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Ok so if we use our spell power we are defenseless? Am I just getting it wrong?

AW, it's so CUTE! Mine will be named Renard (French for Fox biggrin.gif) ANYWAY that's enough nonsense posts...

So the rules are pretty much the same, just a question, if you use a spell or summon, thats like no defense right?


I really need to apologize here. I have been hitting the facebook a bit too hard. All my HighSchool pals and I just got together

after 20 years and posted our pics of the party...WILD...btw...

So I am drunk with witty remarks and it is hard to sober up. So no more pointless posts ok I promise.

I sent my choices in to my sweet prince. And dont worry, just because we have a secret love affaire doesnt mean

I am getting any special favors. ;)

wink wink nudge nudge know what I mean?

** I will love him and hug him and sit on him like a mother hen and I will cal him geeeooorge**

Edited by crazypainter
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I sent my choices in to my sweet prince. And dont worry, just because we have a secret love affaire doesnt mean

I am getting any special favors. ;)

wink wink nudge nudge know what I mean?

** I will love him and hug him and sit on him like a mother hen and I will cal him geeeooorge**

I'm not gonna lie.....that was kinda creepy :rolleyes::D

What are the hours? Like....are the posts due at 8? 9? and I think your in my timezone....

Edit: Lighten up a little Lime *nudges* Your so serious :P

Edited by Silverheart
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Still waiting on about half of you to send in PMs or to verify your night actions. Those who I'm waiting on verification from should have a PM from me asking...So make sure to check your PM inbox for messages from me.

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
Still waiting on about half of you to send in PMs or to verify your night actions. Those who I'm waiting on verification from should have a PM from me asking...So make sure to check your PM inbox for messages from me.

hey prince i figured out y i don't get your PM's

on the roster it says dsm172 when it should be dms172

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Oh. I copied it directly from the sign up page. I guess I should have checked to make sure the names were correct. I only changed it for those who used nicknames (Putting Kathleen in place of "The Fox" for example) and didn't notice your since it was a little hard to catch.

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  puzzlegirl said:
I think I'm the only one who got this joke. Laughed my head off!! :lol:

I am glad you and my prince got it!!


Ok so if we use our spell power we are defenseless that night?? Am I just getting it wrong/missunderstanding?

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  crazypainter said:
I am glad you and my prince got it!!


Ok so if we use our spell power we are defenseless that night?? Am I just getting it wrong/missunderstanding?

Yes, you are defenseless. It's like attacking. I may change this in FF Battle 2. Like I said in the intro, this is my first attempt at hosting so bare with me.

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
Yes, you are defenseless. It's like attacking. I may change this in FF Battle 2. Like I said in the intro, this is my first attempt at hosting so bare with me.

No its cool, I am in no place to judge...

But thanks for the clarification. When do you think the night post will be up?

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Sorry, I'm still waiting on a few PM's actually. I said I would be lenient on the first night and day but I cannot wait forever. So for those of you I'm still waiting on (And you know who you are <_<) please get your night PMs in as soon as possible.

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
Sorry, I'm still waiting on a few PM's actually. I said I would be lenient on the first night and day but I cannot wait forever. So for those of you I'm still waiting on (And you know who you are <_<) please get your night PMs in as soon as possible.

OK be lenient for now... but after a few rounds i think you should name and shame those late players. Or maybe they could be excluded from posting in this topic for a day (kinda like me in hospital during CSM2) or some other punishment.

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  reaymond said:
OK be lenient for now... but after a few rounds i think you should name and shame those late players. Or maybe they could be excluded from posting in this topic for a day (kinda like me in hospital during CSM2) or some other punishment.

Oops! :o my bad, didn't get on for a while, but have now sent in my pm.

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I only need a quick confirmation but if it's not in by midnight tonight (A little over 36 hours after OP) I'll go by what I figure was the action from the PM.

Edited by Prince_Marth85
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Night 1 – The Deaths Begin

Cloud walked through about, looking for his target wondering where he could be.


“This area is vast, but I will find him…”

Cloud saw a figure headed his way and hid behind a nearby boulder and watched as the person came closer.

“Hmm…Looks like I won’t have to search for him after all.” Cloud brandished his mighty First Tsurugi as and came out from behind the boulder.

“So there you are, Reaymond!”


Reaymond looked at his attacker, startled, and raised his weapon, preparing to defend himself. Cloud didn’t want to risk giving his opponent enough time to do anything and gave a swing of his sword, sending forward his Limit Break Bleam Blade. Reaymond attempted to dodge but the attack split into 3 smaller beams and one of them sliced into Reaymond as he collapsed to the ground. Cloud could hear another person coming and didn’t dare risk getting caught off guard and escaped into the woods.


Vivi walked carefully through the forest, slightly nervous.


“I heard Zidane was here as well…Maybe I can ask him for help…” he said as he walked along. He jumped slightly as a bush near him rustled. He calmed down as he saw a rabbit come out. Vivi breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m not sure what to do without my friends around to help…But I must be strong but I shouldn’t take any chances of being caught unprotected.” Vivi raised his staff and as he was surrounded by a green light, casting the reflect spell.


Yuna held her staff in a defensive position as she walked through the village of Ur and spotted her intended target. “Ah…There’s Limeliam…” she said quietly to herself. She raised up her staff and began to cast the silence spell.


As she was starting to cast the spell however, Limeliam turned and saw Yuna casting the spell and immediately turned and escaped before the spell could be finished.


“Hmph…The forces of the lifestream here are weak…This place is inadequate for my needs…But those children said that Cloud and a band of heroes are here, so maybe I should have a little fun while I’m here and take them out first.” Sephiroth smirked and drew his Masamune and walked up to an already severely injured Reaymond.

Reaymond attempted to strike at Sephiroth with what little strength he had left but Sephiroth easily moved out of the way.


“Hm…Still got a little fight in you…Can’t have that…” Sephiroth said as he thrust his blade into Reaymond’s chest and smiled as Reaymond took his last breath.


Squall searched everywhere, attempting to find the one he was looking for but his target was nowhere to be found.


Squall gave an annoyed sigh as he went to Kazus to rest for the night. As he entered the town, he looked around seeing Mekal nearby. Squall quickly ducked behind the nearby tree and cast his scan spell.

“Hmm…I see…Well at least this gives me some idea of who you could be…”


Shadow hid as he watched Kat walk it the forest.


Shadow darted quickly from tree to tree, making certain not to make a sound as he closed in on her. Kat came to a stop as she felt she was being followed and Shadow jumped up into the tree, jumped to the tree on the other side of Kat and landed quietly behind her. Shadow quickly drew his dagger, grabbed Kat and put the dagger to her throat. “Don’t move or you die right now.” Shadow quickly cast a poison spell on Kat and released her. Kat turned around trying to get a look at her attacker, but Shadow had already disappeared.


Mekal walked through the field cautiously keeping his eye out for anyone who may have been trying to attack him. Suddenly a strange slender creature in white appeared in front of him.


“What on earth is that?” Mekal said as he swung his weapon at the thing, but it easily dodged his attack.

Nearby, Xemnas watched as the Nobody distracted his target. “This one’s not strong enough to make into a good Nobody…I’ll just get rid of him instead.”


Xemnas charged at Mekal. Mekal heard the footsteps of someone coming up behind him and turned around just in time to see his attacker swing around just in time to watch as Xemnas’ Aerial Blade pierced right through his chest.

“Hmph…Weakling…” Xemnas turned and left as the Dusk followed behind him.

Recruiter: Warriors of Light

1) Kathleen (Poisoned)

2) Mekal (Dead – Killed by Xemnas)

3) Panther

4) Reaymond (Dead – Killed by Cloud and Sephiroth)

5) frozen_in_fire

6) RainThinker

7) Limeliam

8) Puzzlegirl

9) dms172

10) star_tiger

11) crazypainter

12) Silverheart

Day one begins now. Voting will end once all votes are in and it appears they will not change.

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Cloud Strife you idiot... Why did you risk an attack on the first night when it was more than likely that you would kill a hero? The 3 main villains have BTSC so have an extremely good chance to kill a hero on the first night...

Anyway good luck heroes, I hope you avenge my death - it will be hard though without one of your most influential characters... You will need me later on - trust me.

edit:what was that about ghost posts? Oh and kat do you have an ghost popcorn for me - Im hungry...

Edited by reaymond
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Don't forget, when making "ghost posts" make sure it's in gray text.

Edit: A ghost post is a post made when you're dead a game. You may make as many ghost posts as you want, but they cannot reveal any information that only you would know, like your role.

Edited by Prince_Marth85
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