
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SD, you are right, I'm not the Healer or Teleporter, although I love Nathan Petrelli from Heroes.

Hmm, I don't know whether I will get punishment from doing this, but I shall try my best to make it obvious while avoding punishment :P

Ok, I love James Bond movies, or any spy movies for that matter. Sometimes, I don't like spy movies, and then I watch movies rented from Blockbuster, although I never watch spy movies and Blockbuster movies the same night. Only once though, I sleep the whole night and recover my health.

The second last night, I decided to watch a spy movie. I watched Spy Kids 3, the one with the Mastermind toymaker guy. It was So Deranged.

The last night, I slept the whole night. You could probably see the evidence of that in the night post.

Now, you can choose to believe me or not, but think logically: in the first night, I do not want to risk it by watching a Blockbuster movie (since not much info are spilled before N1, and I do not want to accidentally choose an innocent), so I watched a spy movie. Last night, well, it's pretty obvious why I slept the whole night and recovered my health.

Very Clever. But very wrong. You were not the bird at my window either. Goodies, are you seeing this? She has claimed a third good guy role now! Just going down the list ST. What happens when you run out of goodie roles to claim?

First you allude to being a healer or teleporter. Then you deny it and suggest your the spy/shapeshifter. And in a minute your going to deny being the shapeshifter because they will call you out. So who are you? I think IDNE knows...and he knows for sure, otherwise his ability wouldn't have been reduced. You're the mimic. Give it up!

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IDNE.. whay the randro vote??

I was trying to get information before the day was over. I only knew one baddie, but if you think you have it figured out, than there is no reason to pressure an innocent and out them.

Host: Impervious

1. Randro (RD)

2. Twin Pop (TP)

3. Someguy (SG)

4. Lost in space (LIS)

5. Zerep (ZP)

6. star_tiger (ST)

7. Kathleen (Kat)

8. Joe's Student (JS)

9. crazypainter (CP)-voting for Social Darwin

10. IDoNotExist (IDNE)- Voting for Social Darwin

11. Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for S_T

12. Prince_Marth85 (PM)

13. Andromeda (CPB)

14. RainThinker (RT)

15. JarZe (JZ) - Voting for Randro

Still dont completely understand what it is that you see, but S_T has given a clear hint. Despite who I know her to be, we have a bigger enemy among us which we should take out first. S_T is still who I said she was and is only trying to use the information that she has to convince you that she is the goodie, but I can trust that she has accurate information.

Edit: Now I am a baddie too, CP? I really dont understand your logic. SD looks pretty bad to me, but I dont get JarZe.

Edited by IDoNotExist
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I have to leave in a few for a dr. appointment.

I have no idea when I will be back. I am sure the powers that be will use that time to slander me

and put my head on the chopping block.

Some guy, please know I have your back.

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Still dont completely understand what it is that you see, but S_T has given a clear hint. Despite who I know her to be, we have a bigger enemy among us which we should take out first. S_T is still who I said she was and is only trying to use the information that she has to convince you that she is the goodie, but I can trust that she has accurate information.

She has claimed three roles in as many posts. None of which are hers! And you're going to trust that?

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Very Clever. But very wrong. You were not the bird at my window either. Goodies, are you seeing this? She has claimed a third good guy role now! Just going down the list ST. What happens when you run out of goodie roles to claim?

First you allude to being a healer or teleporter. Then you deny it and suggest your the spy/shapeshifter. And in a minute your going to deny being the shapeshifter because they will call you out. So who are you? I think IDNE knows...and he knows for sure, otherwise his ability wouldn't have been reduced. You're the mimic. Give it up!

That would be your imagination, SD. I've claimed Nathan Petrelli since the beginning.

#141 - unicorns and rainbow birds (both fly)

#291 - turkey (ok, bird, but the idea is fly)

#295 - currently flying around... (fly :) )

I've claimed Nathan Petrelli since way at the beginning.

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