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100 small, smooth polished black onyx stones

10 players, arranged in a circle

10 stones each

Onyx Stones!!! :D

Each player starts with 10 stones in their "downpile". An 'originator' is chosen, who starts the game by placing 1 stone from their downpile into the middle. Then play continues to the left, each person placing 1 stone (from their downpile) into the middle.

Anyone can slap the central pile (the "middle") at any time. The stones are obtained as the player's "winnings pile", and the player is out of the game, discarding the rest of the stones in their downpile. The new originator is the next non-out player to the left of the player who just went out. The new originator begins play again by placing a stone in the middle, and play continues to the left.

In the event of a slap-tie, where multiple people attempt to take the middle pile at the same time, nobody obtains the pile and gameplay continues. If you slap, it must be IMMEDIATELY after the stone is put down, thus afer a stone is placed: either 0 people slap, 1 person slaps (and is out), or multiple people slap (and nobody gets the pile). No slap-ins are based on other people slapping, or not-slapping, in the same round... all slaps occur simultaneously.

If at any point someone has no stones to lay down, they are simply skipped and the next person goes.

If all stones are in the middle and nobody has ANY stones to lay down, and nobody won the pile (either because nobody slapped or multiple people slapped), the stones in the middle are divided equally among the remaining players, discarding any excess so that everyone has the same amount. Then the new originator is the person to the left of the most recent originator.

Play continues until everyone has "slapped out". The player with the most stones in their 'winnings pile' wins the game.


What is your optimal strategy for the winning the game? (along with backup strategies, etc)

What if the following change were made to the game: When someone goes to put down a stone, they may put down ANY amount as long as it falls in the range of 1 to d, where d is the total number of stones in their downpile.

How does that change your answer? What is the optimal strategy now?


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question: if you run out of stones, can you slap?


another question: when you slap and go out, what happens to the discarded stones remaining in your downpile?

All discarded stones (those in your downpile after you go out, as well as if excess are discarded if the pile reaches full and nobody gets it) are just discarded... They are thrown out of the game completely.

So if you had 8 stones in your downpile and slapped on a pile of 20, your winnings would be 20, and you would just toss your downpile stones into a bag or something

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