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Thirty fans hire a bus to attend a football game. On the way to the stadium they realize that exactly half of them are fans of one team, and the other half are fans of the other team. With still some way to go before reaching the stadium, the bus

"develops" a mechanical problems and the driver announces to his passengers that the only way to continue the journey is for half of them to get out and walk. There is a huge fight that doesn't stop until the drivers speaks to them again and suggests a way of selecting the passengers who are to get off the bus.

"All of you," he said, "get into a big circle. When you are ready, beginning at this spot, I'll count nine people clockwise. The ninth person leaves the circle and continues on foot. Then I'll count another nine starting from where i stopped , and the ninth person leaves the circle and continues on foot. And so until only 15 people have left the circle."

Suppose that you are one of the fans. How should you arrange all the other fans of your team so that none of them will have to walk?

Suppose you team is A and the other team is B arrange them like this(not solution)


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