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Sheikh's Heritage


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I thought the wise man told the brothers this:

"There is treasure in the abandon city you are heading to,

far greater than your father's I bet"

Doesn't sound bad eh

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well when I first read it I thought that the wise man had told them to go faster to make the camels tire which would end up making them go slower but when I read the solution it didn't make any sense.

Sheikh’s Heritage - solution

The wise man told them to switch camels.

The aim of the race is for one of the boys and his camel to race to the city and return but the owner of the slowest camel would be declared winner.

By switching camels it meant the new intention was to make the others camel travel fast, therefore making your own camel, which the other rides, the slower of the two. as one would win.

I just don't get it. :unsure::huh:

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Did the wise man say

"Switch Camels"

This way the brothers would race to prove that their opponant's was the fastest camel, therefore theirs was the slowest

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This one is incomplete in the question. There needs to be a line inserted after 'wandering aimlessly....' like "The brothers realized neither was going to concede and agreed to reach some sort of solution." You could make that assumption, but assumptions are bad for these puzzles and without it makes no sense.

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  • 2 months later...


Your over complicating this thing! There could be literally thousands of answers and where do some of you get they switch camels, the passage makes no mention nor suggest it. How about this, from the passage, their father told them to race to the city to see who would inherit the fortune and that the slowest camel would win, he did not say the slowest would win the fortune only insinuated it, the slowest however would definitely win the race. The father told them to race "to see" who would inherit the fortune this could be anybody! The other possibility? The owner of the slowest camel would win the fortune not the sons, they get nothing, after all he did not say the sons would inherit the fortune, only to race to see who would and that would be the owner and since all that is, belongs to the elder of the family, DAD, he still owns his own fortune and the race for the boys is just an edification. For the wise man, I agree this is incomplete he could have told them anything who knows

Edited by profiler
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  • 4 weeks later...

This doesn't make any sense to me. If the sons were wandering around with their camels trying to be slow, they would have not known which camel was slowest. Switching them would not solve the problem. The wise man would not have favored one of the boys so why would he tell them to switch? How does that solve the riddle? :angry:

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This doesn't make any sense to me. If the sons were wandering around with their camels trying to be slow, they would have not known which camel was slowest. Switching them would not solve the problem.

Sure it solves the problem. The problem is not that they didn't know which camel is slowest; the problem is that they are taking forever to get somewhere because neither brother wants to get to the city before the other.

The wise man would not have favored one of the boys so why would he tell them to switch? How does that solve the riddle? :angry:

The wise man tells both of them. He doesn't need to favor one over the other as it helps them equally. It solves the riddle because the brothers wanted a solution to the problem of how to end a "race" where the winner is on the slowest camel.

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