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I'm proud to say I (think I) invented these riddles myself:


-You are a player in this game

-Each player has one bullet, one gun, and one location

-Players take turns shooting one other person each (no more or less)


-If someone gets shot, he immediately dies

-One bullet kills only one person

-Players cannot move from their fixed position

-If a player is standing alive directly between two other players, neither of those two players can shoot each other

-Each player is intelligent and will always choose who to shoot wisely (100%)

-No one ever misses

-You can't throw guns at other people


-You choose the order in which people shoot

-You can't shoot first

-You can choose who you shoot

-You can't choose how other people shoot

-You must be alive at the end of the game

(Please use spoilers)

Edited by rjsghk107
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Game 1


A: Master Chief

B: Barney

C: Al Gore

U: (You)

X: No One (Empty)





- Decide and list the order in which everyone shoots

- Choose who to shoot

Edited by rjsghk107
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1. Are players set in a straight line, circle, or how?

2. Are we to assume that a player does not get a second shot until everyone else alive made their shot? (Your setup allows giving first shot to someone away from you, then taking all the consequtive shots for yourself.)

3. If players were "intelligent" and their objective was to survive, they would avoid participating in a game like that.

4. Some people may find offensive your use of real persons' names as participants in such duel.

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1. Are players set in a straight line, circle, or how?

2. Are we to assume that a player does not get a second shot until everyone else alive made their shot? (Your setup allows giving first shot to someone away from you, then taking all the consequtive shots for yourself.)

3. If players were "intelligent" and their objective was to survive, they would avoid participating in a game like that.

4. Some people may find offensive your use of real persons' names as participants in such duel.

Lol Prime, I thought the idea was to answer the question not question the question :P

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Hm... for the sake of argument lets just say that they are using paintball guns! :lol:

The only way I'm surviving 100% is if B starts shootin' first.

If B shoots me, he dies 100% and B is no stupid, so he'll shoot at A or C, makes no difference.

I can't be the first to shoot, but I choose to be the second and I'll shoot A or C depending on who is still in the game because B can't hurt me anymore.

And B and I and the rest of the lads go and have some coffee because those were paintball bullets! ;)

Shooting list:

1. Barney - shoots A or C

2. Andromeda - I shoot the left over guy

and then no one else because they are painted already! :D

edit: I didn't write the order!

Edited by andromeda
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Game 1


A: Master Chief

B: Barney

C: Al Gore

U: (You)

X: No One (Empty)





- Decide and list the order in which everyone shoots

- Choose who to shoot

A goes first, C goes second, and you go last and you shoot C.

This is because A will shoot B so that he can shoot C, and C will shoot A since A killed B enabling him to, and you will shoot C, leaving you the only person alive.

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A goes first, C goes second, and you go last and you shoot C.

This is because A will shoot B so that he can shoot C, and C will shoot A since A killed B enabling him to, and you will shoot C, leaving you the only person alive.

If A only has one bullet and kills B then A is no longer a threat. C shoots U. A and C live.

Edited by Jiminy Cricket
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Game 1


A: Master Chief

B: Barney

C: Al Gore

U: (You)

X: No One (Empty)





- Decide and list the order in which everyone shoots

- Choose who to shoot

A shoots B - B is dead, A no longer a threat, C shoots U

A shoots U - U is dead, A no longer a threat, B shoots C or C shoots B

B shoots A - A is dead, B no longer a threat, C shoots U

B shoots C - C is dead, B no longer a threat, A shoots U

B shoots U - U is dead, B no longer a threat, A and C cannot shoot each other. Only U is dead.

C shoots B - B is dead, C no longer a threat, A shoots U

C shoots U - U is dead, C no longer a threat, B shoots A, or A shoots B

If U does not shoot first then U has no guarantee of surviving.

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B shoots A - A is dead, B no longer a threat, C shoots U

B shoots C - C is dead, B no longer a threat, A shoots U

B shoots U - U is dead, B no longer a threat, A and C cannot shoot each other. Only U is dead.

C shoots B - B is dead, C no longer a threat, A shoots U

C shoots U - U is dead, C no longer a threat, B shoots A, or A shoots B

If U does not shoot first then U has no guarantee of surviving.

A shoots B - B is dead, A no longer a threat, C shoots U

A shoots U - U is dead, A no longer a threat, B shoots C or C shoots B

Yes you do! Read my solution and the rules. You can't go first, but you can choose to go second! :)

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Hm... for the sake of argument lets just say that they are using paintball guns! :lol:

The only way I'm surviving 100% is if B starts shootin' first.

If B shoots me, he dies 100% and B is no stupid, so he'll shoot at A or C, makes no difference.

I can't be the first to shoot, but I choose to be the second and I'll shoot A or C depending on who is still in the game because B can't hurt me anymore.

And B and I and the rest of the lads go and have some coffee because those were paintball bullets! ;)

Shooting list:

1. Barney - shoots A or C

2. Andromeda - I shoot the left over guy

and then no one else because they are painted already! :D

edit: I didn't write the order!

Good job!

Paintball guns are fine, assuming painted victims aren't allowed to shoot or be shot afterwards.

Coffee is fine too. I like coffee.

Edited by rjsghk107
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Assuming the players are in a single line like 1,2,3,4,5, for example. Where 1 can only shoot at 2, 5 can only shoot at 4, whereas the rest of them have a choice of 2 people to shoot at.

Also, assuming that shooting in the air is not allowed -- a player must shoot at someone other than him/herself on their turn.

The solution could be as following:

Let the turn to shoot go from right to left (descending order) and upon reaching the left end of the line jump to the right end of the line and continue in the same direction.

So in the lineup 1,2,3,4,5,… when it is 2’s turn to shoot and he does not aim at 1, 1 will have no choice but to kill 2 on the next turn. If 2 shoots 1, the turn goes to the opposite end of the line.

If it is 3’s turn to shoot, then if he kills 2, 1 is going to shoot him on the next turn.

Continuing this reasoning we can find that for even numbered players who have a choice, shooting their predecessor is not good, whereas for odd numbered players shooting their successor is not good.

Suppose there is an even number of players, e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6.

If we give the first turn to any even-numbered player they will proceed shooting odd-numbered duelists and run out of bullets when all odd-numbered are killed.

For example, give the first shot to 4. He will shoot 3, then 2 will shoot 1, and, lastly, 6 will shoot 5, at which point only even numbered players are left alive and they are all out of bullets.

Thus your solution for even number of players is simple. Put yourself in the even position of the lineup and give the first shot to any other even-numbered player.

With odd number of players, like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 things are a bit more complicated. If we gave the first shot to 6, for example, he knows that if he shoots 5, then after the turn comes all the way around, 7 will shoot him. Conversely, if he shoots 7, then 5 will ensure own survival by shooting him on the next turn. Thus 6 is condemned, no matter what, and since he is not allowed to shoot in the air there is no telling what he will do.

So we must go further down the line. We could give the first shot to 3, for example. 3 knows that if she shoots 2, then she is dead on the next turn. If, on the other hand, she shoots 4, then 2 will shoot 1, 7 will shoot 6. After that, 5, the only alive fighter with a bullet, can choose now between 3 and 7 to shoot, both of whom are unarmed. Thus in such an arrangement 5 is the position to be in. Whereas 3 hopes for a 50% chance by shooting 4. The problem with this solution is that 4 was 5’s friend and 5 will surely look for the revenge.

There may be a number of other solutions with different arrangements of shooting turn.

This is a very good logical problem. But it is too violent.

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