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I don't know if this kind of riddle has been posted before cause it's a bit hard to search. I guess you can say it's kind of like this he/art, but with pictures. The real reason I did this was to show off my amazing paint skills :P . They got a bit hard to draw in paint so I decided to use clip art. If anyone comes up with anymore, feel free to post. And if you get the jist of them, don't cheat! Figure them out properly (you'll get what I mean when you figure out a few).

ps. Is there anyway I can separate the pictures properly?














Edited by runder_1111
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I thought
that the common theme is names of the countries?? Except the brain one! <_<

I meant that for all except the hand drawn ones, cause they were the first ones I did and are just random. The new ones are still countries.....

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:o I was gonna help a bit more, but if you're going to be like that.... :P ....and I said that before. I was gonna say all you have to do is put the two things next to each other. You don't have to come up with another word for this one cause it's all there, exactly the way it is. It was the first one I made so it is easy.

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All I see is
a rose crossed with an X... I have no idea and feel like an idiot!!!

You got the answer in there, but you don't know that you got it. When you can come up with it, or someone else, it will make much more sense. And you're not completely right.....but almost there.

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So... is the second part a countdown... if it has another name I have no idea... English is my third language so... there are a lot of things that I'm not familiar with!

It's got to do with maths. It's what you used to count in like year 2 and 3.

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Well.. there's my problem! Like I said... I never heard of that word, but now I know! :P

Ok ok, I see. Well I got 2 more, and that's it. No more after these two. I gotta move onto something different.....these two might be a bit harder, but you should be able to get this.



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