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An Ode to (what?)

Some say the first one is the best

(Oh, wait, that was another rhyme)

So take this day and get some rest.

Last night was a grand auld time!

When this day comes I jump for joy

(more like leaping, that’s a fact)

Because it's scarce I value it more

Four times to be exact.

Use this thrice if you are skilled:

Once 'twas a day to mark the moon.

But ere our time a man was killed,

So now it portends doom.

Stay alert and on your feet

On this day of pranks.

Tricks are common, but there's no treat;

So double this and check your flank.

Round and round, weaving, weaving

Ribbons round a pole.

A basket of flowers - I see you leaving

That’s a kiss I stole!

In Shakespeare's time this was a day

Whose name was apt and true

For when the season began in May

We'd be halfway through.

I was a lurker for a while,

Then made my presence known.

On this day I had a smile

And now the Den is home.

(this one’s nice – let’s say it twice!)

We had our day of pranks

Now here's a day for sweets

An easy one, no need for thanks

Enjoy your tricks and treats!

And now, the last for you

Brings this list to a close

Look to the top for a clue

To this day I chose.


Now put it all together,

Add another eight and three

Finish the title to this Ode

Solve this puzzle, please.

In the event of any confusion, choose the American one (may not apply, but just in case...)

And if there's still any confusion, trust wikipedia (as a last resort, of course)

Edited by Cherry Lane
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Nice puzzle C.L.

You guys in this Den are AMAZING! Even as this solution unfolded and parts were made clear a step at a time. I was so lost. KUDOS to you all. Thanks for sharing the 'how' in your thoughts.

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You hear that? It's the sound of me slapping myself. I looked at those multipliers several times at the beginning of this riddle, and forgot completely about them by the end. Well done Prof T.

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