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Common Answers #12

Your challenge is to guess the MOST COMMON answer to each of the following question.

Guess answers which you think other will also guess, you wont win by been unique.

The answer do not have to be “correct”

I will combine equivalent answers if I decide it is best

Enter by PM'ing me the answers of the questions, I will post the results when I have stopped getting results

Good Luck

Reply here so you will be notified as the results come in or

If you want a PM when the results are out, just say so with your answers

Lets hope theses are not too hard. Good Luck

1: Cat or Dog?

2: Name a animal on Old McDonald's Farm

3: The Cutest Looking Pet?

4: The Smallest Pet?

5: Name a animal which swims.

6: Name a animal which you can Ride.

7: Name a animal which humans eat.

8: Name a animal which is extincted.

9: Name a bird which cant fly.

10: How many pets are at my house

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  andromeda said:
I think you should do the same as with the last one. Just post the answers that came in without the names. I don't know if you had music or books (still didn't check you're previous common answers). :)

Hey thanks psycho for the input.

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  taliesin said:
Here are the current standings of results.. Jane is still on 100%, can anyone knock her off the top?

No. :D:D:D (just kidding :P)

  taliesin said:
Also what do you's think about posting players answers? Good Idea? Bad Idea? Dont want to know??

I think it's a good idea. If you didn't then we wouldn't know what percent of people said the same thing as us. Also, it's interesting to see what some people answer. hehehe :P

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I think it's a good idea. If you didn't then we wouldn't know what percent of people said the same thing as us. Also, it's interesting to see what some people answer. hehehe :P

I agree! I remember in the last Common Answers, someone said some weird kind of pie that I had nightmares about... :P

Jane, watch out, 'cause next time you are going down! :D

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  star_tiger said:
I agree! I remember in the last Common Answers, someone said some weird kind of pie that I had nightmares about... :P

Jane, watch out, 'cause next time you are going down! :D

Yeah.. steak and kidney pie. :wacko:

One time in a previous game (common answers #1-11 were about 3 months ago) the question was "Name a leap year." and someone said "Jack" because they thought they were supposed to actually name a leap year, like give it a name. :lol:

and I'll be watching out. :D You did really good maybe you'll come in 1st sometime. :D

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Well done Jane with 100%

I didn't get much input about posting players answers, so I will just continue as I have always done.

By the way I have no pets, we are not allowed pets in our flat. Would like a dog though!

Will post the next one when I decide what to do:D

Thanks for playing..


Rank	Name           	Total	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10
1 Jane 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
2 Star Tiger 95.45% 54.55% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
3 Dms172 90.93% 54.55% 100.00% 83.33% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 71.43% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
3 Prince Marth85 90.93% 54.55% 100.00% 83.33% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 71.43% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
5 GreyCells 84.17% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 41.67% 57.14% 42.86%
6 Woon 80.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 14.29% 100.00% 100.00% 71.43% 100.00% 14.29% 100.00%
7 PuzzleGirl 79.29% 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% 28.57% 100.00% 100.00% 71.43% 100.00% 100.00% 42.86%
8 Kathleen 79.05% 100.00% 100.00% 33.33% 14.29% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 42.86%
9 Clozobozo 75.58% 100.00% 27.27% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 71.43% 100.00% 14.29% 42.86%
10 LemonlyMelon 73.79% 54.55% 100.00% 83.33% 28.57% 100.00% 100.00% 14.29% 100.00% 57.14% 100.00%
11 Frozen in Fire 68.56% 100.00% 27.27% 16.67% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 41.67% 57.14% 42.86%
12 Andromeda 63.84% 100.00% 18.18% 50.00% 14.29% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 41.67% 14.29% 100.00%
13 Izzy 59.10% 100.00% 100.00% 83.33% 14.29% 7.69% 100.00% 57.14% 100.00% 14.29% 14.29%
14 Lost In Space 57.82% 54.55% 27.27% 83.33% 14.29% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 41.67% 28.57% 28.57%
15 SarahJhane 53.84% 54.55% 100.00% 33.33% 14.29% 7.69% 100.00% 57.14% 100.00% 57.14% 14.29%
16 Taliesin 51.87% 100.00% 18.18% 50.00% 28.57% 7.69% 100.00% 57.14% 100.00% 28.57% 28.57%
17 CrazyPainter 49.33% 100.00% 9.09% 100.00% 28.57% 7.69% 6.25% 57.14% 41.67% 100.00% 42.86%

[codebox]Question 1: Cat or Dog?
1 Dog 64.71% ( 11 )
2 Cat 35.29% ( 6 )

Question 2: Name a animal on Old McDonald's Farm
1 Cow 64.71% ( 11 )
2 Pig 17.65% ( 3 )
3 Sheep 11.76% ( 2 )
4 Goat 5.88% ( 1 )
Unique: Goat

Question 3: The Cutest Looking Pet?
1 Dog 35.29% ( 6 )
2 Cat 29.41% ( 5 )
3 Bunny 17.65% ( 3 )
4 Hamster 11.76% ( 2 )
5 Guinea Pig 5.88% ( 1 )
Unique: Guinea Pig

Question 4: The Smallest Pet?
1 Fish 41.18% ( 7 )
2 Mouse 11.76% ( 2 )
2 Ant 11.76% ( 2 )
4 Spider 5.88% ( 1 )
4 Duck 5.88% ( 1 )
4 Cricket 5.88% ( 1 )
4 Guinea Pig 5.88% ( 1 )
4 Hamster 5.88% ( 1 )
4 Chicken 5.88% ( 1 )
Unique: Spider, Duck, Cricket, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Chicken

Question 5: Name a animal which swims.
1 Fish 76.47% ( 13 )
2 Duck 5.88% ( 1 )
2 Whale 5.88% ( 1 )
2 Dog 5.88% ( 1 )
2 Turtle 5.88% ( 1 )
Unique: Duck, Whale, Dog, Turtle

Question 6: Name a animal which you can Ride.
1 Horse 94.12% ( 16 )
2 Dog 5.88% ( 1 )
Unique: Dog

Question 7: Name a animal which humans eat.
1 Chicken 41.18% ( 7 )
2 Cow 29.41% ( 5 )
3 Pig 23.53% ( 4 )
4 Sheep 5.88% ( 1 )
Unique: Sheep

Question 8: Name a animal which is extincted.
1 Dinosaur 70.59% ( 12 )
2 Dodo 29.41% ( 5 )

Question 9: Name a bird which cant fly.
1 Penguin 41.18% ( 7 )
2 Ostrich 23.53% ( 4 )
3 Kiwi 11.76% ( 2 )
4 Dodo 5.88% ( 1 )
4 Emu 5.88% ( 1 )
4 Chicken 5.88% ( 1 )
4 Eagle 5.88% ( 1 )
Unique: Dodo, Emu, Chicken, Eagle

Question 10 How many pets are at my house
1 2 41.18% ( 7 )
2 3 17.65% ( 3 )
2 1 17.65% ( 3 )
4 0 11.76% ( 2 )
5 4 5.88% ( 1 )
5 10 5.88% ( 1 )
Unique: 4, 10

Rank	Name	Total	13	12
1 Jane 94.49% 100.00% 89.52%
2 Prince_Marth85 83.97% 90.93% 77.71%
3 GreyCells 83.81% 84.17% 83.48%
4 Dms172 81.40% 90.93% 72.81%
5 PuzzleGirl 81.02% 79.29% 82.58%
6 Woon 80.00% 80.00% -
7 Star Tiger 76.57% 95.45% 59.57%
8 Frozen in Fire 75.54% 68.56% 81.82%
9 LemonlyMelon 73.79% 73.79% -
10 Kathleen 69.95% 79.05% 61.77%
11 Clozobozo 67.89% 75.58% 60.97%
12 Crazypainter 64.55% 49.33% 78.25%
13 Andromeda 63.36% 63.84% 62.93%
14 Taliesin 60.27% 51.87% 67.84%
15 Izzy 56.61% 59.10% 54.37%
16 SarahJhane 53.84% 53.84% -
17 RainThinker 50.00% - 95.00%
18 Lost in Space 48.76% 57.82% 40.61%
19 Fruit Cake 41.71% - 79.24%
20 Joe's Student 41.46% - 78.77%
21 A. Person 39.63% - 75.30%
22 SilverHeart 34.27% - 65.12%

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GGRRR!!!! I knew I should have said dog in the first one, but I was hoping more people would like cats better, especially with kat and silver playing :D

Nice job, Jane! 100%!!!!

Looks like we have a guinea pig lover...wonder who that is :D I must say, my favorite unique answer has got to be the DODO-BIRD!!!!! I read their tragic, tragic story a couple of weeks ago, and I almost cried! :P

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
Phooey to all you people that like dogs more than cats :P

YAY!!!! *runs around like a maniac wearing a hippie t-shirt, can hear the police sirens already* I'M SO GLAD I FOUND ANOTHER KITTY-LOVER! *hugs PM so tight that he is most likely going to die of suffocation*

Edit: Is phooey even a word? :P

Edited by star_tiger
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  star_tiger said:
GGRRR!!!! I knew I should have said dog in the first one, but I was hoping more people would like cats better, especially with kat and silver playing :D

Nice job, Jane! 100%!!!!

Looks like we have a guinea pig lover...wonder who that is :D I must say, my favorite unique answer has got to be the DODO-BIRD!!!!! I read their tragic, tragic story a couple of weeks ago, and I almost cried! :P

That would be me :blush:

Buy the time I realized that everyone else will probably say dinosaurs it was too late cause I already PM-ed tal! I didn't think it would be dinosaurs because it's a very versatile group of animals and then it hit me... this is not about correct answers!! :lol:

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  star_tiger said:
GGRRR!!!! I knew I should have said dog in the first one, but I was hoping more people would like cats better, especially with kat and silver playing :D

Nice job, Jane! 100%!!!!

Looks like we have a guinea pig lover...wonder who that is :D I must say, my favorite unique answer has got to be the DODO-BIRD!!!!! I read their tragic, tragic story a couple of weeks ago, and I almost cried! :P

i almost put dodo-bird, then i remember everyone might not know what that even is

  star_tiger said:
YAY!!!! *runs around like a maniac wearing a hippie t-shirt, can hear the police sirens already* I'M SO GLAD I FOUND ANOTHER KITTY-LOVER! *hugs PM so tight that he is most likely going to die of suffocation*

Edit: Is phooey even a word? :P

i really thought there would be more cat people :(

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  andromeda said:
That would be me :blush:

Buy the time I realized that everyone else will probably say dinosaurs it was too late cause I already PM-ed tal! I didn't think it would be dinosaurs because it's a very versatile group of animals and then it hit me... this is not about correct answers!! :lol:

Wow, I'm not that smart as to know about dinosaurs being a very versatile group of animals...what does that even mean? :P It was just the first thing that popped into my head...*spend too much time with little kids ;) *

  dms172 said:
i almost put dodo-bird, then i remember everyone might not know what that even is

i really thought there would be more cat people :(

WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT A DODO-BIRD IS? :( :( :( Those are so cute! And there definitely should be more cat people...what's wrong with this world? ;)

Anyhow, excited for the next common answers game! :D

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  star_tiger said:
Wow, I'm not that smart as to know about dinosaurs being a very versatile group of animals...what does that even mean? :P It was just the first thing that popped into my head...*spend too much time with little kids ;) *

WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT A DODO-BIRD IS? :( :( :( Those are so cute! And there definitely should be more cat people...what's wrong with this world? ;)

Anyhow, excited for the next common answers game! :D

The next one will come when I can think of some question. I have a topic or two in mine but I dont think they will be taken very well ... Ill try done one starting tonight or tomorrow. There is always the "Odd One Out" game for your common answers fix!

At least you guys didn't put KIWI!!!! grrr... Stupid native Birds... grrr :(

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